
First And Last Time - 8

"Not bad at all!" he fell to one knee, feeling his flesh burning, yet, he didn't stop laughing.

Superstes also crumbled to the ground, puking an unholy amount of dark, bubbling blood, something seemed to be trying to break through her skin from the inside.

'Crap, he survived that?!' the fact that he put his arms in front of the strike and that Golden Glow nullified all defenses made it so he was thrown back by the impact, preventing his chest from being struck as well.

She wasn't going to be putting up a fight for much longer, but she could still move and with the lingering effects of Golden Glow, coupled with Axiolypito being slowed down, she should still be able to strike him with at least one other attack.

Axio should have realised this as well, yet, he seemed over the moon, ecstatic about something.

"You have my gratitude, I know exactly what is the last piece needed for me to truly stand above all else!" he chuckled as endless streams of blood continously poured from his two missing arms.

Golden Glow disturbed anything it touched, as such, even the monster's superior organism that would normally prevent him from bleeding to such an extent was unable to function as it should.

But it was of not importance.

With his eyes wide open, he flashed a toothy smile at the ground.

"Bear witness... To my divine self!" Superstes forced herself up, trying to reach him before he could anything else but it was nearly intantaneous.

"Perfection" he spoke in a simple tone bursting into a storm of Abyss, forcing Superstes to step back.

'This... This is even stronger than what was inside his paradigma!' from this point on, if Axio were to go out of this fight with his life, the monster that would be born after he recuperated from his wounds would be a far cry from what he was after just attaining the rank of monster king.

Not that Superstes cared for this, whether he lived as a miserable wretch or as a god didn't matter, the fact that he lived was all that was of importance.

"You're dying here and now" she didn't shout, more so speaking to reaffirm this fact with herself.

She wasn't going to reach any greater level of power, she would have to face whatever Axiolypito would turn into with what she had right now.

Meaning a severely wounded and weakened version of herself.

Only her resolve wasn't shaken, but resolve didn't matter if one didn't have the power to back it up.

The instant the chaotic tornado of Abyss subsided, Superstes was immediately able to confirm his words.


The heroine didn't have to analyse or pay attention to his new form to know this, a true god was perfect and her entire being told her that what stood in front of her was truly divine, in the most horrendous and disgusting way possible.

There were barely any trace of the former Axiolypito, the monster that used to be no taller than one meter and forty centimeter tall was replaced by a tall and buildt being of raw power.

He stood taller than she did now, his body wrapped in a regal abyssal mantle and adorned with the crown of the Abyss.

His bare body radiated resilience and sheer strength, nothing like before.

The only remaining sign of the monster were his purple eyes, signs of Mov's influence.

There were no eyelids, his ocular globes ressembled precious stones covering a statue.

He had many more eyes, all appearing just as resilient as the rest of body, eyes of various sort all over his body, making certain that he no blind spots of any kind.

The most repulsive ones being on his forehead a mass of insectoid eyes reflecting the cold shine of the eclipsing moon.

The entirety of his back was covered with tendrils and a tail that was seemingly changing shape every second.

It was a wonder how Superstes could look at this eldritch abomination without going mad, Axiolypito was brimming with a powerful Abyss.

His black, pointy forming a constant smile on his face.

He let out a sigh.

"Are you not going to congratulate me?" he chuckled in a distorted voice.

"Are you not proud that your parents got to be a stepping stone for my greatness? Just like you?" he spread his arms as he began casually striding toward her, his claws growing as the night seemed to grow deeper.

The mysterious moon in front of the sun was growing larger, engulfing all light.

She didn't heed his provacations and shot forward, he didn't move and only chuckled at her approach, rising his arms and leaving himself wide open.

"Golden Glow!" landing kick square to the center of his chest, right in the solar plexus, she infused as much golden energy as she could in this attack, leaving her just few scraps.

It was entirely ineffective, not even pushing the monster back at all, it was her that got hurt trying to strike him.

'He is even more resilient than that tortoise monster was!' she had hit him with a much stronger attack than that one as well.

The monster from back then had stood at the pinnacle of defensive capabilities, and it had been erased by her golden glow.

Axio didn't even feel anything and he simply replicated by punching her in the solar plexus was well, breaking bones and sending her flying without even trying.

Superstes couldn't fight back, she could only try to survive.

Axiolypito tried to rush her down, only to feel himself struggle to get swifter.

'Ah... my perfection... Is still flawed...' he coughed up a bit of blood into his hand, it was tainted with gold.

"Let's do this quick!" he had noticed that his punch hadn't quite carried as much strength as he had wanted, the lingering effects of golden glow were still coursing through his divine body.

As both of them stood on their last legs, it seemed dubious whether any of them would even come out alive of this fight.

"Oh, do I wonder how they are doing down there" he casually reminded her that he unleashed an entire continent worth of monsters on her allies and master.

Sir Solitar must have been waiting for him to make such a remark as something flashed through the air, landing right in front of Superstes with pinpoint accuracy.

The nagamaki.

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