
Chapter 36

In the mountains and forests, the low crescent moon swayed the last ray of light, trying to resist the invasion of darkness.

  However, this is futile as the whole world will soon fall into the darkest hour before dawn.

  "Madam, I counted and there are more than 30 brothers missing."

  "that much?" Nora frowned tightly, unable to accept the number for a while, "But we didn't encounter any fierce fight when we rushed out. How could there be so many people missing?"

  "It should be that many tribesmen failed to keep up with the team and got trapped in the camp of the blue-skin tribe."

  Nora nodded, then stood up resolutely, and said,

  "I'm going back now bring them out!"

  "Madam, you must not go back!"

  "Yes, mother, you probably won't be able to get out if you go." Natalie also hugged her mother's arm tightly, as if she was afraid that she would really never come back.

  "No, I have to go back." Nora insisted, "I brought them into danger, and I should bring them out."

"Madam, then we will go back with you!"

"No, you stay Here, if I don't come back for a long time, you can take Natalie away."

  "I won't leave!" Natalie was so frightened that she almost cried.

  Nora patted her daughter's little hand lightly, and comforted her with a smile:

  "Don't worry, the situation may not be so bad. As far as I know, that reach nobleman is not a bloodthirsty person, not to mention that we are raven tribe didn't participate in Linia's conspiracy, so he shouldn't point us."

  "Then you should also bring more people, just in case."

  "No. If he really wants to harm me, even if take everyone from the raven Tribe , he can't be stopped."

  Everyone fell silent after hearing the words.

  The Raven tribe is just a small tribe, with a total number of less than 500 people, and most of them are old and weak, women and children, and they really can't fight against the powerful reach people.

  "Okay, you don't have to worry, I haven't received a warning from the gods, which means that this trip will not be dangerous."

After reassuring the tribe, Nora looked for the direction and walked into the darkness alone.


  "So, my subjects will increase by more than 9,300?"

  "Yes, my lord." Gavin said with faint dark circles under his eyes, "This is tenth preliminary statistics of the population of the three tribes , there may have some differences in the final results, but it should not be large."

  Samwell rubbed his chin, a little worried.

  The increase in the population of the territory is of course a good thing, but if it increases too fast, it will be worrying.

  These 9,000 people, together with the 2,000 people from the original tiger tooth tribe, totaled more than 10,000 people.

  And this happened in just less than a month.

  For a territory that has just begun to develop, this is no longer a population expansion , but a population explosion.

  The territory's food reserves was already running out, and the population surge at this time is simply adding fuel to the fire.

  Originally, there were more than 2,000 people, but Samwell could still go to arbor Island to make a wave of investment and survive this period of time.

  But now that the rations have soared to more than 10,000 people, how can he be fooled?

  Do you really regard Earl Paxter as a big wrong?

  The brandy cash cow is still in its infancy and cannot immediately bring a large amount of income to the territory.

  Thinking of this, Samwell finally sighed, and could only decide to temporarily raise these newly joined citizens.

  "We can't supply so many people now, so more than 2,000 captives who surrendered last night will be released, and let them go hunting and gathering in the same way as before."

"Yes, my lord. "

  Gavin nodded in response, feeling a little pity in his heart.

  Although he could understand the lord's difficulties, he also knew that if these captives were released now, it would be difficult to gather them together in the future.

  It's a pity that the food in the territory is not enough to support so many people. Otherwise, it would be great if so many people were sent to build the castle.

  There are also wineries, which is also in urgent need of manpower.

  But these captives really can't be moved . After all, they are the main hunting force of the thirteen tribes. If they are all sent to build castles, the rest of the wildlings in the tribe will encounter a food crisis.

  Therefore, unless bleak Island has the ability to support all more than 9,000 savages, these captives must be released.

  Thinking of this, Gavin asked again:

  "My lord, will the orphanage not accept the elderly and young children of these thirteen tribes?"

  Samwell thought for a while, and still gritted his teeth:

  "Accept! Otherwise, these people of the tribe are going to lose their minds."


  Samwell sighed, knowing that he had to leave for arbor Island as soon as possible.

  "In addition, the thirteen newly joined tribes should all change to villages. You should draw up a list of candidates for village chiefs as soon as possible, and remember to use all familiar savages."

The "acquainted savages" in Samwell's mouth actually refers to people from reach who Intermarried wildlings or their relatives.

  For example, Gavin's new wife Wuna, and brother-in-law Ucha.

  Samwell insisted on getting rid of those tribal leaders this time, just to facilitate the placement of people he trusted, so as to better control these savage villages.

  He didn't want the savages to start rioting again after he left.

  "Okay." Gavin quickly wrote it down, and then asked again, "What about the tax? It is also same on tiger tooth Village, exempt for three months?"

  Samwell hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded and said:


  Although the territory's finances are difficult, he still intends to make things right.

  After all, buying people's hearts is the most important thing now.

  Moreover, those savages are so poor, how much can they collect even if they really collect taxes?

  Hunting and gathering are extremely inefficient production methods. The savages can barely support themselves. If they are really asked to pay taxes, Samwell would feel guilty.

  Of course, after three months, what should be paid still has to be paid.

  Even if the tax collected is returned as welfare, it must be collected.

  This is the duty of the citizens.

  If we really want to continue the tax exemption, it won't be long before no one will remember that there is a lord on their head.

  What's more, Samwell has built an orphanage to help the leaders support the orphans, widows, old and young, greatly reducing their burden, and collecting some taxes will not affect their lives.

  Subsequently, the two discussed some details of the placement of the wildlings.

  After the discussion , Samwell was about to catch up on his sleep, but his attendant, Katu, came to report:

  "My lord, a patriarch who claims to be the raven Tribe wants to see you."

  "The raven Tribe? Send them here. "


  Samwell was still very disappointed when he learned that most of the Raven tribe fled in the chaos last night.

  Because this tribe has something like Ghost Grass that can improve his spiritual attributes.

  When people from the tiger tooth tribe sent an invitation to the raven tribe on his behalf, they were rejected by the other party.

  He was still worrying about how to contact the other party, but he didn't expect that now, the raven tribe would come to him on his own initiative.

  Of course Samwell knew that the other party should have come for those tribesmen who were captured by him.

  While thinking about it, He saw a tall woman walking into the wooden house.

  The dark veil covered most of her face, revealing a pair of eyes with purple pupils, long dark brown hair draped over her shoulders, and the deerskin clothes on her body were simple and rough, but it still couldn't conceal the elegant and noble aura.

  She came to Samwell with graceful steps, bowed and said,

  "Dear Lord Caesar, I am Nora, the patriarch of the Raven Tribe. On behalf of all the clansmen, I would like to extend my most sincere greetings to you."


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