
Chapter 2

"Apologies, Earl Tarly, Sam, and Dickon, for keeping you waiting," Margaery said as she raised the hem of her skirt and gave a slight bow.

Samwell merely glanced at her, then lowered his head once again. He knew that the beauty standing before him was something he could not covet—at least, not yet.

However, the younger brother Dickon stared blankly at the delicate rose in front of him, completely unaware of how impolite his behavior was.

Earl Randyll cleared his throat lightly to rouse his distracted second son, and then turned to Margaery. "I wonder when Duke Mace will arrive,".

Margaery looked apologetic. "Father isn't feeling well today. I'm sorry," .

Earl Randyll's forehead creased in displeasure. "In that case, let's reschedule," .

Margaery shook her head, reached behind her, and took out a scroll letter.

With a smile, she said, "There's no need to reschedule. Father has already signed the development order and entrusted me to deliver it on his behalf."

"But what about the canonization?" Dickon asked.

"I will also be canonized on behalf of my father," said Margaery.

As soon as the words left her mouth, the knight hall fell silent. Dickon remained clueless, but Earl Randall and Samwell understood that Duke Mace was intentionally making excuses.

In truth, it wasn't entirely surprising. After years of development and management in the River Bend, there weren't many unclaimed lands left. To open up new territory, they would need to venture into the barren lands near the frontier, such as the Red Mountains.

However, those areas were plagued by poor terrain, harsh conditions, rampant banditry thus making it doubtful development value.

It wasn't a challenge that ordinary people would be willing to undertake.

Moreover, the cowardly reputation of the eldest son of the Tarly family was no secret in the aristocratic circles of the Riverbend. No one would consider Samwell qualified or capable of opening up new territories.

The Duke Mace clearly had reservations about granting a pioneering order to someone like Samwell. If it hadn't been for Earl Randyll, one of the most important vassals of the Tyrell family, coming to plead on Samwell's behalf, the Duke wouldn't have given it a second thought.

However, granting the pioneering order would also mean that Samwell would become a vassal of the Duke, and it was reasonable for the Duke to personally canonize him as a pioneering knight. Yet, the Duke appeared reluctant to do so.

He feigned illness and didn't show up in person but instead sent his daughter to confer the order on Samwell and grant him the title of pioneering knight. It was clear that the Duke was trying to avoid directly dealing with Samwell and was clearly not eager to have him as a vassal.

Earl Randyll understood the Duke's embarrassment, but he couldn't help feeling uncomfortable with the idea of Margaery being the one to confer the pioneering order. Willas tyrell , the heir of Highgarden, would have been a more appropriate representative.

Such humiliation, even though Earl Randall hated his eldest son ,he found it a bit unacceptable.

He glared at Margaery, unable to hide his anger. Despite this, Margaery maintained her innocent smile, appearing unaware of Earl Randyll's disapproval.

As the tense atmosphere lingered, Samwell, the central figure in this situation, unexpectedly spoke up, "In that case, we have Miss Margaery ." Despite feeling humiliated, Samwell recognized the futility of expressing his anger as a powerless individual. He remained focused on his main objective: obtaining the development order.

He refused to allow his dignity to cost him what was truly important.

Having heard Samwell's proposal, Margaery looked at him in surprise before agreeing, "Very well, let's proceed." Earl Randall's anger was palpable as he glared at his son. His expression seemed to convey, "Are you willing to accept a woman's canonization?" However, as Samwell had already agreed, the Earl remained silent.

Margaery gracefully ascended the steps leading to the front of the hall. Samwell humbly knelt down on one knee in front of the steps, ready to receive his accolade.

A beam of light shone down from the glazed skylight, casting a sacred aura over the impending ceremony. Samwell unsheathed the long sword at his waist and lifted his hands high above his head.

Just as Margaery reached out to take it, Earl Randall suddenly interjected,

  "This [Heartsbane] should be used to enshrine the blood of the Tarly family."

