
Scene CXI — To the Centre of the Kingdom.

The times of honeyed nights for the couple continued with days where both would go their own ways to prepare for the coming departure to the Kingdom's Centre, Ramideos.

Times would come when they would cross paths, often, unlike those days she yearned for the mere chance to glance at him before his departure into Sortnafeigr occurred.

Once their gazes would meet a malicious smirk and a timid smile would emerge. And after the first time she had planned of continuing her way without intercepting his path out of thoughtful intention, the man would purposely go to Ewelina's side... Demanding the demonstration he growled to get the first time.

"Where are you going, wife."

"... Today's hunt was taken to the kitchens. Rations must be made for the coming travels. How about husband?"

"The men need training. But Kir's pestering me to fight him when he has to train the others."

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