
Chapter 183

Chapter 183 Time

  The battle broke out suddenly.

  Throwing away the corpse in his hand, Samwell sighed that the "Red Viper" is really poisonous, he then picked his [Peacekeeper] and prepared to fight.

  It seemed that the Dornishmen were really concerned about the four statues of the Seven Gods blocking the gate on the first floor, so they didn't take out battering rams to hit them. Instead, they brought a climbing ladder and tried to breach from the second floor.

  Perhaps in the eyes of the Dornish people, it is not a problem to take down this temple, so there is no need to blaspheme the Seven Gods.

  Don't know if they will still be so pious when they are unable to breach for a long time.

  Although the Seven Gods restrained the Dornishmen, the battle was still fierce.

  After all, the sept is not a special fortress, and it is not suitable for defence. Moreover, the defenders are all cavalry. Regardless of weapon configuration or combat skills, they are more inclined to charge on the battlefield. It seems a bit rusty to deal with this kind of offensive and defensive battle.

  Less than two hours after the battle started, the Dornishmen rushed into the second floor, drawing the battle into the cruellest close quarters.

  Samwell swung his Warhammer so fiercely that almost no one could block his blow.

  Even if the Dornishman held up their shield, it was useless. Under the blessing of Samwell's terrifying power, with a hammer, the shield was torn apart, and the Dornishman behind him also vomited blood and flew wildly.

  But even so, it cannot prevent the overall situation from gradually developing in an unfavourable direction.

  There were too many Dornish people.

  The companions around Samwell fell one by one, and soon even his younger brother Dickon was injured.

  In desperation, he had no choice but to pull out the giant sword behind his back.

  As soon as [Dawn] came out, the battlefield was immediately cleared, and more than a dozen Dornishmen turned into burning men.

  This horrible scene seemed to press the pause button for the attack.

  But it was only a pause, not an end. After a short period of fear, the Dornishmen rushed forward again.

  They are professional soldiers, not the civilians like Sandstone City, and their ability to accept death is not at the same level.

  What's more, this time there is the "Red Viper" Prince Oberyn personally supervising the battle below.

  The madness of the Dornish people can be imagined.

  Samwell swung his sword again and killed more than a dozen people, but after all, he didn't dare to swing the third sword. If the third sword could not scare off the Dornishmen, he could only be slaughtered.

  Seemingly seeing that Samwell could not swing the third sword again, the Dornishman came over more ferociously.

  Seeing that the situation was about to collapse, the Dornish people suddenly receded like a tide.

  Samwell breathed a sigh of relief, but couldn't help wondering what was going on.

  When he released the falcon to hover high in the sky, he realized that it was the Iron Throne army outside the north city gate that had begun to attack, and the Dornishmen naturally ignored them.

  However, in order to prevent the people in the sept from coming out to make trouble, Prince Oberyn still left some soldiers to surround the Sept.

  Samwell and others finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  In just half a day, they lost more than 60 soldiers under the crazy attack of the Dornish people. Such a huge casualty filled the sept with an atmosphere of sadness and even despair.

  "Everyone, don't worry!" Earl Yohn stood up again to boost morale, "The Dornishmen won't last long! The Iron Throne's army has captured the tower once, and they will definitely be able to capture a second time! We only need to hold on for a few days, We will definitely be able to wait for victory!"

  Afterwards, he led the crowd to pray to the Seven Gods.

  The mood of the soldiers gradually eased, at least on the surface, there was nothing unusual.

  Samwell helped his brother deal with the wound on his arm, but his mood was not so relaxed.

  He watched the siege battle outside the north city gate through the eyes of the falcon just now and found that the offensive of the Iron Throne army was not as fierce as expected...

  This situation is clearly not normal.

  If the city had been captured once just now, the Iron Throne's army should be coming aggressively at this moment.

  Samwell quietly told Earl Yohn what he had observed.

  "We can't control the attack outside the city." Earl Yohn was also a little helpless, "No matter what is going on outside, the only thing we can do is to guard the sept and try to contain the Dornish troops."

Samwell also had some have no choice.

  Yes, they are trapped in the enemy's city, and there is nothing to do but hold out in the sept.

  In the next few days, the Dornishmen launched more than a dozen attacks on the sept, but the attacks were obviously not as ferocious as the first time. It seemed that the army outside the northern city still held back their main energies.

  Even so, the casualties in the sanctuary continued to rise day by day, and morale continued to drop.

  And supply was also a problem.

  The dry food they were carrying was not lacking, but the freshwater had been drunk, and there was no water source in the sept, so Earl Yohn reluctantly gave the order to kill the horse.

  Although horse blood is fishy and dry, it can at least quench your thirst.

  On the ninth day, it rained, and it seemed like a carnival day in the sept. Everyone gathered on the second floor, stuck their heads out of the window, and opened their mouths to catch the rainwater.

  Seeing this, the Dornishmen immediately launched an attack, and the two sides fought again in the rain.

