
Chapter Thirty Three: The Reasonable Mistake

Raven arrives at a small underground chamber, a place that she was able to last sense Shawn's energy. And though she looked, she could not see her beloved. " Darling? " Raven called out but she recieved no answer. There was an intense heat within this chamber, one that Raven found rather strange as the core of the Underworld itself, was thought to be cold and not warm. So she began to began to investigate the surrounding area within the chamber. But as she did so, she was greeting by lovers voice.

" Raven? What are you doing here? " Shawn inquired as he threw beside him, a large bag that he had been carrying.

" I know that you are going to find this rather hard to believe, But it would seem as though Kara..from the last Reset has survived and found her way into the world " Ravens words troubled Shawn slightly.

" Well, she was on earth along with Gabriel so I'm not sure what happened that allowed them to escape it. Earth can sometimes be affected, but only when Underworld residents are there" Shawn was interupted by Ravens vast concern.

" Well it would seem as though she blames you and I, For Gabriel's death. She believes that we could have prevented it in some way. And now she wants Penny's life In exchange for Gabriel's" Raven explained which shocked Shawn.

" Why would she blame us? And why would she want Penny's life? " Shawn was surprised at the change of mentality within Kara and found it almost hard to believe though he knew that Gabriel and Kara's relationship had taken vast mental tolls on them both.

" I am not sure. But what I do know, is that she fully plans on taking Penny's life at whatever cost. And there is something else " Raven closed her eyes and took a deep breath before informing Shawn of Kara's pregnancy.

" But how is that even possible? " Shawn had more questions with each bit of information he learned and knew he would have to investigate this strange occurrence as it could very well be a paradox. That, or it could be much like the previous lingering.

" I don't know. But I do know that she is going to end up being a massive problem if we don't deal with it accordingly" Raven did not want to go against her former friend, But Kara was leaving them with very little choice.

" Her mind has been warped. She has been corrupted in some small way and that is manifested into something far greater. I don't know that she's actually the person that we once knew. She has an immense anger. And as much as I hate to say it, I am going to doubt that we are going to be able to get through to her in any shape or form. Though, I would still like to try" Raven knew the terrible cost she could pay by delaying Kara's destruction but she also did not want to believe that this was unfixable.

" Raven, you know we cannot take that risk. There have been far too many risk taken in the past, much like this. And it has backfired, every single time..The best thing we can do is eliminate the threat before it grows beyond our ability to control it" Shawn reasons which surprises Raven.

" Are you not the one that is consistently fought to keep our friends alive? You have held the Lingering captive simply so you did not have to eliminate them from this world. And now, you are telling me you want to just end this? " Raven argues.

" I don't want to end it like this. But I have also come to realize that there are certain things we cannot change. And the longer we hold onto it, the more it shall hurt us all. Enough people have payed the price for my unwillingness to do what was needed. I can't keep asking people to pay with their lives for my mistakes" Shawn hated that he had reached this mindset though it was also the correct mindset to have. He had been slowly building himself to this point and after destroying the Lingering, he had sealed himself within this train of thought.

" And you very well could be right. But I could also be right. I think that we should at least try to reason with her once more. And if she denies us, Then we take her out. We destroy her completely so that there is nothing left, right then and there" Raven suggests.

" Raven..you know that it will do nothing.." Shawn pleaded for Raven to see reason.

" I know very well that it most likely will do nothing. But I still want to try" Raven continued to push and Shawn finally relented to her request. They would venture to Kara's home and they would try their best to convince her to cease her madness even though it seemed unlikely that it would work.

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