
From Advisor to Dawnbringer

The crowd was dispersed by the Dawn Lady's command and she led the young man to the war room she used to discuss strategy and the situation of the war against evil with her advisors but this time, she wanted to know what a Dawnbringer would look like and how they would be. Reynold's body had begun to recover, the terrible pain dissipating as he walked up the stairs of the Dawn Legion headquarters, "So, you are a Dawnbringer."

"I am," Julia stood by and looked at her boyfriend both confused and with admiration. She was impressed but bewildered by what it all meant, "My patron of light is."

"Ternos Aver," A man made of light appeared in the room and cut off his new apprentice, "I was the last Dawnbringer of my era, Reynold Iver is the first of his."

"I have read your book, Dawnbringer," The Dawn Lady replied, "I am just wondering why Reynold," Ternos's light body formed a confused expression and then shook his head.

"Mortal eyes of the living are blind to the true values and wants of other mortals."

"What does that mean?" Julia asked. Ternos side-eyed her then looked back at the Dawn Lady. A strange silence lingered as the patron of light seemed to be formulating an explanation.

"I am no longer alive, I can observe without rest for longer than you could, I can focus on what you cannot," He finally broke the silence he had created himself, "Your mother should understand it while you are simply too young to really understand these things."

"I urge you to correct the way you speak to Julia Holi, Ternos," Reynold glared at his patron, "As much as my conviction is strong, I would expect you to not simply insult those who are part of the motivation for me to fight for the light and not turn to simply fighting for the stronger side."

"Very well, I apologize for my misplaced comment, Lady Holi," Ternos bowed his head and then returned to his simple, hand on blade stance to continue his explanation.

"What do you mean 'the stronger side', Reynold?"

"He is correct, Lady Holi," The patron of light replied, "The dark lord is building his strength to strike against the land touched by light," The patron of light pointed at the maps on the table, "Reynold has been observing the movements of the fronts and there has been nothing yet his eye of darkness has provided him with ideas of what is going on behind the lines and deep into the darkness."

"Why have you not told me this before?" The Dawn Lady glared at her young advisor, "This is important information."

"It is also very recent information," The young man retorted, "I had not finished analyzing my own research about the front, Dawn Lady, Ternos did it for me it seems."

"How does this connection work?" Julia spoke up as she noticed the uncanny pairing of the patron of light and the new Dawnbringer, "How much do you know Ternos?"

"I am connected to his mind until he becomes a full Dawnbringer."

"When will that be?"

"When his trials lead him to the glory of light," The patron replied without giving a precise explanation, "The dark lands will be attacking soon, a Dawnbringer can achieve powers of light that those beasts will fear more so than they already fear him."

"How can he acquire those powers?" The Dawn Lady asked as she looked at where the light figure pointed at on the map. The fact that this recent recruit had gained so much importance in the Legion was already throwing her off, now that he was an actual Dawnbringer, she couldn't get her ideas to flow properly and her plans were being overturned left, right and center.

Julia approached Reynold, worried by his sudden change, only to be met by the same eyes she had seen when he had told her he loved her and the eyes he had when they first met. It was still him, he was still Reynold and not some puppet made for the vengeance of light against darkness, "What can Reynold do to learn these things?"

"He needs to be pushed, but harmless training will do little to nothing," Ternos explained, "What was the silent front that you were looking at, Reynold?"

"The Dewfield-Treefall front, this segment here," He replied, indicating with his finger the frontline as the Dawn Lady arduously kept up with their conversation, "A push through here would allow penetration into easily defendable terrain."

"We are not attacking anywhere," The Dawn Lady replied.

"I agree with Lady Holi, Reynold," The patron of light added, "You are to go to the heavy fighting fronts."

"Why?" Julia added as she curiously looked at the maps. Ternos looked at her instead of side-eying her and replied in a very simple manner.

"He is to slaughter and kill until his body reaches a limit and then surpasses that limit," Ternos shrugged, "The brand of light will permit his body to use the powers of light but it needs to be pushed to use it."

"When do you need to head to the front? The northern Ravenwood front would be the heaviest fighting for you to train."

"He will need the proper armor and weapons of a modern era Dawnbringer."

"My blacksmiths will accommodate any requests, Ternos."

"Good, Reynold, you will need to go and request the proper things from the blacksmiths," The legionnaire nodded as the patron of light faded and he stood silently as both of the Holi women looked at him.

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