
Chapter 89

Chapter 89 High hermitage City

  The Torentine River starts from the eastern foot of the Red Mountains, goes southwest, and finally merges into the Summer Sea.

  As the name suggests, this river is famous for its Turbulent flow. However, near High hermitage City, the river channel suddenly widened, and the water flow becomes relatively gentle.

  As the second largest city in the Torentine River Basin after Starfall City, High hermitage City is also the territory of the branch Dayne family.

  The current lord is Viscount Symon Dayne, but his blood relationship with the main line of Starfall City is already relatively distant.

  However, when he heard the news that the main line of the Dayne family was cut off, he immediately sent his eldest son Gerold Dayne to Starfall City.

  Ambition is obvious.

  It was just dawn in the morning, and the guards of the castle had just changed their shift.

  The guard captain looked at the sparsely populated street in front of him, and thought to himself, could everyone be sleeping late today?

  But at this moment, a convoy suddenly appeared in his sight.

  "Stop! Where are you going?"

  Seeing the convoy heading straight for the castle, the guards hurried forward to stop it.

  "My lord, we are transporting food."

  "Food?" The guard captain had doubts in his eyes, but when he saw the leader, he immediately recognized him, "Is this Lord Urik's servant, Sir Hughes ?"

  Hughes lowered his head a little ashamedly: "My lord, I am not a knight yet, so you don't need to call me Sir..." "

  "Hehe, Hughes, your master died in the battle on Eagle sland, How did you have the nerve to come back?"

  "I..." Hughes seemed even more ashamed, "Master Gerold sent me to deliver food..."

  From the former squire of the city lord to the captain of the current food delivery, this guy is really miserable , but he deserve it, if I were him, I would have died in Eagle Island with my master.

  The guard captain sneered, but he didn't embarrass the young man, after all, the other party was also from the Dayne family.

  He took someone to check the convoy carefully, and after finding nothing unusual, he waved his hand and said, "Okay, let them in."

  Hughes thanked and walked into the castle.

  But just as the convoy entered the doorway, there was a sudden click.

  "What's going on?"

  "My lord, the axle is broken..."

  "Fix it quickly!" the captain of the guard urged impatiently.

  But as soon as he turned his head, the dozen or so people transporting the food suddenly dispersed in a crowd, and ran without even looking at the ox cart.

  "Heyyy? Why aren't you repairing cart? What are you running for?"

  The guards were stunned and forgot to chase.

  Seeing that the group of people had disappeared, the guards felt strange, but suddenly theyfelt the ground tremble.

  He suddenly turned his head, and saw a black line suddenly appearing on the western horizon, Rushing towards High hermitage City as quickly as ink!

  "Enemy attack! Enemy attack!" The captain guard roared hoarsely, "Quickly, quickly enter the castle and close the iron gate!"

  However, at this time, the guards were shocked to find that the grain cart left by the weird guys just now blocked the door closing!

  Now they were in a hurry to move these grain cart out.

  However, the enemy's cavalry was already coming like a whirlwind, and they would not be given enough time.

  In desperation, the guards had no choice but to give up the grain cart, directly entered the castle, and began to lower the gates.


  The heavy iron gate crashed down, but was stuck by the grain truck below, leaving a gap under the gate.

  It is said to be a gap, but it is enough for a person to crawl in.

  Of course, riding a horse in is definitely difficult.

  So, the team of cavalry stopped in front of the city gate, waiting patiently for the arrival of the follow-up troops.

  The guards at the castle were filled with terror as they watched a large army rapidly approaching from a distance, especially since their own side had failed to tightly close the city gate.

  After some time, someone finally came to his senses and stumbled to report to Viscount Symon.

  "Enemy attack?" Viscount Symon was also very frightened when he heard the news, because he knew that almost all the combatable soldiers that could fight in High hermitage City were taken to Starfall City by his son Gerold. Now there are only thirty or so guards left.

  How to fight this?

  "Quick! Close the iron gate!"

  "Master, the gate can't be closed!" The guard explained with a sad face, "Just now a grain transportation team piled up the grain cart in the door opening, and we didn't have time to move them away. As a result... It's stuck."

