
New Partner

"Oh? A visitor? For me?" Jackal assumes correctly as he follows Naaza into the Familia's living room, as usual, to find Miach accompanying a silver-haired and violet-eyed dressed in an elaborate white-blue cleric outfit with a white hat. At a glance, Jackal almost mistook her for a live-in doll that Miach might have commissioned for his closeted desires.

But the sight of Jackal and Lili makes Miach pleasantly surprised as Jackal grins eagerly, "So? How do we look?" He questions as a similar grin is plastered on Lili's face while she has her hood on. Jackal adjusts his vest for a moment while looking at Naaza, "Come on, Naaza! Just a few words of encouragement are all I'm looking for here~!"

"And I said you look adequate," Naaza gives him a sidelong glance before sitting beside Miach. Her eyes bear more coldness than ever but they soon soften as she sees Jackal exhale in disappointment. Before she could speak, however, she glances at the doll-like elaborate beauty beside her and goes silent.

"I think you two look fantastic!" Miach chimes, more than happy to see the duo brighten by his words, "The material must have cost a lot and the craftsmanship is present at a glance but... hmm," he nods with slight pride in his tone. He is proud of them, "It looks very good on the two of you. Makes me want to commission such uniforms..."

Naaza now stares at Miach who clears his throat, "Or not. Anyway, please take a seat. Before we begin like usual, let me introduce you to the new face."

Jackal sets his bag down and so does Lili. Both of them have started to carry comedically large bags despite filling them with quite a lot of frog wallets due to the sheer amount of stuff they are carrying.

Honestly, Lili is starting to think that Jackal is always acting asleep whenever she wakes up and hadn't slept for the entire night after they returned from the dungeon but she couldn't question him for this. After all, there is a limit to how much she can push others out of worry.

"Nah, no introduction is necessary. Airmid here has bought a few things from us. Especially the lizard shield, it being self-sufficient until broken, is what got you interested, right?"

Airmid Teasanare, Level 2 Captain of Dian Cecht Familia nods calmly, "Indeed. It's not often you see a magic item of such nature in such a large quantity and a promise of adequate supply. Usually, every magic item created with the slightest bit of difference in the materials produces slightly different results. Unlike yours."

Her purple eyes follow him quietly as he shrugs, "Thanks." Not at the level of desperation where he asks anyone he meets about how he looks, he waits for the third party or Miach to inform why she is here in the first place.

But clearly, more annoyed than she is letting others on, Naaza speaks bluntly, "She is here for your request for a magic item that can let you determine the effects of the potions without using Miach-sama as a test dummy!"

'Chienthropes must have hard in that time of the month, huh,' Jackal sighs to himself, feeling lucky that he has nuts... but he must protect these treasures because they are just as fragile if not more.

Naaza's light brown ears twitch and she glares at Jackal, annoyed for some mysterious reason now when facing his understanding look that thinly veils his pity.

"I am not here with the promise of making the said magic item exactly. But to understand what your needs are. Had I known it was you Miach-sama talked about, I would have met you in your shop directly. Or, at least, sent someone." Turning to look at Miach, she nods politely, "Apologies to have inconvenienced you."

"It wasn't any inconvenience," Miach shakes his head with a smile.

'It plenty is!' Naaza's tail vibrates a bit.

"Well, what I want exactly is some sort of tester. For me to set anything on the scale which will be analyzed and then reported back for its effects in simpler and more accurate terms that I can convey to the customers," Jackal voices out his needs.

"Do... you often find success in the creation of new potions?" She guesses, or why else would he need an item like this? When a crafter or a mixer focuses on creating something new, they use base materials as their intended effects and work their way up through failures. But what Jackal is trying to imply here is he sits, farts, make a new item or a potion, and waits for someone else to help him deduce the effects.

So, it's natural that one of the top potioneers and item makers of Orario will be interested. It wasn't his current products that took her interest but his prospects.

However, instead of giving her an answer, Jackal glances at Naaza before smiling, "Something like that."

Airmid catches Naaza hiding a short smirk, too. 'An inner joke?' She muses but accepts it nonetheless.

