

After it got dark and they had finished their dinner, Myalis got up and went to the back of the temple, where she took off her jacket and set it on the bench in the pavilion then inhaled deeply before looking around her.

Myalis's eyes began glowing orange as well as both of her fists and she sighed, then began punching, releasing flames in doing so, then she spun around and the flames formed a ring around her and she pressed her feet firmly on the ground and they began glowing orange.

'Focus and I will be able to gain more control, there are different forms of each element, fire can be dangerous and beautiful,' she thought as flames formed around her feet, Calris exited the building next to the temple and saw her practicing and smiled.

"She's pushing herself a lot; do you think she'll be able to master fire?" Lilian inquired as she approached Calris and he scoffed.

"She has grown stronger; the harder she pushes herself, the more her powers respond to her; however, if she did it ease, I wonder how much more it would grow. She also has a lot to learn; the academy might be helpful in this regard, however, I am glad that she had a good first day. Now that she even has her own beast, things are beginning to look up for her, and I believe that she can do it," He replied.

Lilian smiled, then patted Calris on his shoulder as the flame's energy increased under Myalis's feet, she opened her eyes, then looked at her feet and a smile appeared on her face.

"Let's see what this can do," She said as she increased the energy beneath her feet and Calris's brows furrowed as he looked on.

The flames beneath her feet grew stronger, slowly lifting her off the ground, and she chuckled as she lifted her right foot with speed, releasing flames in the shape of a slash, it sliced through a tree, and Lilian chuckled as the tree fell to the ground before Myalis, and the flames beneath her feet vanished along with the others.

Myalis returned to normal, then sighed before thinking about the beast, and finally, she summoned it, and the beast appeared before her, and she smiled at him, knowing it was time she gave him a name.

"Now, I have been thinking of a name for you for a while now, and before I call it a night, I will name you Aster, because your color reminds me of the galaxy in a way, and since you're a boy, it means star here." He roared, and she flinched then him on the head, and he bowed before leaving, and Lilian and her husband smiled, and they went to their room to call it a night.

Myalis then grabbed her jacket as well as her shoes and went to her room. She went to freshen up and once she was finished, she got into bed and stretched off before turning the lights off and a few minutes later, fell asleep.

The next morning, when Myalis woke up, she stretched off, then got out of bed, when she noticed the time, she saw that it was late and she went to prepare to leave for the academy.

After finishing her morning routine, she dressed, left her room, and went to the dining room, where she greeted the others and sat down to eat breakfast with them.

Calris looked at her and smiled while she was eating.

"Myalis, make sure to eat a lot, you'll need your energy," He said, and she looked at him and then smiled.

"Got it, thanks, and, Lilian, the food is delicious," She replied, and Lilian smiled at her.

"Thank you very much, kiddo," She said.

"Be careful, I know it's getting late, but don't rush too much or you'll choke," Calris warned, and Myalis sighed before Jina tapped her on the shoulder and she looked at her.

"What's the matter, Jina?" She asked.

"Will you help me with my training later on?" She asked as Myalis finished off her food.

"Yes, I will help you, I promise," She responded and the girl smiled brightly then Myalis finished eating and she looked at the watch on her hand and saw that it was getting late.

"Now I don't want to be late, I will see you guys when I get back, be careful and have a good day!" She shouted as she left and they laughed, then she called out to Aster as she exited the building.

Aster heard her call and he appeared before her and she smiled at him before jumping onto his back.

"Good morning, Aster, let's go or I will be late," She said, he flapped his wings, then flew off with speed and she sighed.

They arrived at the academy after a few minutes of flying, and after landing at the front gate, the students who arrived around the same time left staring at the beast as she got off of it.

"Thank you; I'll call on you later, here," She said as she opened her bag and took out a stuffed bread, which it sniffed.

"I brought a few things to snack on, I've noticed I eat a lot more these days, have this as a treat," She added and he took the bread from her, bowed then left and she went into the academy.

Myalis looked at the time and noticed that the bell was about to ring, and she exhaled deeply, knowing that if she didn't sleep a little late, she wouldn't have to be in such a hurry.

Myalis rushed to her classroom, but when she got to the hallway, she collided with someone and nearly knocked her down, but the girl grabbed onto the wall and Myalis sighed.

"I'm sorry, it's only my second day, and I don't want to be late," She said, and the person chuckled, and Myalis rushed off, then the girl she ran into turned around and a smile appeared on her face.

"I told you we'd meet again, you seem like the chaotic type," The girl said with a smirk before leaving to go to her classroom.

It turned out, the girl whom she bumped into was the one whom she had helped with the giant snake the day before.

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