

[Tristan Hayes POV]

'I just had to rule them off, didn't I?' I mused internally, not quite knowing how to suitably react to the recent exposé Malia had gotten from Lydia, who had gotten it from Stiles, who in turn had been informed by Scott, who was notified by an hospitalized Isaac, that somehow got to me, that the twins were Alphas, hence members of the elusive Alpha pack.

Honestly, what kind of jagged plot twist is this?

I really want to know the person who thought that turning fifteen year old twins was a good idea? While I am the last person to talk against how young one was in comparison to their maturity slope, fifteen year old Alphas was a very justified large line that I think has to be drawn.

This also meant that they were probably between age 13 and 14 when they killed or most likely assisted in killing an Alpha, or Alphas since they are twins.

My surprise is very well founded given that they are the youngest Alpha I have seen, along with most people for that matter.

It seems like they tried killing Isaac the night before school resumed but someone somehow saved him and now he is stuck in Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital, a very bad place for a werewolf to be in.

If they truly went after Isaac to kill him, that means that they'll probably try again while he's still in the hospital. Isaac's only hope of survival at this point is Derek and only in the event that he ends up going against a single Alpha.

Satomi strongly forbade us from clashing with the Alpha pack which means the only time I can help is if I see Derek or maybe his beta on the verge of death.

I reckon the twins are here to keep an eye on us, the two members of the Buddhist pack, not just McCall. The surveillance might also extend to Allison and Lydia depending on what they know about them.

"Thankfully, I don't have to do anything. I don't want to imagine what it would feel like fighting against a pack of Alphas, regardless of how excited my blood bubbles at the mere idea of it."

But for some reason, despite the very presence of the Alpha pack acting as an attention billboard and drawing everyone's focus in, I can't help but feel that something else is going on.

My only proof of that is what I felt on the night Erica was kidnapped which I still can't make heads or tails of till now, and the bizarre event with the crows.

For some reason I'm still elusive to, I have this unexplainable understanding with crows, a connection I still haven't put much thought into exploring.

"How cool would it be if I turned into a swarm of crows instead of bats?"

My deal with crows is definitely a vampire thing but for what reason, that I have not the slightest idea of.

The rest of the day was pretty tense and the initial excitement the students had upon coming back to school had all but died down after the crows.

I think the principal is trying to push for a transfer. I think all the stories and the weird things he's seen happening inside the school were all heavy reasons to plead for transfer. The most recent one with the crows this morning just made that decision all the more easier to make.

After practice under an always hyper Coach, the school was forced to close very early and I might have seen McCall and Stiles speeding away in the latter's jeep towards the Hospital.

Looking at the twins, I saw them just smiling as they watched McCall leaving the school premises but did nothing about it.

They turned around and one of them saw me and gave me a salute with a wide grin before they mounted their bikes and zoomed out in the opposite direction that Stiles' jeep left in.

"I finally found a hot guy that isn't you and it's just my luck that he turned out to be an Alpha that's part of a possibly psychopathic and/or sociopathic Alpha's pack. This is not fair."

The whining already told me who it was without me even trying to sense her presence.

"Hey Tristan, how about we hang out?" I heard her say but I just ignored her altogether but then she started proving extra annoying when she followed me inside my car and sat in the passenger seat.

"What are you planning, Lydia?" I asked and finally stared at her. "If you think I'm following either of the twins or McCall, I'm not."

I don't know who gave her the extra dopamine shot but she was feeling a bit adventurous despite what happened in the morning. What I know is that I'm not about to board Lydia Martin's adventure cruise.

"Why not? Aren't you going to help Isaac? Or maybe follow the twins and see if they'll lead you to Erica?" She curiously asked, seemingly confused by my inaction.

"Simple: orders. The current situation is a lot more delicate than you think it is. A little poke here and there and it's a franchise of revenge and death."

"So you're not helping?"

"No. At least not until I have a good reason to." I told her plainly what was essentially a no. "Mind stepping out now? I have dinner to cook."

She folded her hands under her chest and gave me this look that I could make nothing out of. Sometimes I just don't get this girl, and that's saying something when I've spent years with someone like Malia stuck to my side.

"Then I'm coming over to your house, and before you ask, yes I can cook."

I clasped my hands together and pleaded Lydia in a low voice. "Can you please stop bothering me, Lydia? Your car is right there, drive it wherever you want to."

She threw her hands up in exasperation as if she was the one who was feeling fed up. "This is what I mean. You never talk to Allison this way!"

'What is she going on about now?' The thought of leaving her inside the car and going back on foot came to my mind but I kept it as a last resort if I still can get her out.

"Probably because Allison knows better than to uselessly pester me every now and then. And unlike what you might think, I've talked to Allison with harsher words than you've ever been subjected to. Just what do you want from me, Lydia Martin?"

For a man of few to almost no words, something about the school and its people keeps making me have to say more than necessary because they just don't take a hint or won't understand until you stress it out.

'And now she's smiling? Will she still have that freely hanging smile on her face if she knows how close I am to drinking her blood to a dry husk? Just a claw to the throat and she's gone. Permanently.'

"Hmm. What do I want from Tristan Hayes? Just what is it that I might want from you?" A rhetorical question neither she nor I had an answer to.

'Where's Malia when you need her?' Malia is the best defense against people and situations like this. No longer putting much concern to whatever she might say, I kicked the car into ignition and started driving us home. My home.

Surprisingly, she didn't say anything throughout the ride except a few reactions from her phone.

My honest thoughts on Lydia Martin: I don't like her. I don't hate her. I find her annoying, exceedingly so. I find her sensible whenever the situation calls for it. She's weak-hearted. She's oddly determined. She's vain, greatly so. She's content with what she has, taking great pride in it. She's random. She's predictable.

At the end of it all, all I'm left with is the Lydia Martin I get in the moment.

I don't hate Lydia Martin, but I don't try to like her either.

"What are you cooking?" She asked after stepping inside the house, with me heading to the kitchen to prep up a few things and see what I can make from what's available.

"Still deciding."

Since Malia said she would be bringing Allison over, I had to make more food and somehow Lydia helped to the point that it almost felt natural.

"Random question: how do people see me in general?" Oh yeah, she started throwing out random questions and making me ask mine as we prepared the food.

"Beautiful. Popular. Can definitely bag her a few times with a good enough body and a nice face, as long as she's not going through a tantric phase."

"Mhm. Interesting." Was all she said before asking another question, about me this time. "Random question: how many friends do you have?"

"Just two. Allison and Boyd." I replied, and then asked one of mine.

"Random question: who is Lydia Martin?"





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