"I see," she comments, "To be frank, it is the request for such an item that piqued my interest but now that you have made your requirements clear, I won't be able to produce such an item."

Naaza perks up ever so slightly. A hint of selfish delight dances in her gaze. It's not a delight for Jackal's request to fail but at Airmid's failure itself.

"Why's that?" Jackal questions curiously.

"Because a mortal cannot create an item that recognizes, breaks down, and compiles the result of every magical effect of this world. I hope we can't. If such an item was possible, it would have been created long ago," Airmid looks thoughtful, "You could look for one Level 4 adventurer named Asfi Al Andromeda of Hermes Familia but I believe she is out of Orario with her patron deity."

Positively disappointed, Jackal slumps back on the couch before questioning, "Why are you here then? You could have just told the same to Miach-sama."

"I came here to propose another idea for you to commission, if possible," Airmid gives a short smile, "Instead of an item that analyzes every single thing, I can stay true to my professional line and create a dummy that could relay all type of effects it is going through a mental connection. This, however, will only work for potions and other consumable substances."

Jackal thinks for a moment then agrees. It certainly feels like the next best thing.

"Hmm," Airmid smiles again, "I will regather my thoughts and the possible list of items that I may need before consulting you on the cost of the commission. Until we meet again."

Before she leaves, her smile widens noticeably as she glances at Miach, "Do feel free to consult me on more services. It's always a pleasure to be in your presence, Miach."

Jackal and Lili glance at each other while Naaza grows deadly quiet. A look of conflict is thinly veiled by her growing anger as Miach chuckles softly, "Of course. You have been very kind to us in the past and now, too. I hope you and Jackal get along."

'Woah, okay crazy. Keep your women to yourself,' Jackal rolls his eyes. Fuck, he feels envy for his... friend. They ARE friends, right? He thinks for a moment.

'Man, women really do throw themselves at Miach... the rumors are true... and sigh... even with such a grand outfit... I fail to attract any cute chick. Syr would want to make me run errands like others from the Pub. I guess May is cool. Lili, too... but why are only short stacks cool to me...' He groans at his luck.

"Of course," Airmid looks at Jackal, "I look forward to working with you... and you have my gratitude for all the help you have shown Blue Pharmacy."

"I wouldn't call it a help... it's a mutual benefit. They are the reason my business got such a burst of popularity this early..." He mutters with a huff and a downcast expression.

"Well then," Airmid glances at Miach and Naaza before looking at the former intently and then leaves.

"Miach-sama..." Jackal turns to Miach and drawls ghoulishly, "You're a traitor to your own kind!"

"Eh?" Miach blinks in surprise.

"Damn it, I wish I become such a traitor quickly, too! Rub some of your goodness on me, Miach!"

"Eh?" Lili deadpans before blushing, "Jackal-sama... I didn't know you... and Miach... but I can accept that, too..."

Naaza scoffs under her breath as Jackal continues the same process. Bento is transferred to their Frollets so that it remains warm. And then, during setting more potions, Jackal begins seriously.

"Actually, I want to share something about the potions. Two days ago... Lili and I encountered a monster party of Killer Ants."

His words suddenly make Naaza pale and she stiffens while Miach frowns, too.

"That time, I used lust potion, poison, lazy potion, and everything else I could think of but during that time, all the Killer Ants remained aggressive. None of my items worked. I wasn't stupid enough to use the berserk potion on myself or the ants. Only the adrenaline potions saved us..."

"Barely!" Lili squeaks and rattles her tiny fists against his arm, complaining indignantly, "And Jackal-sama, I haven't forgotten how crazily you acted! Who just jumps into a group of killer ants and shouts— You're my mount! Now Mush!— Gosh! You were riddled with injuries then!"

"You did what?!" Naaza snaps and glares at Jackal.

"I was psyching myself up," Jackal shrugs calmly, "There was no escape. Fighting was the only option. So, I fought. And thank god I did."

Lili sighs and then deflates, "Yeah... but it was too dangerous."

