

  Emma POV

  I couldn’t decide if the feeling of Logan pushing inside of me was amazing or weird.

  It was probably both.

  I had to remind myself to keep breathing. I had to remind myself to remain calm.

  I kept my eyes on Logan’s the entire time. I couldn’t look away. I didn’t want to look away. The desire in his eyes was so reassuring.

  I was so scared that I would do something wrong. I was so scared that Logan wouldn’t be satisfied. I was so scared that she wouldn’t enjoy this.

  I was so glad that I was wrong. The only thing I saw in his eyes was love.

  Logan stopped pushing and kissed my lips softly.

  “Take a deep breath, baby.” he said as he reached between us and started rubbing my clit. “This will hurt a little.”

  I nodded and took a deep breath.

  Logan started pushing in again, and I felt something tear inside of me. Pain spread through my body, and I grabbed Logan’s arms tightly.

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