
The Trial

10 years have passed since Mikoru attended the Magic Academy to help him control his magic properly. it's been a long year but the students still haven't accepted Mikoru.

While Mikoru is learning magic with Fina. Amaria on the other hand is doing her best to become the strongest mage in the whole kingdom. Oh and trust me both Fina and Amaria really grow big into a fine young lady. I think you know what I mean by big.

"Mikoru! it's time for the trial." Mikoru wakes up and looks at the window seeing both Amaria and Fina waiting for him.

Mikoru quickly puts on his clothes and grabs all things he needs for the trial.

He gets out of the house and apologizes both to Amaria and Fina. they walk through the kingdom until they reach the arena where the trial will take place.

"Is this it?" Mikoru asks.

"Yes this is where the trial will take place, each student will fight, the winner will pass and will be at the next trial." Fina answered.

"Then let's go in." As they walked inside the arena, Mikoru stumbled upon a guy with a large scythe on his back.

"Sorry..." the guy said and quickly left.

"Who is that?" Mikoru is wondering because he has never seen that student before in the academy.

"Oh you probably don't remember because he changed his hair color and grew into a fine young man. Fina said her face is red.

"Are you blushing? do you have a crush on him?" Mikoru asks.

The question caught Fina off guard her face became red even more.

"W-What?! I don't have a crush on him!" Fina said and then looked away.

"He is just a 15 year old man and you're a 20 year old woman, what do we call that here? oh that's right child abuse." Mikoru continue to tease Fina.

"That's where you are wrong young man, that guy is 18 years old so it's not child abuse." Fina said with a confident look on her face.

"So you admit it, you like him." Mikoru is still teasing Fina.

"Stop teasing her and start walking already." Amaria said she looked pissed.

They continue to walk through the arena and meet many students on the way while they are walking a loud voice speaks.

"To all the students who will take place on the trial please go to your perspective room and start preparing."

"Oh I think we're not in the same room so good luck to you Amaria." Mikoru said and let out a warm smile.

Amaria blush and quickly turn around and walk away.

"Good luck Mikoru I'll watch on the sideline so do your best!" With that Fina leaves and Mikoru starts heading to his room.

Mikoru opens the door to his room and starts preparing all the things he needs, he grabs his sword and puts it on his back, he puts on his cloak and he waits until it's his turn to fight.

After a while of waiting, a loud voice called his name and he started walking to the corridor until he reached the door to the arena.

he opens the door revealing many people that are watching from the sideline, he walks towards the middle of the arena and waits for his opponent.

The door at the other side of the arena opens and a purple hair guy comes out of it. Mikoru is shocked, the guy who obliterated him and humiliates him is the one that he needs to beat to pass the trial.

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