"The point is," Jackal looks at Miach, "Please add a warning label on the items that you still haven't sold or just a warning banner in general. I don't want any adventurer to relax if they face a monster party or if they have blind faith in my products."

At this time, Naaza just shuffles slightly and leaves without a word. Her shoulders continue to shudder as she walked while her tail remained frozen stiff.

Jackal looks at Miach and then at Lili.

"Not my fault right? Lili blathered," He throws her under the bus.

She will be missed.

Miach sighs, his expression turning visibly sad as he reassures the guilty Lili who has no knowledge of the situation, "It's alright, Lili. Naaza... just needs some time. Anyway, I think I will handle the store for now while Naaza... rests."

Jackal frowns for a moment and looks conflicted. A part of him, the unabashed part, wants to try and talk to her. The other part thinks he is being nosy with the gesture. So, Jackal stays on the couch in silent contemplation. His gaze falls on Naaza's Frollet, something she didn't even bother to pick.

'She doesn't get afraid of just hearing about monsters or she wouldn't have been able to deal with other adventurers...' Jackal mutters internally before he rolls his eyes.

'Oh, fuck with it. If you wanna talk then just talk. Not even killer ants feel this fucking wary,' he scoffs and snatches her frollet before grumbling, "Give me a minute."

"Jackal?" Miach calls out.


"Third room on the right, first floor," He smiles kindly.

"You got it."

As Jackal leaves... Lili lowers her head, "I'm sorry if I said something wrong."

"Don't be, how can anyone fault you when you did not even know of this situation? In fact, this is the first time in years Naaza showed such a reaction while just hearing of beasts." Exhaling a deep sigh, he smiles, "Lili, would you like to help me set all these items on the shelves? And, even if your face is hidden, a cute pallum like you will attract several customers in your uniform."

Lili frowns and scoffs as she faces Miach's innocent expression, "No wonder you and Jackal-sama get along so well! Both of you are just a group of no-good womanizers! Hmph, my heart is set on Jackal-sama!"

She picks a tray of potions and exits for the shop, leaving Miach stunned.

'Womanizer... me? And Jackal, too? That's news to me...' He shrugs and walks out.

As they set the potions, their first customer arrives and it's a new face.

"Ah, Miach, right? I'm Takemikazuchi. I arrived here yesterday night and a few deities around here pointed me towards your pharmacy. I'd like to purchase low-grade potions for my children."

"Sure, sure. Please accept these as a welcoming gift to Orario instead," Miach chuckles at the God arriving from the eastern lands.

"I cannot! That would be shameless of me!"

"Please do so, I insist. It's always better to welcome new deities than not. If you have any needs or troubles, do talk with me, Takemikazuchi. I'll try to help as much as my body can."

Lili quietly looks at one of the two most handsome gods holding their hands through the bag of potions.

Both of them reciprocating favors...

Letting their heads rest on each other shoulders in their time of need...

And Jackal-sama is in the fray, too!


Smoke slithers out of her ears as the beet-red, perverted pallum leans against the wall.

"Lili!" Miach calls out in concern, "Are you alright?!"

Her nostrils flare, "Hah... hah... better than ever..."


*Chrrt* *Chrrt* *Chrrt*

The familiar sounds of Killer Ants fill her ears, making her clench the blanket around her even tighter as she curled further within herself. Flashes of images, splashes of blood, roars of monsters, the cries of her teammates, the pain of being chewed upon alive... the sensation of absolute fear, the soreness of her throat as she kept on screaming while the monsters, as if delighted to hear her screams, didn't end her life right then and there but continued to torture her...

And the thought of a similar fate falling upon Jackal all of a sudden...

She whimpers in her blanket. Her teeth clench together. Her body shudders with the sensation of her blood-curdling in fear.

*Knock* *Knock*

"It's me, Jackal," His words slip into her room as Naaza pulls her head out of her blanket, "What do you want? I'm in no mood to chat... I'm tired from last night's work."

There is a moment of silence before an odd question echoes.

"You're not naked, are you?"

"What? No!" Naaza hisses, losing her sleepy voice all at once.


Jackal's body drives through the door as it slams open before he comes to a stop in front of her.


