
A Necromancer with a Heart, Part 3

NOTE: Edited - 08/31/23


At this moment, I could almost imagine the dollar signs flashing over my eyes as greed awoke inside of me. I couldn't help it. I may be a spell-slinging, sword-swinging, uber-groovy young adventurer, but I was also still human. Read any book and they'll tell you how flawed humans were as a species, especially when it came to the seven sins. 

"Are you all right, boy?" Lorias asked. 

The suspicion on his face was enough to wake me up from my sudden bout of gold fever. Not because I was embarrassed, but because I refused to be in the same boat as the dude who got his people killed because of greed. 

"Ahem," I cleared my throat. "Y-yeah… I'm good." 

Yes, yes, I did just get momentarily tempted by the thought of acquiring incomparable treasure. But, since the quest for treasure was part of being an adventurer, I shouldn't be too harsh on myself, right? 

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