
39. 赤い龍 (Red Dragon) — First Encounter

"It's all done, woah, look at the mirror, Suga, you really look like Akira—I knew you'd make Dondon-sensei love your cosplay."

As his friend, Nakajima Yuki, who had been with him since they could only communicate through cries, held the mirror right in front of his face, Suga wondered if it was possible to change his fate and never meet this person again in his lifetime.

The reflection in the mirror was indeed his face, but the false eyelashes, light powder, and glossy pink lips made him furrow his brow in a mood that had plummeted.

"You look so beautiful, my heart is racing, Suga. What will you do about this? You have to take responsibility!"

Yuki said dramatically, clutching his chest and acting like a theater actor. Suga, watching his friend enjoy his suffering, let out a sigh.

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