Meanwhile, loosened around its hinges, her bedroom door smack against the wall of her room.

For a moment, Naaza digests all this with a blank expression before sitting and hugging her blanket further. Yet, her cold glare pins him down.

"What do you think you're doing?" Her fur bristles and stands erect with wrath apparent in her gaze and violence blooming in her tone.

"Entering your bedroom in the most logical manner," Jackal hums and looks around before pulling the nearest chair and sitting calmly.

"How is this logical?"

"I wanted to talk to you... I think."


"And something tells me you didn't want to open the door."

"So that gives you the right to barge into my privacy?!" She clenches her fist with distaste marking her voice.

"Oh, no. I think I'll even get punched later by you, or even Miach, for this," Jackal chuckles, "But I wanted to talk with you so this felt logical. You have known me for a while so you know that I am a calm and reasonable guy."

Naaza scoffs, "Did it occur to you that I may not want to talk?"

"It did..."


"But I wanted to talk, remember?" He chuckles again, "And as I said, even if you beat me for it, it's nothing personal, right? I did something, and you gave me an appropriate reaction. But... I felt..."

He works his jaws and starts to look around in an effort to voice his thoughts and words, "I felt if I didn't talk, it'll leave me with a bitter taste this whole day—"

"So, from breaking into my bedroom to insisting on talking to me is all based on your selfish goals!" She rolls her eyes, "But I don't want to talk. Leave. Pay Miach for the door and we'll forget this incident—"

"I think you should not worry about me," Jackal cuts her off, "Or Lili."

Naaza frowns while Jackal continues, "I have been wanting to go deeper into the dungeon for a long, long time. But I don't. I stay on the floors that have the monsters I can face at least 10 vs 1 in their favor. I make sure I am full of energy. And even with Lili these two days, I never lose my focus even once. But monster parties happen. That's the truth and the risk."

Naaza's expression grows dark while Jackal nods, "That's it. That's what I wanted you to know... I don't know if it helps but I hope this knowledge... eases your worry if you had any in the first place...

I'll pay Miach on my way out."

Jackal stands to leave when Naaza calls out, "Wait..."

Looking back at her as she holds his gaze with her purple orbs, she sighs softly, "Sit down."

Once he takes his seat, Naaza grows quiet.

'Why did I ask him to sit when I have a totally blank mind? Ughhh!' She groans internally but she speaks without a plan and whatever it is that comes naturally to her.

"You break my door, remain selfish, speak all that nonsense, and even claim you'll be fine getting beaten up for your unruly acts as if it's a joke, what do you think you are trying to be? Argonaut?!" She begins to seethe as she speaks but Jackal cuts in.

"I wouldn't know. Never read of him aside from some simpler factoids—"

"Don't interrupt!" Naaza vibrates in annoyance while she hugs her knees closer to her breasts, "I told you I did not want to hear anything! I'm not worried! If anything, I'm just glad you didn't die because we'd lose our stream of new income!"

'No... that's not it. I don't want to hurt him... I—'

But her mind and heart are as selfish as they come.

"See? That's why I didn't want to talk," She starts to chuckle as her nostrils prickle, "I just care about removing the debt I put Miach in! I only care about putting Airmid down! Why do you think all the other in the Familia left us?" With her chuckles turning into soft giggles, she admits, "Because they know my utterly disgusting selfish side! I could have lived without an arm. I could have fought harder against Miach's decision but damn it! I wanted to live without a handicap! I don't care about others ever! I even used you for all those bentos because that's what I do! That's what I AM!"

She pants for air by the end of it. Her bored expression is nowhere to be seen as it's replaced by an expression of self-loathing while tears mark the edges of her eyes.

"Got it?" She sneers. More than relieved to just let it all out. Even her mind somehow feels relieved. Now, he does not have to care about them. Now, the streams of warm bentos can end which made her feel extremely grateful. Now, all the kind gestures can stop and their familia can return to the usual poverty-stricken state.

'Now...' She stares at Jackal's dazed look, expecting it to devolve into disgust and anger as her vision is compromised by her tears, 'I can continue to detest myself for the calamity I am without feeling the least bit good for myself.'