  "What! You idiots! Idiots!"

  Viscount Symon turned blue with anger.

  In fact, if he can defend the city, there is still hope that he can persist until the moment when his son returns to help, but now...


  Even if the castle is destined to be breached, the news must be sent out!

  Viscount Symon forced himself to calm down, got up and ran outside.

  "Lord? Where are you going, Lord?" The guard still shouted foolishly from behind.

  But Viscount Symon didn't even look back, he went straight to find the maester, and said in a hurry:

  "Hurry up! The people from Reach have come to attack High hermitage City! You release the fastest bird and send this news to Starfall City!"

  "Yes, my lord."

  The maester quickly wrote the letter on paper in the shortest possible language, tied it to a raven's leg, and threw it out of the window.

  The raven flapped its wings a few times and quickly flew high into the sky.

  But at the next moment, a Eagle, like a sharp arrow off the string, shot straight at the raven.

  "Seven gods!" Viscount Symon watched the raven being captured by the Eagl , and immediately collapsed to the ground.

  Seeing this scene, the Maester also frowned in surprise.

  Is this the will of the gods?

  However, he did not panic.

  After all, Maester have no political stance, and they serve the castle, not the lord.

  If High hermitage city changes its owner, he will renew his allegiance to the new owner.

  This is the rule of the citadel .

  thud thud thump—

  the sound of hurried footsteps became clearer and clearer, as if death was approaching.

  Finally, the murderous Reach soldiers found Viscount Symon.

  "I surrender." Viscount Symon said simply, "I request to meet your lord."

The soldiers did not make things difficult for the lord of High Hermitage City, and brought him to Samwell and the others.

  "Earl Randyll , so it's you." Viscount Symon obviously knew Randyll Tarly , and then showed a reasonable expression.

  However, to his surprise, Earl Randall just glanced at him expressionlessly and said nothing.

  Instead, a young man with a somewhat similar face stepped forward and said,

  "Viscount Symon, do you recognize this lady?"

  "You must be Sir Caesar, right?" Viscount Symon didn't look at the girl, Instead, he stared at Samwell and asked.

  "That's right." Samwell nodded, and stretched out his hand to pull out Natalie, who was always shrinking behind him, "Viscount Symon, it's your turn to answer my question."

  Viscount Palong then turned his gaze to Natalie, and then he was taken aback.

  He immediately remembered the letter sent back by his son, which said that Ashara Dayne, who committed suicide by jumping into the sea, did not die and gave birth to a daughter.

  At first, Viscount Symon scoffed at this, but now that he saw the girl who was almost exactly the same as the Lady Ashara in his memory, he finally believed that his son's words should be true.

  But believing doesn't mean admitting.

  "Sorry, Sir Caesar, I don't know this lady."

  "Yes." Samwell smiled slightly, as if he had expected this.

  He winked at Hughes Dayne behind Natalie.

  Hughes immediately understood, stepped forward and said,

  "Viscount Symon, this is Miss Ashara Dayne's daughter, Natalie Dayne."

  Viscount Symon already knew what trick Samwell was playing at this time but he still stuck his neck and said angrily: "Hughes Dayne! You traitor! Why do you say she is Lady Ashara's daughter? Lady Ashara died long ago!"

"No , Lady ashara is not dead." Hughes said seriously, "I, as well as hundreds of soldiers from Starfall City, have seen her in Eagle Island with my own eyes."

"Impossible! You are telling... pang !"

  Samwell interrupted Viscount Palong with a slap, and then said: "Now that Viscount Symon is in poor health, Natalie will be the acting lord of High hermitage City temporarily, and she will manage the city. Lady Natalie might inherits the Starfall city in future , let's discuss the ownership of the title of Viscount of High hermitage City."

  Hearing this, Viscount Symon almost couldn't hold back his words.

  But after seeing those soldiers who were staring at him like a tiger, the viscount wisely chose to endure.

  Just wait my son and my army to come back...

  Viscount Symon thought fiercely.


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