
Chapter 235: Sea Monster

After the end of the long summer, the north was getting colder day by day.

The further north you go, the colder it becomes.

The White knife River has been covered with a thick layer of ice, allowing the army to pass.

Theon Greyjoy pondered that he could reach Winterfell by crossing the river and walking along the King's Road for two days.

However, he did not feel any joy at returning home.

It's not his home.

Theon once thought it was, but unfortunately, no one else thought so.

It is true that he is the adopted son of Lord Eddard Stark, but after all, he bears the surname of the sea monster family.

Moreover, his father Balon Greyjoy once again claimed to be the King of the Iron Islands and sent troops to plunder the North.

Theon could feel the rejection and disgust of everyone around him. Ser Rodrik, who had personally taught him swordsmanship, Robb Stark, who was once as close to him as a brother...even the person he once regarded as his true father, Lord Eddard Stark.

On the banks of the Trident, he really wanted to stay and fight for Lord Eddard, but unfortunately, he was rejected.

Northerners didn't trust him.

It's ridiculous that he grew up in Winterfell, and he once naively thought that he was also a member of the North.

But in the end, people still regard him as an Ironborn.

*Pa -*

Someone tapped him on the shoulder. When Theon came back to his senses, he saw Robb Stark handing him a water bag and said, "Drink some wine to warm yourself up."

Theon took it, took a big gulp, and really felt a warmth from head to toe, and couldn't help but smile .

Robb also smiled: "Don't think nonsense; my father is your father, and you are a fool if you think otherwise as I have always regarded you as my brother."

Theon smiled even happier, showing eight teeth.

At this moment, the Sentinel riders came back and reported that the army heading south from Winterfell was spotted ahead.

After waiting for a moment, Ser Jory Kelso, captain of the Winterfell guards, appeared on the King's Road leading an army of three hundred men.

After the two sides met, Sir Jory said: "Lord Robb, we received a request for help from Torrhen Square. They are being attacked by the Ironborn."

When he said this, he couldn't help but glance at Theon.

Theon bit his cheek and said nothing.

Robb immediately said: "The Ironborn have actually attacked Torrhen Square? We will also accompany you!"

Sir Rodrik immediately stopped him: "Lord Eddard said you must stay in Winterfell.. I will take another three hundred people with Jory to support Torrhen Square City."

Robb remembered his father's instructions and had no choice but to nod.

At this moment, Theon suddenly said: "Please let me accompany you !"

Rodrik frowned subconsciously, and then asked Robb for instructions with his eyes.

Robb looked at Theon's firm eyes, hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded and said: "Okay."

Theon excitedly turned the horse's head, and headed west.

The group left the King's Road and headed towards Torrhen Square City.

After traveling for four days, when he saw that he was approaching Torrhen Square, Sir Jory ordered the camp to be set, and at the same time sent sentries to check the situation.

But when the sentry came back, he brought surprising news.

"The Ironborn have withdrawn their troops?"

"Yes, my lord. Not only the Ironborn in Torrhen Square have withdrawn, but also the Ironborn in the Stony Coast, Saltspear Flats, and Cape Kraken area have withdrawn."

"Why? Withdraw the troops? Isn't King Balon ready to continue fighting the North?"

"I don't know."

All the people from the North looked at each other, and theon was also dumbfounded.

For a moment, he didn't know whether he should be happy or depressed.

"Sir, Count Tallhart of Torrhen Square City invites you to come to the city to rest."

Ser Jory looked at the dark sky and the camp that had been set up behind him, and said, "It's too late today; we will visit them tomorrow."


Theon left the camp, ate some dry food, and then retreated into his tent to rest.

But he couldn't fall asleep despite tossing and turning.

The Ironborn have retreated, which should be good news for him, as he won't have to attack his own people.

But in this way, he could not prove his loyalty to the people in the North.

Just when Theon was tossing and turning, there was a sudden commotion outside the tent.

He didn't pay attention at first, but the commotion became louder and louder, and gradually turned into shouts and screams - "The Ironborn are here! The Ironborn are here!"

Theon rushed out of the camp and saw the camp full of flames, with fighting and blood everywhere.


When the dim light of morning dispelled the darkness, the northern captives were gathered in a corner of the camp and surrounded by wooden fences.

"I am really the son of King Balon!" Theon moved forward , came to the wooden fence, and shouted outside, "Really! My name is Theon Greyjoy. Who is your commander? Tell him my name, he will know me!"

Sir Jory yelled angrily: "Theon! Lord Eddard has raised you for more than ten years! He treated you as his own son..."

"What 'bloody son' !" Theon turned around.

and pointed at the captain of the Winterfell guards, "I am the son of King Balon! Eddard Stark has taking me as a hostage!"

