
Nutriboom 2

The dirt on Debby Stovelman was extremely easy to find the company had an entire task force trying to find out who was pulling the strings as soon as I got actual proof she was alive Nutriboom would be put on ice assets frozen raids on property the whole nine. I was able to find details of a plane flying in That the corporation owns left from manchester this morning bout an hour after jake and Boyle first stepped into nutriboom. All I had to was keep a tab on their spokesmodel and then I'd know when she threatens jake and offer his money back.

The precinct was alive with noise. Diaz while ignoring me never lets me out of her peripheral vision which is cool she takes every responsibility so seriously but also stupid for me since I can't inspect more about the others of the 99. What I picked up was more of the same from the show Hitchcock and Scully being gross. Gina was self-obsessed and disrespectful though she put out a few minutes to stare at me in a very predatorial manner.

Amy walked toward gina's desk. The scene where Gina, Terry, and Diaz teach how to avoid her own may occur. I'm honestly getting a bit bored I love the Characters but there isn't anything for me to do I want to get back to practicing magic I'd rather be locked up in a lab with Alex than sit here doing nothing. I tell Diaz that I want to say goodbye to the captain before heading out. I walk to his office and knock.

"Hello, captain holt just wanted to talk to you before I'm off,"I tell him.

"Hello, Mr.Swift I hope the squad was on their best behavior," He tells me.

"they were great it was a pleasure to watch them work I think they would be perfect for the program but that isn't what I wanted to talk to you about I wanted to talk to you about your backup plan if John Kelly is made Commissioner of the NYPD," I Tell him he Grimaces at that.

"If John Kelly is The new Commissioner of the NYPD I will graciously accept the ruling of the board," he tells me probably thinking I'm fishing for information or a reaction.

"I think you should be Commissioner but if you don't I think that John kelly would be among the worst choices in the entire NYPD I was reading his initial plans if he becomes commissioner and it's pretty much a return to stop and frisk you, on the other hand, are fair and uncompromising. I know the program I have for the 99 would start a week after we find out if you are commissioner but my offer is that if you are not elected commissioner you and your husband come to my facility we fight back against the NYPD SInce your squad will be on leave you will be able to combat the NYPD without fear of repruccusian." I Tell him. His grimace turns into a small nod." it's not that I don't believe that the board won't make the right decision making you commissioner it's just I want to prepare for if they do make that choice."

"We will cross that bridge when we come to it." He tells me." thank you for your time and for this project it may be a good experience for the squad." He looks at me with his unshakable robot look closed off I don't know if he likes me butting my nose into his business but he seems to accept my words.

I head out of the door. Gina is looking at her phone. I hand her a paper with a note on it with my number.

"Can you send me a message about what time I need to be at shaws for Holt to tell the squad about my program?" I tell her. She doesn't look up from her phone she makes a slight mhmm to acknowledge my request. I start to leave. I start thinking about how this will all fit into my plans.

I'm 50% sure Holt will now come to my resort instead of the one gina talks about because its free and it gives him the chance to plot his vengeance. I will make sure he doesn't disturb any and jake this time around if jake and may accept my vacation home for their honeymoon then I can put them at the opposite end of the lake. Though when you are in comfort it might be better to have someone attend to you I should maybe look into that.

I couple get a Butler staff that would be cool maybe find a couple down on their luck people with no ties. Though I would most likely need to improve my legimancy to make sure they are reliable and without sketchy moral character don't want to be hiring any serial killers or those that will crack easily. In my head, I'm thinking of Alfred. I'd only need maybe three people once everything falls apart there will be several people that will want to take part in doing duties like laundry and cooking to show they are team players when the world ends.

Things are looking pretty good right now My facility is underway. I was getting closer and closer to being truly safe I just want to make sure that my magic is up to code. I will need to take my training more seriously with pimento. I think about Alex maybe I should slow down with hurt but even as the thought crosses my mind my chest hurts. I think about her family trying to reasses who would be an asset and who would be a liability.

Jay is kind of a wild card he's strong and he knows martial arts but he is also old and its unknown if he could adapt to the world ending especially if he had to listen to me who is younger he may try to take advantage of him being the patriarch of his family. Gloria definitely an asset and not just because she's pretty on the eyes. She knows how to defend herself and she knows how to prioritize survival.

