

Bogsu rode on Alice steadily like they were in no hurry till they reached the barracks where the soldiers stayed, so that they would be easily assembled in case of an emergency.

The soldiers at first were frightened seeing a white tiger, which was the most dangerous of it's species in their camp but had to swallow their thoughts as it was their crazy general that rode it, although some wondered how she was able to tame it.

Bogsu had gotten a title from the Soldiers and she was addressed as a crazy general because Bogsu always went to extreme when training them for the war, they wondered what she had installed for them today, especially now that Bogsu brought a tiger along with her.

"Hey everyone, pack up your war gears we are heading out for an exercise." Bogsu announced still on Alice's back not bothering to come down.

"What are we doing this time around?" A soldier asked curiously as others nodded in approval ready to disagree with any of Bogsu decision.

The previous day, Bogsu had arranged a stack of woods that they as men found it difficult to carry, and ordered them to carry it round the city five times before heading back to meet her.

All the soldiers where confused at how that would help them during the war but all Bogsu did was shrug and said she just felt like giving them the work.

The soldiers had tears in their eyes but could not let it out because it was a dent on their ego to cry because of a woman but what could they do this general was just so unreasonable to the core.

"We are going to hunt in the forest, the deep one, so grab your armours, spears, swords, arrows, food and supplies we might stay there for days, no need to inform your family if you die I would." Bogsu told the soldiers bluntly.

"No we are not doing any of your fetish again, we want to train like normal armies!" A soldier protested shouting causing other soldiers to add a roar of support, the timid one's kept quiet watching the drama go on.

"Tsk, you guys are lucky, I originally planned to chase you all with Alice, anyone caught would be turned to her meal, but changed it to this out of my kindness yet you guys take it for granted." Bogsu snickered at them as while Alice just watched on waiting for when to come in.

The soldiers hearing Bogsu original plan for them felt shivers in their spines, was this lady human at all, they were about to protest again when Bogsu added what made all run into their tents to grab their tools immediately.

"If I go get prepared and come back to see anyone unwilling to go or not ready, then you should kiss mother earth good bye, because am going to feed you to Alice straight, don't dare me." Bogsu threatened them and Alice bared her fangs out, growling lowly to show support of her master threat.

Bogsu tapped Alice telling her to move on as the soldiers scrambled to enter their tents, no one was willing to die yet, especially not in the hands of a woman.

"Hmph, Alice your are starting to get feared more than me." Bogsu said pouting sadly as Alice walked towards Bogsu tent, hearing Bogsu words, Alice stopped midway and started shaking her head furiously to indicate that there was no way she could be feared more than her master, the thought alone made Alice hair raise up.

" I know, I know can we get moving now?" Bogsu asked Alice that stopped as Bogsu was in a hurry to get dressed so she could start toying with the soldiers again.

After they reached the tent Bogsu jumped down and entered into the tent, while Alice laid down resting her head on her front legs which where crossed, as Alice kept guard of the place dutifully.

Soon Bogsu came out wearing a red armour and holding a black sheathe that contained a sword.

Alice at first looked at Bogsu with a non interested look which suddenly changed to that one of shock and surprise when she saw that Bogsu packed her hair in a ponytail highlighting her palm sized face and red lips, with a well structured nose and a pair of sharp jaws that could be mistaken with that of a man.

"Hey don't look at me like that, I don't want any hindrances, it has been a long time I had so much knocking at my door step to kill." Bogsu shrugged noticing Alice stare.

Alice stood up as Bogsu climbed her back once more to head to the training ground that the Soldiers were meant to reconverge to.

To Bogsu surprise when she reached the training ground, all the soldiers had already gathered with their tools and supply bags with them having reluctance written all over their face.

Bogsu almost couldn't control her laughter as the men looked like young boys who were being forced to learn.

"Grab your horses we are heading out." Bogsu ordered immediately, then turned her back at the Soldiers because Body felt that if she looked at them any longer, she might burst into laughter which would hurt their ego's and Bogsu didn't want to be responsible for broken men, so she let them be, For now.

The soldiers grabbed their horses wondering why they needed it to go hunt at all but were not too surprised as Bogsu was an highly insane person that needed to be rehabilitated, sometimes the soldiers would gather and wonder what prompted the Emperor to give the crazy woman such a sensitive post.

Before they left the camp, Bogsu ordered some people to carry the Chi nation crest that was imprinted on a flag, a soldier asked in curiosity why they needed a flag to go hunt and Bogsu reply was, "So that the animals would know which nation sent them to their graves early." she said.

Then the soldiers were very sure that the sanity of their general wasn't very stable, they needed the crown prince, not a woman that has no idea what she is doing.

We are an inch closer to Bogsu and Song Yuan seeing themselves.

M_deecreators' thoughts
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