
Chapter 224 Choice

  "Is this the reason why you rejected Doran?"

  In the foggy bathroom, Samwell and Margaery had a frank conversation.

  "Yes. I really don't like Arianne."

  "But Princess Arianne is quite beautiful." Margaery deliberately blew hot air into the man's ear, "Are you really not moved?"

  "Arianne is indeed Beautiful, but so stupid. If I marry her, I will face countless troubles."

Samwell kissed the pink face of the girl in his arms. After a sip, "It's better for you to save me the trouble."

  Margaery giggled, causing ripples in the bathtub: "Then you are not worried that Prince Doran will hold a grudge and completely fall to the Lannister family ?"

  "It doesn't matter." Samwell shrugged, "How much strength does Dorne have now? I guess they may not even be able to gather 10,000 regular troops. The Martell family can no longer affect the overall situation."

  "What if Prince Daulan chooses to side with Stannis Baratheon and release all the captured armies of the Three Realms?"

  "Nope." Samwell shook his head firmly,

"These prisoners of the Three Realms is the most important bargaining chip in the hands of Prince Doran.

It can even be said to be his only bargaining chip to influence the situation of the Seven Kingdoms.

He will not hand it over so easily. What's more, the Martell family actually does not want to see Stannis Baratheon quickly defeat the Lannister family and ascended the Iron Throne."


  "Because the Martell family also want to see the Seven Kingdoms in chaos."

Samwell explained, "Earl Leyton Hightower told me that on the continent of Essos across the narrow sea, the last bloodline of the Targaryen family also successfully hatched a dragon."

  Margaery was stunned for a moment, and then exclaimed: "Daenerys... Targaryen? She also has a dragon?"

  "Yes, and there are three dragons." Samwell's tone was inevitably a little sour.

  Margaery smiled and gave him a sweet kiss, while comforting: "But you have the support of the Reach. Isn't it much better than two young dragons."

  When the man showed his smile again, she continued to ask:

  "So , Are you saying that the Martell family is secretly supporting Daenerys?"

  "Yes. Quentyn of the Martell family has a secret engagement with Daenerys."

Samwell sighed, " In fact, this is the real reason why I rejected Doran. This guy is obviously hedging his bets, and I suspect that he only wants to make me a target to attract firepower to pave the way for Daenerys. Wear Aegon's crown , marry two more wives, he really wants me to become a public enemy of the whole realm." "

  "Dolan's approach is not surprising." Margaery's eyes moved and said, "After all, there are three dragons over there, and you only have one, and he also has to share it with the Reach."

  "Yes. That's why I rejected him. There are not many benefits by forming an alliance with the Martell family, but a lot of trouble. "

  "What about forming an alliance with the Tyrell family ?"

Margaery's eyes were as charming as silk, and she used her body to tease the man, "Is it more trouble or more benefits?"

  "Of course it is more benefits!" Samwell felt the girl's soft body caressing his body, and said honestly.

  "But then you won't be able to marry Princess Arianne. She is a great beauty. Isn't it a pity?"

  "I don't care about that crazy woman she can marry anyone she likes."

  "Then...What about Natalie Dayne ?"

  Samwell paused and said, "I've always regarded her as my sister."

  "Really?" Margaery's smile was trembling with waves.

  How could Samwell let her be so presumptuous? He immediately grabbed the girl's waist and started working underwater.


  After entering autumn, even the sun in Dorne was not as fierce as before.

  White clouds floated in the blue sky, changing into various strange shapes.

  Samwell stood under the grape trellis, looking at the two girls in front of him who were happily picking grapes, feeling comfortable and relaxed.

  Nowadays, with the growth of Eagle Island winemaking industry, Starfall City has also begun to grow mountain grapes, becoming one of the raw material supply bases for brandy.

  This was also secretly promoted by Samwell, hoping to strengthen economic and trade ties between the two places.

  The effect looked very good, and now more than a dozen mountain grape plantations, large and small, have been built near Starfall City.

  Samwell looked at these plantations, and an idea suddenly came to his mind -

  maybe conquering Dorne does not necessarily require the use of force...

  "Sam!" Two bright and pretty faces appeared in front of him, interrupting his thoughts.

  "What's the matter? Have you finished picking?"

  "No, I just saw that you haven't moved for a while. So i came to take a look." Margaery smiled and stuffed a grape into her man's mouth.

  Sweet and sour, juicy and watery.

  "You don't have to worry about me." Samwell said with a smile. Seeing Natalie also handing over a grape, he quickly caught it with his mouth.

  The two girls played with him for a while, and then continued to pick grapes together.

  Samwell followed swayingly behind, constantly refining the idea that just came up in his mind.

  Soon, an invasion plan quietly took shape targeting Dorne's fragile agriculture.

