
_ Be saved to save the people

As he picked up a newspaper from the stack of ones arranged on his study desk, his mind wouldn't stop replaying the meeting with Cyfrin.

It was evident that the one sole meeting which didn't last more than an hour would be there to haunt him all the 90 years he had left.

He however knew if at all he was going to pursue this cure, it would all be for his people. He had no desire to be cured or to be saved. He had no desire to live. But his people — his people had every right to be saved.

The population was sparse and way too high to be left to die.

No, he had to do something. He couldn't just let his people die. However, he had always been vowing to himself that he was going to let Fionn be saved first should a cure be found.

Never for once had he thought the cure would be able to save just one person.

Now, this was out of his power. There was absolutely nothing he could do. His people must be the dawn of the new era.

They deserved it.

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