  With a clang, Earl Randyll drew the sword from his own waist and handed the two-handed giant sword to Margaery.

This giant sword, known as Heartsbane, was made of Valyrian steel and had been passed down by the Tarly family for over 500 years. It weighed more than 10 pounds, making it difficult for normal people to hold, let alone wield in battle.

As a pampered and privileged noble lady, Margaery may have trouble lifting such a massive weapon. Earl Randyll's move was clearly intended to make her look foolish and express his dissatisfaction.

Despite Earl Randyll's deliberate attempt at embarrassment, Margaery did not back down. Instead, she smiled slightly and stretched her white and slender hands towards the giant sword.


  The tip of the sword hit the marble floor, but fortunately, Margaery managed to hold onto the hilt tightly. She took a deep breath and summoned all her strength to lift the giant sword and rest it on Samwell's shoulder.

  "Wow, this great sword inherited in the Tarly family is truly extraordinary. No wonder the Earl could wield it so effectively in battle," she remarked.

  Earl Randyll was left feeling embarrassed and didn't say anything, instead snorting softly before stepping back and standing with his arms crossed.

Margaery looked down at the knight kneeling before her and was about to administer the oath when she suddenly remembered something and asked, "By the way, Sam, do you plan to keep your original family name or adopt a new one?"

As the newly appointed pioneer knight , Samwell had the option to choose a new family name to distance himself from the Tarly family in Hornhill.

Samwell heard her question but remained silent .

He still lowered his head, and his body began to tremble slightly.

  Seeing this, Margaery thought that the other party was uncomfortable being pressed by the giant sword, so she used a little force to help share some of the weight.

  In fact, Samwell trembled not from the sword at all, but from excitement.

  Because, he actually saw the square characters after three months!

  These words that do not belong to this world appeared in the lower right corner of his field of vision after the canonization ceremony began, and he had to try very hard to not laugh while reading them:

Samwell Tarly

  Title: Pioneer Knight

  Territory: None

  Vassals: None

  Power: 1.08

  Dexterity: 0.52

  Spirit: 1.12

  "What's this?"

  "Isn't this property panel?"

  Samwell was ecstatic in his heart.

This joy crashed down on him like a boulder, shattering the forbearance he had tried to maintain since he arrived in this new world.

  In this moment, the anger, fear, humiliation, and worry that had been suppressed for so long...rolled and surged in his chest, brewing into an inexplicable emotion, as if it was about to burst out.

  If before, he had only wanted to rely on his familiarity with the plot to navigate among the major forces with ease, or sit back and relax with his powerful allies, then now, a wild hope suddenly rose in his heart—for the twisted and ugly ambition of the Iron Throne, covered with sharp horns and forged from thousands of swords!

  "I've decided on a new family name," Samwell raised his head again, looked straight into Margaery's deer-like brown eyes along the icy giant sword, and said loudly, "Caesar! From now on, I will be Samwell Caesar!"

Margaery was taken aback by Samwell's sudden declaration. At that moment, she saw flames of passion in his eyes, and it both startled and intrigued her. However, she quickly regained her composure and confirmed that the proposed family name was unprecedented. She smiled at Samwell and spoke with a tone of utmost solemnity:

"I, Margaery Tyrell, daughter of Duke Mace Tyrell, in the name of the Duke of the Reach, the Guardian of the South, and the Lord of Highgarden, hereby canonize Samwell Caesar as a pioneer knight.

You are authorized to claim any unclaimed lands in the Reach and protect any unclaimed people. May the Father grant you uprightness, the Mother mercy, the Warrior courage, the Old Crone wisdom, and the Stranger strength to overcome all your enemies!"

"I, Samwell Caesar, witnessed by the Lord, swear by the heroic spirit of the holy ancestor 'Green Hand' Garth to dedicate my loyalty to the great Duke Mace! From this moment on, your will is the belief I uphold, and the point of your sword is my direction! I will defend this honor with my life!"

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