  But the plan needs Reach support.

  Samwell decided to discuss it with Lady Olenna, the "Queen of Thorns" after returning to Highgarden.

  At this moment, the squire Noah Rowan trotted over and said,

  "Sir, an old knight wants to meet you."

  "Old knight?" Samwell was stunned for a moment, and wanted to say why don't you report the other person's name ?

  But the next second, he realized something. He turned to look outside the vineyard and saw an old man in a gray linen robe being stopped by the guards.

The man had his head wrapped in a gauze scarf and his face could not be seen clearly.

  "Bring him here." Samwell ordered, already guessing who the other party was.

  Soon, the old man came to Samwell.

  "Ser Barristan, welcome to Starfall City." Samwell greeted with a smile.

  "Viscount Caesar." The old knight was not wearing a white armor looked as if he was naked and his aura was much weaker.

  "Are you here to see Lady Ashara?" Samwell looked at the old man with narrow eyes.

  Ser Barristan had a rare blush:

  "I have already met Lady Ashara and was about to leave but when I heard that you were coming, So i waited to see you."

  "You want to leave? I take the liberty to ask. , where are you going?"

Samwell had already guessed where the other party was going and hesitated whether to ask him to stay.

  "Across the Narrow Sea," Ser Barristan said calmly, "I heard from sailors who came from a long voyage that there is a girl there who hatched three dragons."

  "I also have a dragon." Samwell still tried to persuade him.

  "But you are not a Targaryen." Ser Barristan said firmly.

  Others may suspect that Samwell is a descendant of the Targaryen family, but having been a Kingsguard for decades, the Targaryen royal family has no secrets in Barristan's eyes. Of course, he knows that Samwell cannot be of true dragon blood. .

  In Barristan's opinion, Samwell is at best a remnant of the Blackfire.

  Samwell crossed his arms and asked with a smile:

  "Ser Barristan, you have served so many kings. In your opinion, what kind of person is most suitable to rule the Seven Kingdoms?"

  "Who should rule the Seven Kingdoms ?"

"This is decided by the gods."

Barristan said calmly, "This choice must not be left to mortals, otherwise it will definitely cause endless war and death. This is what I understand after being a kingsguard in for so long. ."

  Bloodline determinism.

  Samwell became little uninterested: "Then why did you come to see me?"

  "I want to remind you that dragons are not only gifts from the gods, but they are also the source of tragedy. Especially a young dragon, it can bring you support. At the same time, it will also attract endless malice."

  Samwell raised his eyebrows and chuckled: "You are not the little girl who wants to persuade me to go with you to the other side of the Narrow Sea, are you?"

  Barristan's eyes were sincere. And firmly: "She is the last descendant of the true dragon bloodline, and she is the destined queen."

  Samwell laughed: "Aegon Targaryen did not rely on destiny to conquer the Seven Kingdoms, he relied on blood and fire. Ser Barristan, since you have made up your mind, I wish you a safe journey."

  Barristan did not persuade him anymore, bowed and turned to leave.

  Samwell looked calmly at the old knight's back .

  "Sam, who was that just now?" Margaery came over at some point and asked quietly.

  "Barristan Selmy."

  "Is it him?" Margaery's hummed, "He didn't come to seek refuge with you?" "

  "No. He is going to the other side of the Narrow Sea to find Daenerys."

  " What a pity." Margaery pursed her red lips, "That is Barristan Selmy. In the eyes of most Westeros, whoever he fights for is the legitimate king."

"Forget it , this kind of thing cannot be forced."

Samwell said indifferently, "Besides, I am not suitable for being too high-profile now. If Barristan stands behind me with a sword and armor, I am afraid it will attract more firepower to me. ."

  "Yes." Margery was relieved immediately.

  "That old grandpa, he secretly met my mother before." Natalie suddenly said.

  Samwell looked strange: "Since he met secretly, how did you know?"

  Natalie chuckled: "My bird saw it."

  Then Samwell remembered that this girl is also a skinchanger, a crow.

  "They didn't do anything, did they?" Samwell suddenly started gossiping.

  "What can they do?" Natalie looked confused. "Just talking. I thought he was an old friend of my mother's."

  Samwell shrugged, feeling that he was overthinking.

  A person like Barristan Selmy would only treat his oath as his wife and his duty as his son.

  Even if he has feelings for Ashara, he will show his affection and stop being there.

  As for the "queen" that the other party was prepared to pledge allegiance to, Samwell also had the idea of surrendering to her, but in the end he did not take action.

  After all, if he goes to the other side of the Narrow Sea, he may only become the man behind the queen. Only by staying in Westeros to develop his own power can he possibly ascend the Iron Throne and become Caesar.


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