

The court was adjourned with the order of the judge and the high profile case of the 'Virgin Eater' was finally wrapped up after a long haul of seven months. the room echoed with a collective gasps of disbelief, shock and disgust as the bailiffs(1) dragged the perpetrator out all the while his lips were cracked in a smug grin. The victims who were unfortunate to cross pathhs with this psycho were no longer alive and were grisly murdered but their families and loved ones were present on their behalf as they wiped at their teary eyes. no one could tell if that was an emotion of happiness or anguish at last getting the justice they deserved. The room cleared out as the clerks gathered their belongings and left shortly. The court room that was once brimming with rage and anxiety was deathly quiet now except the slow footfalls of a man who approached the woman still sitting on the benches. his hands were clasped behind him and there was a geniune awe and respect on his face as if today was the day that made him look at her in a new light. he stopped a few steps away from her and blew out a breath finally relieved that the biggest case of his career was finally solved.

"It was an honour working with you Agent Ducate. In my career spanning thirty years, no one managed to amaze me as much as you. I heard that you use to be a social media influencer before you joined the FBI. I must say thag you were truly born to maintain law and catch these slimeballs. " It was then when Detective Gates ended his speech that Agent Ducate stood up and ran a hand through her hair, her visage that of serene professionalism.

"You flatter me But the honour is all mine, Sir. About your question..." Something hollow flashed in her eyes, "I would have continued this conversation but it's a story for another time. Now if you will excuse me, I have an urgent matter to attend to." Detective Gates opened his mouth but nothing came out as he stared after her and wondered curiously what could it be that brought such a strange expression in her face.

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