
Chapter 90


"Did you watch?" I asked, curious because I knew there were chances he hadn't done so. He had been so freaked out about the idea of me racing so I wouldn't have been shocked had he decided not to see the progress. 

When he nodded I chuckled in delight, feeling glad that he had done so. I was still seated on my bike, so I tucked my hands into his jacket's pockets and pulled him closer, looking up at him because the angle allowed for a marvelous view of that beautifully calming face. A few guys walked past us, tapping my back and congratulating me. I knew they would have stopped and formed a little crowd around me as they usually did, but they must have felt out the air between Kyle and I. And the fact that we didn't particularly want company at that precise moment. 

I knew most of the guys were shocked to find out I was actually gay. Normally, I got hit on by an average of three girls each time I went out to race, and now that they were aware of where my heart was, I hoped they would quit it already. 

Joy was written on each articulate part of his features, but it mostly flowed through his eyes. He couldn't quit smiling. 

" You won, " he happily remarked. Then he reached out and smoothed his thumb over my brows, his other hand holding my shoulder.

" Told you I would. "

" Why do I suddenly wanna watch you do that again?" 

" Is that so?" 

He kissed me instead of replying. 

Each time I won, I received an adequate amount of cash which I saved up. It was half the reason why I raced so much,and each time I received the money I always felt thrilled and satisfied. But his lips brushing against my own, in the middle of that crazy crowd, was a lot more thrilling and satisfying. He cradled my face in his hands afterwards, then he began saying something but cut himself short immediately after, biting his lip and turning away. 

The lip bite had my brain malfunctioning for a moment. Did he not realize the things he did to me? 

" What?" I insisted, curious as to what he had been planning on saying, and that curiousity only grew when I saw the shade of pink on his ears. 

" Come on, tell me, " 

" It's nothing. "

" Relationship.. transparency.. remember?" 

" Wow, you're really hang up on that excuse, aren't you?"

I had been using it frequently lately. Especially when I wanted to get him to tell me something he wanted to keep to himself. 

I was about to bribe him into telling me when his eyes were once again fixed on mine. His smile faded, and in its place was a heated glance that gave me chills. 

The good kind of chills. He licked his lips, and I followed the action and swallowed hard. Just one glance at that compelling turquoise and I immediately knew what he was thinking. And I was almost certain that his heart was racing at pretty much the same speed I had used to snatch the win. 

" That was kinda hot, " he admitted, his voice low and a little breathy, like he was having a hard time taking in air. 

" Kinda?" I teased. Pulling him even closer despite him being as close as he could be. And because it was never enough with him, I removed my hands from his pockets and wrapped them around his waist instead. 

" A lot," he corrected. 

" Like...a whole lot!"

I smirked, cursing the fact that we were in public. I mean, I never really cared for what others thought, but Kyle did. And I so had my limits. What I wanted couldn't be attained at the moment,not will all those people watching. 

" Did it turn you on?" I teased, but the look he gave me afterwards had my brows shooting up immediately. 

" Now I'm definitely staying over. " It was already decided. Not only for that purpose, I just wanted him close. Ever since we had been kids, sleeping with him close to me had always been a favorite experience. He had once,in his sleepy state, told me that I made him feel safe. And that had explained a lot. Like why he sometimes clung to me like I was a basic necessity for his existence. And I had liked knowing that I made him feel that way. 

" Okay, that's as much time as we're giving you! You can finish up your romanticizing later in the truck!" Miles' voice declared, and we turned to find both him and Will, along with a few other people, standing behind us. Kyle fought a blush, and when he stepped back to give everyone else room, I kept a hold on his hand. I didn't want him too far from me. 

" That was a close one!" June commented and everyone agreed. 

" Jay was like three seconds behind. " 

" My boy bagged it though, as I knew he would!" Will stated with confidence. I had known him through Miles. I suppose they were best friends, more like brothers actually. But they weren't the kind to talk about such sentimental things and preferred to express their affection by just showing up for and making fun of each other every chance they got. In other words, they were the perfect example of best friends, despite the age difference between them. 

