
Uber Sexy Fight Scenes And Action Sequences Right After This One.

**<Okay, too late.>**

**<You're going to have run.>**

**<No, sprint.>**

**<Dash. >**

**<Zoom. >**

**<Oh, wouldn't it be just wonderful if you were a cultivator?>**

**<You could get there in a jiffy,>** the screen taunted, flickering with a mischievous glow, **<before those brutal men and envious women tear her asunder.>**

The Seer's eyes narrowed as his heart began to pound faster, though he refused to let the screen see him panic. He forced himself to breathe, slow and controlled, even as the words seemed to tighten around his chest like a vice. 

**<Ah, the look on her face when she comes to...back to sane thought in morning damage is done...do you think she'll kill herself?...worst yet do they will let her?>**

The screen's light seemed to pulse, each word driving deeper into his mind, clawing at his defenses. 

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