

The horses' hooves resounded on the cobblestone streets, accompanied by the rhythmic rumble of carriages. 

The departure of the followers set the busy roadway in motion, including those who followed the cursed magi, Jeffrey, and his minion, Aizel. 

The flow of people and carriages gradually shifted, clearing a path for their respective journeys.

"So you are saying that Bastard now has 3–4 more people in his group somehow?" The half-bald person asked.

"Yes Donald, he has four guys with him in his group. That was the information I received," Jeffrey replied.

"They won't be any problem to us; we will get rid of them and take the artifact from him," the middle-aged person said.

"But what if they have someone stronger in their group, Lumos?" Donald asked.

"I will handle it then. You, along with Jeffrey and Aaron, will take care of the rest," Lumos said.

So the kid's name is Aaron," Aizel thought.

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