
Her Fears.

"That's when I realized what a true friend was. A true friend is someone who would always love you - the imperfect you, the confused you, the wrong you - because that is what people are supposed to do," 

~R. J. L. 

"Friendship is the purest love, it's one mind in two bodies," 



Hearing the sudden gasp, she called again, "Lyn," with panic when the other end just stayed quiet after the sudden gasp, "Lyn, I'm sorry," she apologized again. 

"I was just scared. I never meant it that way, but it just came out that way as I wasn't able to control my fear. I'm sorry," she choked. 

Jocelyn was all quiet and it was strangling her. Parting her lips, she continued, "I tried to control my fear, I tried to think straight but my fears wouldn't let me risk it, I mean_" she went on. 

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