  The blood mixed with the rain was flowing wantonly on the ground, and the scene had a strange beauty.

  This attack lasted half a day, and the Dornishmen fell back again.

  Samwell walked to the first floor of the hall, wet all over, and was about to take off his armour to rest, but a vale knight ran over and said, "Lord Caesar, Earl Yohn...is seriously injured."

  Samwell was slightly startled because, From the expression of the Vale knight, he realized that Earl Yohn's injury was probably more serious than the so-called serious injury...

  He didn't care about taking off his armour and quickly followed the Vale Knight to the north side of the hall.

  "I've said it earlier, this bronze armour can't save your life." Earl Yohn was still in the mood to joke when he saw Samwell coming.

  Samwell squatted down and carefully inspected the injury, and saw that an arrow had penetrated Earl Yohn's left chest through a gap on the side of the armour, and blood had already flowed all over the floor.

  The earl's second son, Sir Robar Royce, tried to stop his father's bleeding, but to no avail.

  "Okay, Robar, don't bother." Earl Yohn was very appreciative, "Father..." Robar was already sobbing...

  Earl Yohn looked at Samwell and said,

  "Lord Caesar, I can't continue to command, so I leave the command of this cavalry to you. I hope you can lead them to the final victory."

  "Okay." Samwell nodded heavily.

  "Your armour is no good either." Earl Yohn suddenly pointed at Samwell.

  Indeed, this set of armour on Samwell's body has become scarred from the fierce melee combat. A large piece of the breastplate was dented, and the lobster gauntlet on his right hand was simply split open.

  "Put on mine, I don't need it anyway."

  Samwell was stunned for a moment and saw that Earl Yohn had signalled his son Robar to help him take off his armour.

  "I..." Samwell had mixed feelings, and finally accepted Earl Yohn's kindness, "I will definitely not disappoint you!"

  Earl Yohn took off his armour with difficulty, panted for a long time, and then said in an extremely weak tone: "If you can help me kill the red viper snake, this set of armour will be yours."

  "Father!" Sir Robar became anxious when he heard that his father wanted to give the family's inherited armour to others.

  But Earl Yohn had already made up his mind, staring into Samwell's eyes, and asked, "How about it? Do you dare to accept it? I won't lie to you, for thousands of years, there has been no one wearing this set of armour had a good death. They all died on the battlefield."

  Samwell shuddered slightly as if he finally understood why this "Bronze Yohn" had been so obsessed.

  "Is there a curse on this set of bronze armour?"

  "Haha, maybe. You choose."

  Samwell only hesitated for a moment and began to take off his armour.

  Earl Yohn showed appreciation and said:

  "Curse and blessing are two sides of a coin. Lord Caesar, as long as you can bear the curse, you will welcome the blessings of the gods."

Samwell held up the bronze armour with both hands, Only to find that there is not a trace of blood on it, no scratches left by any swords, as if nothing can leave marks on it, except for the lines of the bronze itself and the weird spells like hieroglyphics.

  This is a set of relatively light armour, which does not affect the movement at all, but because of this, its protection range is smaller than that of heavy steel plate armour.

  When Samwell wore it, he didn't even need the help of his attendants, he could do it by himself.

  Earl Yohn kept staring at Samwell, with an inexplicable look in his eyes:

  "Remember her name..."

  After a pause, Earl Jorn's voice came again: "Time."

  "Time?" Feeling the cold and vast aura coming from the armour, Samwell couldn't help mumbling and repeating.

  "[Time]." Earl Yohn repeated, staring at the bronze armour as if he had travelled through thousands of years and seen the scene of the ancient era, "Time washes away everything, but we remember."

As Samwell wore the bronze helmet, Earl Yohn's words suddenly seemed very far away.

  The light and shadow flowed in front of his eyes, and the fog filled the air.

  When his vision was solidified again, Samwell found that there was a huge ice wall in front of him. It covered the sky and the sun, stretching between the mountains and fields as if dividing the world into two parts.

  The Wall!

  The icy cold that hit his face made Samwell tremble slightly. He looked around, and there were weirwood trees everywhere he could see.

  Old faces were engraved on the tree trunk, and blood-red juice flowed from the eyes.

  The shadows gathered and coiled among the trees, gradually forming seven figures.

  They were wearing ancient bronze armour, and the leader was actually Samwell himself!

  He was startled suddenly, the world was spinning, and his illusions were shattered.

  With one last glance, he saw a woman who looked like an ice sculpture.

  She doesn't have a breath of life, pale skin, pale lips, pale eyes, the only colour is the winter snow rose wreath on her head.

  The only red colour was so dazzling in the pale world.

  Like blood.

  The cries in his ears brought Samwell back to reality, and he looked down, only to find that Earl Yohn had closed his eyes.

  The bronze armour still emitted bursts of cold air, as if reminding him of something.

  Samwell bowed to Earl Yohn's body to salute, and then couldn't help blurting out the family language of the Royce family:

  "We remember."


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