While washing her face, Anderson remembered she read a novel 'Shadow Girl' and it was based on a true life event. She recalled that the writer was just forty years old when she wrote it and there's every possibility that she'll still be alive.
The story was somehow connected to what was happening to her. She went back to her room and searched for the woman's name on google. She quickly wrote down the address and went to take her bath.
An hour later, she left the school and went to the address she wrote down but a woman there told her she moved out a year ago.
"Okay mam but do you at least knows where she lives now?
"No one has ever looked for her since she moved out, her house is not too far away. It's just Blackman's street, you'll go a little bit deeper and her house is the only blue painted house there."
"Oh okay, thank you so much mam."
"It's alright."
Anderson left and followed the direction given to her by the woman, it wasn't a long walk and she got there faster than she thought.
She got to the house and knocked on the door but no one opened, she knocked again but there was still no response. She sighed helplessly and was about to leave when a woman in her 50s opened.
Anderson sighed in relief when she saw the woman. "Hi mam, are you Mrs Valderisa?"
"Yes and what are you here for?"
"Please mam, can we talk?"
"Okay go on."
"Erm...mam, it's really not suitable for us to talk about it outside." Anderson paused then whispered to her ear. "It's about dark magic."
The woman immediately rushed her in. "Come in now."
The both walked into the living room and Anderson sat down, Valderisa walked inside her room and later on came back with a book.
She quickly sat on a chair opposite Anderson and opened the book.
She pointed to a man in the book. "Have you seen this man before?"
Anderson shook her head. "No."
Valderisa closed the book in confusion. "How come you are here to talk about dark magic when you haven't encountered it. Do you think this is child's play?"
Anderson immediately shook her head. "No no no, that's not it. There was a day I read a book called dark magic, I read the contents on that book and since then strange things has been happening."
Valderisa immediately found interest in what she was saying. "Was that only the contents on the book?"
"You don't remember anything that happens but later found yourself doing something you never remembered you started?"
Anderson nodded. "Yes that's exactly it, for the past few days, I've been doing what I had never remembered doing, whenever I try to remember the things I was doing, it's always black out after that."
The woman was still a little confused. "Then if you don't remember, why do you bother to come?"
Anderson kept quiet for a while before saying. "When I woke up this morning, my roommate told me I said some strange things while sleeping."
"And what was that?"
"She said I was telling Madison my sister, that I'll kill her and after that, I called a man my love and told him that Madison won't let us accomplish our mission and I'll kill her before midnight."