
909 Dewinter Estate

After Wolfe's presentation turned everyone away from partying and toward the technical aspects of magical item creation, the party naturally wound down after a few hours, and the Nobles began to split up to head home.

"Patriarch Noxus, would you care to visit our home this evening? The hotel services are exemplary, but I can assure you that the Shepherd Family can set you up in much greater comfort." One of the Elders requested as Wolfe was preparing to leave.

"While I do appreciate the offer, I have agreed to visit the Countess Dewinter's estate this evening to assist with the repairs of some barriers and other damaged spells which have become unstable in recent times." Wolfe replied politely.

The older man smiled and nodded. "I understand. Perhaps another day, when there aren't as many pressing matters to attend to."

Ella caught a ride back to the hotel, while Cassie joined Wolfe in the young Countess' carriage, headed for her estate in the city.

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