
Chapter 29

Before ucha could finish his entanglement, this section of valley road came to an end.

  Even though more than ten days have passed, the residual bloody smell has not completely dissipated.

  Standing on the dark red ground, Ucha couldn't help recalling that unforgettable night.

  This made him bend down involuntarily, and even breathing became difficult .

  Today's Valley has completely changed, not only two tall iron oak fences have been added, but also a tower has been erected on the mound.

  With such fortifications, Bleak Island is even more difficult to break through.

  After confirming their identities, the guarding soldiers allowed Ucha and his party into the valley.

  After entering the valley, His uncle and others went to deliver the logs, and the siblings stood there stupidly, a little at a loss.

  Until a few loud slogans attracted their attention.

  "Look, there are Reach soldiers training!" sister Wuna shouted in surprise, and then ran over.

  Ucha had no choice but to follow, and saw a team of about a hundred people running on the beach.

  "One, two, one, two, one!"

  Although it was just running, the neat pace, loud slogans, and strict military posture still revealed an awe-inspiring and inviolable temperament.

  Especially when he thought that countless wildling warriors could only be ruthlessly slaughtered in the hands of this small number of Reach soldiers, Ucha felt even more fear from the bottom of his heart.

  But at the same time, a strange idea was quietly growing in his heart—

  if only I could become one of them...

  There are already many savage girls gathered around the beach, and some of them have successfully found husbands and are proud of themselves. Pointing it out to others, arousing envious words; those who haven't found it are constantly inquiring about the situation, looking for opportunities that belong to them.

  Wuna also leaned over and began to spy on information.

  Soon, she locked on to the target—it was the short young man in the front row who was giving orders.

  From his companions, he learned that although this young man named Gavin was unremarkable in appearance, he was the lord's steward.

  Such a character naturally has a high vision. These days, many savage girls who threw themselves into his arms have all returned home.

  Confident of her beauty, wuna decides the challenge.

  So when the training was over, she rushed out and went straight to Gavin.

  Ucha scratched his head on the spot, and it was not good to disturb his sister, so he could only silently wish her good luck.

  In a small market in the northwest corner of the valley, Ucha replaced the jerky he brought with oats, bread, and a few sweet biscuits.

  Then, he didn't know what to do.

  He wanted to return to tiger tooth Village, but ucha couldn't bear to part with his sister.

  But if he was really asked to join the prison camp, Ucha would not be reconciled.

  While he was wandering aimlessly, Ucha suddenly heard a voice saying:

  "It is said that this long summer is coming to an end, and then there will be cold winter and endless nights, and the walkers that have been dormant for thousands of years in the dark will Wake up and bring destruction to this world!"

  "Ah? Then what should we do?"

  "Don't be afraid, the gods have already arranged for a hero to save the world, he will be born in the land of smoke and salt, holding a burning sword, leading People to defeat evil and usher us in a never-ending long summer."

  Hearing this, Ucha couldn't help but sau, "You're wrong."

  The man raised his head and glared at Ucha , but still asked patiently: "What's wrong?"

  "I heard Shaman Saru say that the hero was born between ice and fire."

  "Ice and fire? Boy, tell me, how can a person be born between ice and fire?"

  "Of course it's heavy snow and fire." Ucha's face showed piety, "Shaman Saru also said that our Lord Caesar was born in a snowy winter, and there was a fire in the castle that day. Therefore, he is the hero who was born in the midst of ice and fire in the prophecy!"

  The man suddenly softened his face when he heard the back, and said:

  "Boy, maybe the 'ice and fire' that your wizard said is different from my 'smoke'." It means the same as salt."

  "A meaning?"

  "That's right. If you think about it carefully, there must be smoke in the fire, and snow is actually the salt in the sky."

  Ucha habitually scratched the back of his head: "So , Do you also think that Lord Caesar is the hero in the prophecy?"

  "Of course!"

  As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere suddenly eased.

  Ucha approached enthusiastically, and began to discuss the prophecy with the other party.

  The surrounding savages listened to the conversation between the two with different expressions. Some showed awe, while others curled their lips secretly... But no matter what, no one dared to refute directly, after all, they are all Lord Caesar's subjects now.

  Moreover, the previous big victory had already deeply imprinted Lord Caesar's prestige in the hearts of these savages.

  Even though they may not believe that Lord Caesar is the hero in the prophecy, they have planted a seed in their hearts.

  Perhaps in the near future, as the legend of Lord Caesar continues, this seed will thrive until it becomes a deeply rooted belief in their hearts.

  Ucha became more and more convinced of the shaman's prophecy, and he reluctantly ended the conversation until his sister came to find him.

  "How is it?"

  "Not bad!" Wuna's face flushed with excitement, "He accepted the tiger leather gloves I made."

  "That's really great! It doesn't seem long before I can join your wedding party ."

  Wuna accepted her brother's congratulations with a smile, then remembered something, and said:

  "By the way, have you made up your mind? Do you want to stay in Bleak Island?"

  "I..." Ucha was still hesitating, "I'll think about it."

  Wuna smiled and said, "I guessed that you wouldn't be am willing to join the prison camp, but what about the lord's guard? Are you willing to join?"

  "What? Does Lord Caesar's guard want recruits?"

  "Yes. Gavin told me just now that the guard needs new recruits of one hundred soldiers. The call-up order will be posted tomorrow, and you must remember to sign up."

  "Okay!" Ucha nodded again and again, but then became a little worried, "But, if only one hundred people are recruited , I'm afraid I may not be selected."

  Ucha is sure that when this call-up order is posted, the savage warriors will definitely rush to sign up.

  "I believe you can do it!" Wuna rolled her eyes, "If really not possible then i can ask Gavin for help."

"Yes, yes! "

  At this time, Ucha wished that his elder sister would marry Gavin immediately.

  Scratching his ears and cheeks for a while, ucha suddenly said in a low voice:

  "Sister, why don't you go to find Lord Gavin tonight..."

  Wuna glared at her younger brother, but then she suddenly tilted her head to ponder, as if she was seriously considering this matter feasibility.


  Gavin didn't know that he was being targeted by a savage girl at this time. He was looking for Samwell and said with a sad face:

  "My lord, you should take care of those savages! I went to count this morning and found that There are nearly 200 more people in the prisoner camp! This is too much!"

  Samwell said with a chuckle: "Isn't it good to have more people? This will speed up the construction of our territory." "

  "But the consumption is also great! The food reserves can last at most another half a month!"

  "So soon?" Samwell's face also became serious, and after a moment of pondering, he said, "I see, I will solve this matter."

  Gavin breathed a sigh of relief.

  In his opinion, although the lord spends money like water, the speed at which he makes money is amazing.

  I just don't know how he got so much money.


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