
Gang war

War there's no good or bad only those who conquer and those who lost and either die or kneel to those in power. But why does one go to war in the first place? Is it for territory, or resources, to conquer, these are the major reasons but the origin lies in human greed

[System: War has engulfed the entirety of Sanya because of that roaming thugs are more likely to appear

Special event: Gang war; You stumbled upon a turf war exp drops and loot will be doubled

Alert: Multiple hostile targets have been detected. You're within one of the war's hotspots. We advise you to escape–]

As Hikaru cycles through the streets of Sanya, he's quickly taken aback upon colliding with a truck. "Home run! That fucker didn't know what hit them. I now dubbed you roadkill–"

The pent-up kinetic energy within his tracksuit shoots out and negates the truck collision leaving him alive and kicking. He found his body to be fully functioning whilst suffering from a few grazes from his fall and his bike totaled. The one occupying the truck bailed upon the damn vehicle and was flipped upon receiving the suit's blow

"Careful now, this little prick got some tricks on his sleevens. Don't worry after we're done here I'll steal your shit–" Although they encircled him it never changed the fact their nothing more than a third-rate scum

Hikaru lunges forth and serves the hoodlum a straight and powerful dropkick sending him to sleep in no time. "You guys talk so much. You're nothing more than mob characters so what gives? Plus this is a fight, why don't you swing your arms instead of yapping,"

Although Hikaru was outnumbered he wasn't placed at a disadvantage nor did he suffer in exchange. The storyline of Karin was hell itself but even he could agree that because of that experience, his senses have improved. Along with the appearance of Suzu's sci-fi gadgetry he only needs to slam the ground to send forth a shockwave

[System: You've defeated some third-rate thugs. Calculation experience. Experience has been granted]

(I gotta say that tracksuit came in handy. If it weren't for that you would've used the recovery band-aid. For now, let's move)

"On it," He jogs what's left of the road to Yura's turf after his bike broke down in the middle of his journey


1 hour and thirty thugs later

(This doesn't look so good... this place, it's too empty. From the looks of it, they've been raided–)

"For fucks sake! Come on they haven't cleaned this yet? Oh god, it fucking stinging my nostrils it's so atrocious," Hikaru finds the nearest cologne and showers the vile-smelling room with its musk

(Never mind it seems they just didn't want to go through the trouble of cleaning. The outside looks clean, too clean, I might add, something's off. Are you sure they have never been raided? The outside looks clean but here it's been trashed)

Whilst Hikaru was contemplating his next move the system notification answered his problem. "What's this?"


[System: Investigation mode has been unlocked! Once turned on your visuals will be changed. Good luck young Sherlock!]

"Well, this is new,"

(You haven't unlocked this before?)

'I'll be talking with you with my mind. It'll be dangerous if we give our location. Just as you said I haven't unlocked this function neither have I known it existed. It's one of the many different events that occurred in this game. Guess the hardest difficulty never just contained the creator's message but all sorts of hidden scenarios,'

(Speaking of which didn't you tell me that the Creator said in his/her message that they made a character? When'll we start our progress with that considering knowing them will make this easier no? The problem is if their character is different from how they act alongside their names so we're hunting someone with amnesia)

'I told you im not sure. It's just a theory. Either their memories were overridden or the worst case combined. Why is it worse? If they suddenly get an existential crisis and decide to unalive themselves. The million dollar question is who the hell is the creator and where are they?'

(I guess that the creator is a girl and she's one of the many heroines in the game. Think about it, Hikaru. I just only came to know of human culture but the writing and tone sound like a girl and this game. Although it's only a pixelated dating sim, the effort behind this is too much for just a gift to be sent to a special someone)

'You have a point but I don't know... remember that fucker we met when searching for Suzu? What's that creep's name again? Exmobius did I get that right? The way that guy spoke so casually was too suspicious he might be the creator,'

(Okay enough aren't we losing time if we don't find Katsumi Yura ASAP? As much as I like to discuss this any further we have things to do. Lives are at stake so get a move on!)

[System: Investigation mode has been activated! Visual effects have been added. Clues will now be highlighted]

(There's a lot that's been revealed but where shall we start? I haven't got a single clue. Wait for a moment I'll appear-)

"Hold that thought" Hikaru pushes his hand forward striking a pose with an opposition that made Fazriel unable to descend

(What's wrong?)

"You said that only I can see you... but here's the point I'm scared shirtless by your appearance. It still haunts me in my sleep,"

(Aren't you overreacting?)

Hikaru sways to his back dumbfounded by Fazriel's words, offended even, and he goes off to reply. "How... dare you, Fazriel. I'm overreacting? You guys expect us to calm the fuck down if we see hundreds of eyeballs plastered on a pair of wings?"

(Fair enough)

"It isn't just fair... I have a literal point. Like is it normal to see your appearance on a daily basis? Disguise yourself as a human,"

(Should I go for a woman-)

"No!" Hikaru instantly replies

(Why not?)

"The last thing I want is to see hundreds of eyes transforming into a girl. Just the thought scares me. And I don't wanna be gay because of something stupid as trauma,"

(... the male gender was my first choice. It is the very first design of mankind. Well before the creation of the opposite sex)

Fazriel descends from his thoughts and appears to him in the shape of a blonde teenage boy. "What do you think?"

"You look like a Yankee,"

"I was fond of the design of the first man... the sacred texts told us he was blonde-haired paired with blue eyes. Although you can see me I can't interact with anything,"

"So you're some kind of ghost?" Hikaru uttered in response

"Well you aren't wrong... the only one who could interact with me is you. Regardless I can still help. What do you need?" Fazriel joyously replied as he grew ever so fascinated with his current form

"Look for anything out of the blue... for example, blood, broken objects, and things that aren't supposed to be here. Just look for something that you don't think belongs in a particular room, okay?" As Hikaru conveys their purpose Fazriel nods and heads to the upper floors leaving Hikaru alone

"Investigation mode!"

Young Hikaru's vision was altered granting his eyes to mark any unusual objects tinted red for any possible clues on his end. Footprints he couldn't see appeared and muddled the messy apartment he assumed had been raided. Apart from the bountiful dead ends, he spots a piece of juice-drenched paper from the pile of broken glass

[System: You've found a significant key component to the whereabouts of the character; Katsumi Yura!

Discovered clue: Drenched paper written by a member of Katsumi Yura's crew

Context: Hello dudes! If you're reading this then we've already left without ya. Today's the anniversary of the creation of our gang

This tradition has been running for 4 years and you know boss. She's the one who's hyped the most. So we're running some errands

Make sure to contact our little newbie... I know the boss told us to leave him out of it. Heck she's the one pouting since he left

Call him when you pick this up, the address is on the back page, make sure you bring the new guy he has to come!]


As he heard Fazriel's alarmingly loud shout he was caught off guard by the steps coming from the upper floors. "Oh, look what do we have over here?"

'Yeah, yeah I know... I've already been here before. Although these guys are rowdy they aren't a buncha slobs. If I didn't know any better their still kicking but barely breathing as of now right? Why don't ya leave all that chatting once I'm done over on my side,'

The gangsters weren't joking around, their intentions were nowhere near being resolved through words alone. The thugs before him were no third rates, instead of a bat, a metal pipe, or a broken glass bottle they wield Katanas. One lunges before his very eyes and drives her blade for the kill but young Hikaru easily evades near contact

"Too slow!" He kicks the thug's katana and without hesitation, he throws a right hook knocking his foe banging through the walls

'Man this tracksuit sure packs a punch... I did knock her out but there are still a few trash left. It's about time I use it correctly,'

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