
Chapter 120 - Anxiety

"So what brings you guys in here?"

My grandfathers each eyed one another clearly hoping one would take the lead to answer my question. In the end Grandpa Beau rolled his eyes and took charge. "Well I just wanted to check in on you and see how you were doing. I know when you have a reaction it takes a lot of energy out of you."

That was true. The first time I had a reaction even after the swelling went down and I looked normal again, physically I was exhausted. I would fall asleep really early and easily and would not wake up until many hours later. At that time for like a month I would sleep on average between 12-14 hours a night. 

I eventually managed to correct my schedule as even though sleeping more is not necessarily a bad thing, I was having a hard time completing things I needed to do as i would just get too tired. 

However, this time around I did not feel that same exhaustion but it could be a delayed reaction. "So far I am good but I am planning to keep an eye out for it. The only thing I am not looking forward to is the pile of work I will have on my desk tomorrow."

Though quite a few of my tasks were delegated out, somethings could not be avoided. I also had to plan out a lunch or dinner with my friends. I wanted to catch up with them about what was going on. Rachel was to set off for her honeymoon next month so I wanted to make sure we met up before then. 

Though it had been a bit since her wedding, both decided to set the honeymoon to be a few months later just to give them time to set up their new home, submit their marriage certificate as well as the legal documents with Rachels updated name change, and set aside the workload since they will be gone for a month.

It was honestly a very practical idea as they had nothing to worry about once they got back. 

"Well if you plan to still work could you come home during your lunch so we could eat together?" Papa Benito spoke up giving me a small smile. I could tell he was very worried. Both times that this has occurred he and Mama Ines were away in Italy.

Though I am sure he loves his home country and his friends he has there, I could see it in his eyes how hard it is to be away from his family. And the times he comes is usually during times of emergency or planned time here.

As much as they would want to visit more often, being on a plane for that period of time was not great for their old joints and bones. Also, with how busy we are, making time to actually be present with them was not easy.

Sure it was easier than other people as we were not risking our incomes that much, but when we suggested it they felt that they would be burdening us. So bearing that in mind, I agreed. "Sure I would love to."

His eyes finally lit up from the earlier somberness they held. "Thank you honey. Honestly I was a bit worried about that boy being in here with you but also I was worried you would be angry at me."

I knew once they came in that likely they made an appearance since Dean was in my room. More specifically, it was common knowledge in the house that he was going to be coming in and out of my room. Unlike the previous times when he came unannounced. 

However, I was saddened to hear my family was worried I was angry at them. They have done everything with good intentions and this was not their fault.

"I am not angry, this was just an unfortunate situation. As careful as I am, I understand my position in life, I need to be more vigilant and just because what I am allergic to is not as common as say peanuts or other allergens, I need to be better about it." Though I am very careful, I rarely carried my epipen and I insisted on not having protection with me. I am by no means asking for bad things to happen, but this was also an opportunity for me to do better. 

"Well we will work and do things in our power to ensure you stay safe. So this never repeats itself. I want you to rest up ok, holler if you need us." Each of them gave me a big hug before leaving. 

I ended up sleeping very deeply and nearly missed my alarm. It was a dreamless night which told me my exhaustion must have hit when I was asleep. To not rush myself I decided to dress down a bit more than I normally would for work. I grabbed some dress pants and a cashmere sweater and slipped on some sneakers to be comfortable. 

I pinned the sides of my hair out of my face and adjusted my bangs before heading down to eat and then leave. Even though Dean was supposed to be watching me, because I was going to be in my office all day, we decided only when I was not in secure areas he would be with me. 

The day went by like lightning and lunch time rolled in quickly. My driver drove me home to eat which I am sure was comforting for my family as they could watch the food preparation and knew no caffeine was present at all in the house. 

However, it was after lunch that time seemed to drag. The exhaustion crept up on me growing more and more apparent. I normally clocked out at six but seeing as though I managed to get out all the pressing material earlier, I decided to leave earlier.

As I waited for my driver, I texted Noemi and Rachel to see when they would be free to eat and chat. Though I was not exactly having any trauma from the incident, I felt wary going in to a restaurant to eat so I positioned my place to talk. It was ideal as it limits unwanted ears listening in but also comforts my anxiety. 

new chapter! please enjoy!

jklenacreators' thoughts
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