"Look at you," Jackal smiles and reaches for his pocket to take out his handkerchief which he extends towards Naaza with a broad grin, "And here I thought you're an unfeeling cunt. Turns out you're pretty spunky! Here, you're... er... you've got snot coming out."

Naaza's brain short circuits as she snatches the cloth and pinches it on her nostrils while glaring at Jackal. Her voice is muffled but she musters the same venom in her tone, "Did you not hear me? I said—"

"Oh," He waves his hand dismissively, "Fuck off. If you can't pull that off without crying, there's no fucking way you actually feel like that."

Naaza comes to a still.

Jackal leans back in his chair, "So... now that you got all that off your chest—"

"Aren't you hurt?" Naaza cuts him off, "Why aren't you angry?" She chews her lips in frustration, "Why aren't you the least bit annoyed?"

"Why would someone's rant directed only at me annoy me?" He laughs, "I don't wanna brag but I've heard much worse."

"That's no reason to brag..."

"I guess..." Jackal sighs and smiles, "Anyway, I said what I wanted. And... as you said, you didn't want to talk and all that you raised was a bunch of a sissy fit. So... good talk. And don't worry," he looks at her with a rather sincere expression, "I always cook extra, so you can eat your fill."

He tosses her Froppy at her which settles on the bed before he stands to leave again.

Naaza, the entire time, remains quiet. Her expression remains too complicated but as she sees him off with her gaze, a soft flush powders her tear-stained cheeks, "Jackal..."


"I think... you look very... very... a- attractive in your uniform..." She musters while looking up from his butt and she wasn't ready to face what came next.

Looking back with the brightest grin as his eyes most naturally squint shut, leaving Naaza unable to hold onto her blanket which slowly slides down, he claims, "See? Wasn't hard, was it? Eat well and feel better, Naaza."

He leaves without looking back afterward as Naaza continues to stare at the open space where the door used to be.

'That man... really broke in, spoke his mind, brushed off what I had to say, gave me his handkerchief and food, and left after fishing out a compliment...' She deflates with her blood rushing to her face.

'Attractive? Really? Little on the nose don't you think?' She scowls and admonishes herself, 'And why am I surrounded by womanizers... first, it's Miach and now Jackal and his bold claims of a harem... as if anyone will fall for that ass... no, don't think about it... I didn't see anything. Not his smile... nor his a...ss...'

She glares at the poor Frollet before stuffing her hand inside and taking out a bento.

"Hom Hom Hom! *Crunch* Nom Nom!" She began to stress and eat like there is no tomorrow.


'Man... how does Miach really do that? He gets a doll-like Airmid fawning over him while... I get rants. Although... I shouldn't have broken the door... it's hard to replace. I'll just crash in through her window next time...'

As he walks down, he walks over to Miach and sighs, "Uh... Naaza broke her door in anger."

"Really?" Miach smiles knowingly as he rolls his eyes, "You gods really are annoying. Here, for the door," he set some coins down and shrugs, "I tried to talk to her. I think she is feeling better. But women are always moody when on their period so tread lightly. And I wanted to show another item... we'll do that tomorrow since I can't push my mind."

"I can!" Lili calls out and Jackal looks at her quietly.

"Jackal-sama... did you forget I could?" Lili smiles which don't quite reach her eyes.


"He did," This time Miach throws Jackal under the bus.

"So?" Lili extends her hand as Jackal smiles and hands her the butterfly-shaped blue pendant with a grin.


Alternate Title: Jackal and Miach are TRULY Alike; When a Plot Meets an Immovable Dense Mc; No Doors Are Closed For He Who Tries!; Windows is Next; F for Frollet; Decisive Hunger; Naaza, did in fact, Look at His Smile and Ass; The New Revolutionary Product!; The Brute Therapist; Beast Girl's That Time of the Month... Sure is Scary; Lili: Jackal-sama, Miach, and Takemikazuchi... Doki Doki


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Shoutout to Levhitor, Kieta Aki, Bartek Aron, William Hallahan, and The Faraway Paladin!!

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