Manny he has grown soft over the ten years of the show but when the show first started he was a very courageous kid if he has to fight to survive and has time to adapt I think he could be an asset same as Luke.

Cameron is definitely an asset his time on his farm would be an asset that would be indispensable as well as he is not afraid of getting his hand's dirty whether that be a fight or otherwise. Mitch, Maybe he would have some strategic benefit but the downside is he would be horrible in any form of combat the first time he is confronted with a zombie he'll be dead. Lily I have no doubt will be fine.

The person I was most worried about (despite my dislike of Hailey from my host body memories) is claire. I had said before my dislike of her antics during the show almost showing disloyalty to Phil on countless occasions like how she is in pairs seeing her ex-boyfriend. I mean Phil played it off but did claire really forget an appointment she had to meet that guy 30 years later and she just happens to walk by that shop on a trip that she didn't know Phil would be on? The thing with the yoga teacher. The thing where she went to her college reunion without him. The thing with the firefighters. That is a pattern.

It could change the family dynamic. What if I got Phil physically ready for the apocalypse maybe find him a trainer and give him a jump start. Hailey and Dylan won't survive Dylan's way too dumb and Hailey doesn't listen to directions but maybe I can save the twins The library on the grounds already has plans to put in addition to be a nursery and daycare for the younger children. I need to hire a few people for that. I am thinking of the logistics of that while I wait in the elevator of our hotel. As the door opens to my hotel room a wave of angry voices fills my ears.

"He's just a rich Man-child throwing around his money in some vain egotistical moron using this project as a way to fuel his narcissism really Alex he might be worse than hydrodynamics" Arven says. I immediately feel angry at his words and tone.

"I don't care what you think about Damian Arven why did you even take the job if that is what you think of him?" I heard Alex say back in my defense. It has a very open neckline and she has it unbuttoned she notices me coming in and her face changes from anger at arvens words to a shy smile. I bend down and give her a small peck on the lips and take the phone in a very smooth motion. she doesn't like it but lets me take the phone with a pout at getting distracted at the peck.

"This is Damian Swift," I say into the phone. He makes a guffaw noise.

"S-Sorry Mr. Swift I meant no disrespect I just meant..." He trails off realizing anything he said would probably be rude.

"Look you can say whatever you want about me behind closed doors it doesn't matter but if you're going to be on this project I need to know you are capable of working well with others without there being such theatrics being emphatic is good being disrespectful is not," I tell him Purposefully being a little condescending. I Hear him grind his teeth.

"Thank You SIR I look forward to working on the project As we will be working on such heavy topics Please have Alex Call me back later." He says in a haughty tone and hangs up.

"I can't believe you liked that guy," I Tell her. "Kind of a prick." She seems surprised that I know she liked the guy. She looks abashed for a second. I wave it off by pulling her in for a kiss.

"I Didn't have...that big...of a thing...for him." She says as I make a point to distract her from whatever she is talking about. I cast a Tempus wandlessly seeing that it was 3 o clock I set My phone down on the desk to an alarm for when I was to head to shaw's for the final meeting with the 99 to tell them about my program. I'd offer the honeymoon and offer a free honeymoon at my facility.

"Before this continues, The people I"m hiring for the facility they are having an introduction for us at a bar tonight around seven pimento will be there I say we get some work done after we have some fun practice spells you work on the bio tracker and then after tonight After that we can head out back to LA We won't even have to make another trip until half a month before..." I start off jovial and trail off at the end. She gets a saddened look at that.

"Well more like three weeks I'll need at least three weeks to set up my lab and you probably will need that much time to make last-minute changes..." she says getting wrapped up in our plans honestly this version of me was so much smarter but it was kind of a pale comparison of hers she had already made changes to my plans making things more cost-effective she had looked into vetting employees this facility less of my thing and more of our thing. I think it was kind of stupid it had only been three weeks but I trusted her.

I pick her up and hit the side of my watch to mark the time I moved into the other room of the hotel room so that I can use the time turner to give us the extra three hours to work on our studies. I can tell that in my arms she probably wouldn't even remember the name arven any time soon.


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I decided to just release my chapters as soon as I type them up though I may be slow releases from time to time because It do be like that sometimes

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