
Chapter Twenty: Vanessa Ivanov Is A Pervert.

The airport was filled up with neatly dressed bodyguards, comms fixed in their ears with dark shades covering their eyes, attracting the eyes of everyone which was opposite of what Jason Ivanov wanted, he advised Miguel to keep everything on the low.

The reason for that, being the need to protect his daughter from the eyes of his enemies, especially Alex Singh, who wouldn't hesitate to repeat history.

The heavy protection the heiress had at this point of time, was fully understood by the heiress, who didn't complain when she stepped out to see her father's men, waiting patiently for her.

But she wasn't happy that he wasn't the one here to welcome her, he promised to do that but had balled on her in the  dying minutes.

"My lady," Miguel paid his respect to her, signaling to another group of their men who took her luggage, while she feigned annoyance.

"Where's daddy?" She asked, stopping in the middle of the airport as if she was going to change her mind, and go back to Japan just because her dad wasn't the one present to welcome her.

Miguel would have snorted at her silly comment, but he knew better than to mess with the last standing child of his boss.

But irrespective of trying to show his respect towards the family, he knew how spoiled the young lady was, and what he didn't foresee coming was his boss putting him in charge of her uptake.

"He has something to do at work, but i have been assigned.." He tried explaining, but she sighed, cutting his statement short, before turning to the woman, who was dressed up  like the others.

"Jane, we are leaving for daddy's office.." Vanessa ordered her personal guard, who looked up abruptly at Miguel. The both were conversing with their eyes, since the order from her dad was to make sure that she went home directly.

"Young miss, I'm afraid i wouldn't permit you to do that," Miguel cut into her words, and watched the way she took off her glasses to glare at him full on.

A ridiculous move that  has attracted a lot of attention to her, although he had come to understand the fact, that she doesn't care about her safety.

"And who do you think you are to tell me what to do?!" Vanessa screamed, this time the whole attention of everyone was on her.

"My lady," Jane called, but she turned swiftly to face her." Call daddy right now!" She yelled at her, which had Miguel fed up with her stupid, and childish tantrums before he hoisted her up in his shoulder.

"W..what are you doing?" Vanessa screamed, while hitting his back with her little tiny hands that did nothing, but made him nearly laugh at her silly ways of igniting pain on him.

"Let's go," Miguel gestured to her personal guard, before they made their way out with Vanessa throwing ill profanities at him, and more so threatening to deal with Jane.

"Let me down, you piece of deranged asshole. I will get daddy to throw your nasty ass in the Antarctic ocean, where no one would…" she trailed on, making Miguel chuckle at her words. 

If only she knew who he was to her father, then she would rethink about her dad throwing him in the sea.. If it wasn't for him, her father would have been a goner by now, just like her dead brother.

He was recruited to work for him, since after the death of her brother, who he was deeply sorry for their loss. But with the way this pampered brat was behaving, he knew that he had a lot to do from now on.

He had imagined her to be cold, sophisticated and a real badass since after what happened to her brother, that made her father take her away from the country.

But here they were, with a twenty year old brat, who didn't know when to shut her annoying mouth up.

They were about to enter the car, which Randy, his assistant had set out with the other guards at their back to guard her home.

But what Miguel didn't see coming as she continued her whining, and throwing soft punches at his back was her pinching his butt.

"Wow! That's a nice ass you got there," The young girl commented, laughing to herself by slapping his ass  one more time, which made everyone still where they stood.

Miguel's feet were glued to the floor, but he was in shock because no one, no woman had been able to look behind the fact that he was scary to look at, to get this softy with him.

He was a full time assassin, a cold hearted monster  who wouldn't hesitate to put people in their place, if they misbehaved with him, but her?

Vanessa Ivanov, his boss's daughter, slapped his ass. Okay, he underestimated this lady.

"My lady," Miguel heard Jane call her, really embarrassed by her actions. But the chuckle that left the girl's lips, made him know that this one brazen unshameful girl he had in his arms.

Randy tried to hide the amusement in his face, but he could still see the grin on his lips. This made Jane step up to him, when she noticed how he didn't take what Vanessa did lightly.

"I apologize on her behalf, sir." She apologized, while he looked away from her. His cheeks were flustered, and he couldn't hide it either way.

Rather, he gave Randy a glare which he all too noticed what it meant, before he opened the car for him.

He tossed Vanessa carelessly inside, not caring who she was, and that made her shout at his hostility.

"I hate you," she yelled at him, but he ignored her comment. He would have said something, like telling her that she didn't mean anything to him either.

But that would make things all too complicated, he's going to be in charge of her everyday life, in the next few days to come, and letting his emotions out wasn't advisable.

"I'm really sorry," Jane said one more time, unlike the girl in her care she was wise enough to tender an apology to him, before sitting beside Vanessa who had a smug look on her face.

She's loving this.

The look on his face.

Miguel went up to the driver, and gave strict instructions to him before the car left. He watched the other cars, trail behind for the protection of that little pervert.

"Wow, she's a handful, but she's pretty. I like her." Randy's voice brought him back to reality, as he huffed ignoring his comment, before making his way to his car, and started the engine.

"Yo man, wait up. You won't want me spanking your ass like she.."

"Shut the fuck up!" He shut him up, before he could finish that statement. He didn't want him to remind him that he was assaulted moments ago.

"Fine, easy man." Randy raised his hands up in surrender, his laughter still resonating but Miguel chose to zone out, and keep his focus on what truly matters right now.

That would be figuring out how to handle Vanessa Ivanov's perverted ass, before she repeats this infront of her dad, that would in turn mean sending him to an early grave.

I love Vanessa already.

Jayden222creators' thoughts
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