
The Beginning of The End.

On 4:00 a.m., November 11th, 1918, a fresh breze could be felt within the trenches as finally the American, French, British, Indian, ANZAC, and other types of countrymen alike finally had the great calm as a Lieutant in the reserve section John Rineman a german officer on the other side had gathered up in the trench to tell the men of the news.

He stated to these brave men this "Today gentlemen is the day of peace and the great prosperity to us all, an armistice is going to be held at 5:00 am which so we shall surrender but I want every man to realize today that you have done hour duty and the best capabilities you could ever deliver to me.. So I am the most happiest man to be ever to be able to lead you, gentlemen.. That is all gather all your gear we're marching home."

After the speech, John Rineman had delievered to his men it had at least gave the men at least something to cherish on those words back home.

Time had gone by 30 minutes later, but yet there was such a great disease still lurking in the trenches on the entente as it had been existing since February 1918. Even on the german side, it had reaked havoc and laid bodies to dismay, but there was something off about it.

There, it could be seen on the entente side as a man had popped out from the trench with an American of a Lieutant, but he had vigoursly climbed with such a savagery speed that even a man could think 'What the hell is that man doing..?'

When he had climbed over, a gunshot was heard with the man stumbling back, but he still stood.. On the reserve line, John saw with his binoculars what had just happened as he saw a man take a whole Mauser round to the gut.. what was going on..? Then.. havoc had begun as a screech of what had deemed to be multiple men could be seen in the enemy side of the trenches with gas masks and bayonets, even clubs smashing at those who had become the monster.

This had fully shocked the Germans as they saw what the hell was happening which so they stood ground on the trenchline loading rifles, machine guns, artillery peices, and many weaponry alike.

Though John had made a decision on this event as he rallied about his 375 men shouting, "We are going to a the town near us let's get going move it!"

When the orders were heard, men repeated the order with the men fully moving back to a town called Ornes, where they had marched a good couple of miles with a double column moving and when they had made it there the men heard a order screamed from John "Gentlemen dig in set up your trenches and get those 2 MG-08s up on those two towers! Sappers set up barbed wire and ditches while at it were going to have to continue a war!"

When the orders were heard, they dug in fully as it had been 30 some minutes with the armistice not signed due to this event happening..

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