

"Wait what? You can't possibly be serious! Who is it? Please give me a chance to set something up so that the students can compete to be your personal student. That would tremendously increase their motivation to train," said the principal before Egris stopped him right as they reached the conference room to be greeted by all the teachers. Next, the 4 of them stepped in the room before Egris finally broke the news to the principal.

"This is going to come off a bit harsh but not a single student that you have here is worthy of my time. Specially not years of my time. I've already selected the student that I want to teach," said Egris as he brought Arthur forward.

"Who is this runt? You realize he's just a kid compared to all of the adults in this school right? The weakest student here could kill him with a single punch," said the principal as he tried to make a better case for his students.

"Is that so? Okay then, tell them all to meet us outside at the announcement stage. I want to have a bit of fun," said Egris to which the principal did as he was told.

"What has happened to you oh great general, how can you claim that some mere dirty kid is stronger than these students that have trained their whole lives. I'll make sure to show you that this runt is utter trash compared to my students," the principal thought to himself before making an announcement through the intercom system and made sure all 4 floors of the school could hear him.

"Everyone rush outside towards the announcement field. The general of the country's army is picking a student to take as his personal pupil and if you wish to become that person, I advice you to go there instantly so that you can find out how you can become that special student," said the principal and right as he finished his last sentence, everyone in the conference room could hear the violent running of the students as they rushed over to where the principal had told them to go.

"Wow, they seem rather excited, even so, what else could be expected when offer as inciting as becoming the student of the current strongest general?" one of the teachers said as they giggled before the entire group left to speak to the students and remaining teachers about what was going to happen.

Once on stage, the principal didn't even get a chance to speak as Egris himself took the microphone as he wanted to speak to the students. Of course he brought Arthur along side him.

"Hello everyone. I'll make this very brief. This right here is my current student which I plan on using the next couple years of my life to train. I'll also be making use of the best teachers at this school to train him and only him. Your principal thinks that you can defeat him easily so I'll make a bet with all of you. The person to knock out or kill Arthur will become my student instead of him and will be provided with the treatment that I promised him. Moreover, you will be guaranteed vacations that will be paid out fully by me," said Egris which had all of the students' mouths watering from having been offered something straight out of a dream.

"The second that he steps foot on the field, feel free to attack him with any weapons, spells or anything else. Don't fret though, he's not allowed to kill you but you can kill him. Good luck," said Egris to which everyone had their eyes locked on Arthur as if he was the prey of an eagle. This applied to all but one student at the back that began to walk away.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going? This is our chance to make it big," said his friend as he tried to bring him back.

"Listen to yourself…" the kid began to speak as Arthur began to take his last step before he landed on the ground as if everything was in slow motion.

"Do you think the general himself would find a student and put in so much into him them challenge the entire school to try to kill that student if he wasn't confident that we can't even get a single scratch on him? It's a guaranteed loss. Anyone who attacks him is as good as blind," said the man before he walked away and Arthur made his first step.

Seeing this, everyone began to charge at Arthur as he was their golden ticket to a life of pure bliss. Instantly though, Arthur walked through them while dodging all of their attacks like it was nothing. He was reading them like and book and then he got bored, Arthur began to jump around as he kicked and punched his opponents like it was nothing. He was knocking out 3 or 4 people at a time while still being able to yawn out of boredom.

"No way…" the principal said in utter fear as he couldn't believe his eyes. It shouldn't have been possible for a person to do so much moves in just a couple seconds.

The principal had to watch as the students that he was so proud of got annihilated by Arthur one by one or more realistically, four by four.

"Stop that, it's enough, I've seen enough," said the principal in defeat.

"No, that's not how things work, let my student have a bit of fun first, then when he's done, that's when it'll stop," said Egris to which the principal simply sulked in defeat.

"Wow, this is just so fun to watch. I can't believe this is the power I've managed to acquire for my country. Maybe this will finally give us the winning edge in the power struggle against the other countries," said Egris to himself as he began to daydream about conquering the world with Arthur at his side.

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