
Chapter 918: Returning to the Palace

When Yumo saw Gaslin suddenly use an artifact to attempt an escape, she felt joy.

After all, Once these Church Nation knights had their attention drawn by him, she might have a chance to escape in the chaos. Unfortunately, Gaslin was too incompetent. Before even half a minute had passed, his escape plan ended in failure, leaving Yumo quite disappointed.

Damn useless fellow.

Therefore, Yumo had no choice but to start thinking again about how to extricate herself from this predicament and escape this awkward situation.

And just as the girl was pondering, an unexpected cry of shock suddenly reached her ears, causing Yumo to be stunned.

"Empress Consort, Your Highness?!!"


What?? Empress Consort, Your Highness?

This form of address, unfamiliar yet slightly familiar, caused Yumo to instantly furrow her brows, and her thoughts immediately returned to reality. Then, she saw a scene that left her dumbfounded.

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