
His Little Boy.

Arissa gave Nicklaus a surprised look when she spotted Mr Wyatt among the people seated at the dining table.

She was beyond shocked when she saw him for the first time since she signed her contract. She took her eyes off him and immediately her gaze landed on Mrs. Wyatt and Geal, her face brightened once more.

Nicklaus helped her to take her seat beside him. Arissa felt eyes on her and when she turned, it was Nicklaus's father she immediately felt uncomfortable 

She knows the man doesn't like her and that is the reason she does not appreciate his stares. Mrs. Wyatt gave her a small smile which she managed to return while Geal whinked at her and Nicklaus.

"Here," Mrs Wyatt's excited voice resounded through the dining as she passed Arissa a plate of chicken breast, "Eat up, you look hungry,"

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