" Good job buddy, " Trick said, then he pressed my shoulder and offered me a warm smile before wishing us a goodnight. I always admired that about him, he didn't ever harbour any bad blood despite how things worked out. And I knew that he was also a great racer, had even best me once before. He joked around with everyone for a while before him and Rachel walked away hand in hand. As always. 

" Hey kid! How about we take it off the road next week...Rocky Mountains. In broad daylight as well, " I looked at the source of the voice. It was obviously Jay, he didn't seem too upset about his loss. And next to him was Dave, as always. As well as the girl I had met at the record store, Dave and Jay were hardly ever not together from what I had gathered. Mostly because they spent most of their time practicing their skills. His suggestion appealed to me immediately, it was something I had always wanted to do. But I would need a lot of practice and I wasn't sure whether a week would be enough. Kyle tightened his hold on my hand and when I looked at him, it was obvious he didn't like the sound of that. 

" What? Need your boyfriend's approval?" Jay commented and both Miles and Will were ready to throw punches. Having those four in the same space was never a good idea. Last time they had literally fought, Dave had apparently made a comment where he had decided to mention Miles' dad. 

Miles naturally took it personally and the four had gone at it. 

" What's it to you if I do?" I shot back, using my eyes to dare him on. I needed one more stupid comment from him so that I could officially shut him off. I wouldn't make it physical seeing as Kyle was there, but I never needed to hit someone inorder to rile them up. Kyle once again tightened his hold, but instead of looking at him I simply flicked my thumb over his skin to assure him it was fine. 

" Chill out kid, "

" It's Austin actually. First place is also a suggestion. "

He smiled and nodded. 

" That aside...you up for it or not? Six and Nathan are down.."

" Same to Chase and Brian, called them yesterday and they said they'll be there, " Dave cut in. 

" We wanna make it ten, so if you agree we'll only need three more guys. Or should we consult with your managers first..hey Will, you race too, don't you?" Jay asked. His tone was the same one that he used each time they argued. It was clear that they always looked for trouble. I personally never involved myself in their issues, but if it ever came down to it, I was going to stick by Miles and Will no matter what. 

" You two must really enjoy losing to him seeing as to how you keep searching for more opportunities to fail, " Miles lightly commented. Dave narrowed his gaze but neither said nor did anything. Chelsea, his girlfriend I suppose, sneezed. And he gave her his car keys and asked her to go wait for them there, even instructed her to turn on the heater. So maybe they weren't all that bad. 

" I'll think about it, " I told them. They asked me to make up my mind by Thursday, then they wished their nemesis a sarcastic goodnight before walking away as well, but before they did, Dave gave Kyle a curt nod as well as this very subtle smile. The way you'd do when you met someone you knew but who you didn't necessarily need to talk to because you were merely acquaintances. Kyle returned the gesture, then we watched them leave.

" Okay, I'm of as well. last time the cops showed up and I do not have the energy to run in these heels!" June commented, then she told us bye before literally grabbing Miles by his hoodie and planting one on him. It was one of those unexpected deep kisses and she was in clear control. We just watched in complete awe. I had never understood what went on between them. They weren't a couple, but they had definitely been involved in someway. Sex most likely. 

Not long after, we also left. I had expected Kyle to comment on hearing about the cops,but he hadn't said anything. I wasn't sure whether that was a good thing or not, perhaps he was saving it for later. On our way back, they asked him what he had thought and he said it had actually been quite fun. 

" So you'll come to the next one?" I asked him, full of hope. I wanted him to be a part of that aspect of me because it made me happy. And knowing he supported me was definitely a score. They dropped us off at his place, and I asked them to take my bike along. 

" We'll talk about those dweebs' offer tomorrow, goodnight, " Miles said before they rode off. And Will literally shouted the words

 " Use protection! " 

All in all,the night had been pretty successful. In all aspects.

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