
Find Similarities In Their Differences

Liliana didn't spend much time at CafeOrama. She simply checked what was needed before hurrying to the foundation office. Isabella and the others started working at eight in the morning.

There, Liliana was able to exchange her views with Isabella, Rinnie, Jayna, Carter and Axel. They gathered after everyone had their lunch.

Because this was their official meeting, Liliana sensed the others, excluding Isabella were being extra careful with her. Most probably, the newly hired staff were afraid of slighting her as their boss.

Wanting to put a stop to this, Liliana gave them a reminder.

"I can tell that you're worried about offending me. If you have other ideas, please bring it up. I'm not an expert in this field. We're learning together."

Liliana kept her tone civil. Instead of being mad at them, she was simply being worried.

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