After that, he continued to shout to the Ironborn outside.

After a while, a female Ironborn finally came over, cut off Theon's rope and took him out of the prison camp.

"Your commander is finally willing to see me?" Theon asked as he limped along.

"Yes." The female Ironborn led him to a tent.

But there was no one else in the tent.

Theon asked in confusion: "Who is your commander? Isn't he here yet?"

The female Ironborn took out a bandage and said, "The commander asked me to bandage your wound first."

"Okay. By the way, who is your commander? Aeron the Damphair? Or Victarion?"

"You'll find out later."

Theon curled his lips, a little dissatisfied with the woman's pretense of mystery.

Only then did he have time to examine the female Ironborn in front of him. She had a slender figure, long legs, weathered skin, and strong arms. She was a true Ironborn.

Her face was very thin, not particularly beautiful, but she had a pair of charming eyes.

"What's your name?" Theon asked.


"Ysgrid, do you know who I am?"

"Didn't you say so yourself? King Balon's son, Theon Greyjoy," the woman smiled.

This sweet smile captured Theon's heart immediately.

"Since you know, why weren't you nice to me?"

The woman showed a charming smile again: "Lord Theon, you are so injured, and you still have the intention to make fun of me?"

"This kind of injury is nothing for a real Ironborn."

Theon straightened his back, "And I am the prince of the Iron Islands! The future king of the Iron Islands!"

"Okay, okay, your distinguished prince."

Theon couldn't help but touch her arm.

She didn't move away.

He then had to go to great lengths to hug her waist.

"Your Highness, I am already married," the woman reminded, but still did not hide away, "And I'm pregnant."

Theon glanced at the woman's belly, and then inexplicably became more excited.

Theon said, "Which lucky fool married you?"

"I am Farwynd's wife."

"Farwynd?" Theon tried hard to remember the name, but he only remembered that it seemed to be an Iron Islands shipbuilder , he said, "It's a waste for you to marry him."


The woman showed a charming smile again, "Then who should I marry? You?"

That won't work.

Theon secretly wondered how he could marry a commoner.

But it is possible to be a lover.

"Dear Ysgrid," Theon boldly hugged the woman and went for her lips, "People in the Green Land say that women who are favored by princes will give birth to noble blood."

"Really? But I already have lowly blood in my belly."

"I can make it noble."

"Really?" The woman reached out to unbutton the man's pants.

"Of course!" Theon was extremely excited, but just when he was about to take a step further, the woman suddenly broke away.

Theon's pants fell to the ground, and he asked doubtfully: "What's wrong?"

"Look at your ugly appearance, brother," the woman seemed to have changed into a different person, pointing at Theon's bare lower body, her eyes full of contempt, "No , to think that you have only learned these things in Winterfell after so many years."

"Brother, brother?" Theon was stunned, and the appearance of the woman in front of him suddenly merged with the face that had been blurred in his memory.

No! impossible! She can't be Asha!

"What's wrong, brother, you don't recognize me anymore?" Asha Greyjoy quickly twirled the dagger between her fingers, "Don't you want to see the commander of this army? Here she is ."

No! Impossible!

Theon was still trying to reject reality, "Where are the pimples on your face?"

"The pimples will disappear when the body matures," the sharp dagger flew between Asha's fingers, faster and faster, and it looked thrilling.

Only then did Theon realize the reality and hurriedly put on his pants:

"Why didn't you tell me earlier!"

"Then how can I know what kind of person you are now? Good brother, it seems that the famous Northern Wolf King didn't teach you anything good."

Theon recalled what he had just done and felt ashamed and angry.

"Didn't you withdraw your troops? Why did you come back again? Was the withdrawal fake?" Theon just wanted to change the subject quickly.

"It's true. My father did give the order to withdraw the troops. But, then i heard that someone came to support Torrhen Square City, so i led my army to kill them back and caught the northerners by surprise. How was it? Am I very smart?"

Theon snorted with a sullen face, unwilling to admit his sister's excellence.

Asha laughed and said: "Don't deny it, Theon, I am the most suitable heir to my father's throne, and you are just a fool who can only think with his lower body."

"Nonsense! I am my father's only son! First in line to be King of the Iron Islands!" Theon shouted.

Asha looked disdainful: "You have been raised in Winterfell for more than ten years; are you already a wolf?"

"Of course not!" Theon suddenly had an idea and said, "You just defeated a northern army. What's the big deal, I can capture Winterfell!"

The dagger flying between Asha's fingers suddenly stopped: "What did you say?"

Theon puffed up his chest again, with a proud smile on his face:

"I said, I can bring Winterfell down !"


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