
Silent confrontation

'Let me guess, the information on a mayadere would soon appear.' Tristan mused.


[A Mayadere is a type of character typically female who starts as an antagonist with harmful intentions towards the protagonist but may switch sides due to falling in love or forming a unique bond. Despite this, they retain some of their violent traits, and their past actions are not instantly forgiven, requiring a greater effort to completely redeem themselves. They are also prone to manipulation and can be difficult to fully trust.]

'Intriguing, another who desires my life... but more... bold.' Tristan thought as he skimmed through the rest of the data.

[WARNING: High potential for malicious manipulation detected. Proceed with caution.]

The warning was clear, there was a hint of manipulation hidden beneath her cordial facade. This made the situation more delicate and increased the need for discretion.

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