

'Ah, I am closing in' thought Axio delightfully as he sat cross-legged on the back of a large wolf-looking monster that had additional pupils in its eyes.

He believed so because the crystal was guiding him much like a compass and just now, the direction started changing significantly.

He also noticed that he had started encountering less and less groups, and the one he did encounter were too strong for him to risk his troops.

He supposed it was the work of his kin's influence, who by the way, had stopped with his nonsensical speech of whispers overlapping one another and just started laughing as if he was being intensely tickled.

It was demented, demented enough to it seemed like he had transcended madness and just achieved a new level never reached before for it felt like Axio was hearing some sort of creature from outer space rather than a denizen of this world.

It didn't worry him much though, first of all, that was beneath him and secondly, if it turned out he was too insane to even attempt to reason with, then so be it, Axio could run plenty fast.

However, Axio knew that he wasn't going to run into the kin himself, but just a portion of his influence, it was like the crystal was pointing at heretical fire for comparison.

"It is not the same..." suddenly, a clear voice rang out, it sounded like it had been conveyed telepathically but also said out loud as well, the monster also heard it as they froze for a moment before Axio rapidly overwrote their fear and ordered them to resume their march.

"What are you even talking about?" asked Axio, he hadn't even thought anything that could warrant this response.

"Not you, the other guy..." it seemed like he wasn't going to elaborate, which considering how he usually acted, wasn't so surprising.

The guy may be talking to air for all he knew, so far, all of Axio's kins seemed somewhat unhinged.

Vlasfimia and this guy were obvious and at first, the wretch didn't consider the man in black as insane but he clearly had a strange relationship regarding combat.

"You are just like uuuus~" suddenly added the one in the crystal, sounding as if he was going to start singing like a princess, an abominable princess that was actually an eldritch abomination but a princess nonetheless.

'Thank god I am not unhin- What?' quickly ignoring the fact that he had his thought read and predicted, as well as the fact that the other guy suddenly started rambling about being called a princess.

"This is defamation, I am the prettiest of princesses~"

"You sure are buddy..." Axiolypito didn't even feel like mocking him, the man was just too lunar even for him.

Getting closer and closer to his destination, it turned out that he couldn't just get to it peacefully.

Carved out in the side of a small mountain, two small-sized statues depicting mighty dragons, wings spread out and howling at the sky stood on either side of a humble entrance.

It seemed obvious that what the wretch was looking for was hidden behind the closed doors of this place, however, it was clearly locked as chains covered the door.

It also seemed like the place wasn't falling to ruins as the wretch spotted not even the slightest of cracks that would allow him to slip through.

But more importantly, the place wasn't unguarded, the place was oozing danger after all, so those people were most likely supposed to keep an eye on the place or something along those lines.

Axio believed so because amongst the dozens of people he could see, very few appeared to be adventurers, most looked like knights or soldiers.

The thing of worry however, were the three people that had instantly picked up on the presence of Axio's horde, all three of which looked mostly the same as well as incredibly familiar for they were silver knights.

'Just my luck...' he shook his head before bending his knees and only his knees backward to avoid a slash of silver.

He had instructed his horde to duck down as well, two of them looked exactly like the first two knights of silver he had met, only that one wielded a longsword instead of mace.

The third one... He looked a bit different, they were all broad-shouldered and truly massive of course, so the only ways Axio had to know this one was different was by the golden decorations covering his armor and mace.

Without hesitation, the wretch unleashed his abilities, starting by throwing spawners all over the place, some gaining size at the last moment and other remaining their original sizes.

However, unlike usual, there was something else amidst the spawners, small pitch black orbs that burrowed into the ground or anything they landed on without his imput.

And then, he shrank to the size of a mouse as his needled horde rushed past him, allowing him to vanish from everyone's sight.

As chaos descended upon the camp, even more chaos showed up, as the orbs slowly began to show what they could do.

This ability was simple, yet incredible.

The orbs were 'seeds of challenge' and as seeds, they grew.

They grew into dungeons and battle towers!

Albeit slowly, the structures, still weak and fragile, began to appear and extend, some extending up and some spreading in all directions, the basic stone bricks morphing into more unorthodox materials as the seeds matured.

Axiolypito only had power over whether a seed would grow into a dungeon or battle tower, all of the other specificities were outside of his control.

However, the dungeons, albeit simple-minded were working in the wretch's favor, trying to build themselves around the people and locking them in.

As such, the battlefield was quickly turned into a chaotic mess, the group led by the silver knights was split apart by the growing structures, one even appearing as an innocuous-looking wooden house of all things.

Meanwhile, without ever being seen, Axio kept on producing spawners, making use of the new capabilities he recently unlocked, which weren't much, allowing him to make the spawners float up or hover around designated targets.

The ones that floated up wouldn't stop doing so, as such, they were all overcharged and exploded with many animals at once upon reaching a certain height.

Causing rains of heavy creatures to befall the unsuspecting soldiers and knights, because who would expect mooses to fall straight from the sky?

Many spawners were made to hover in circles around the tallest of battle towers, making them to be out of reach for most, even those that could hit them from the ground couldn't as they needed to be wary as animals and monsters could show up from anywhere with all of the structures blocking them from seeing far.

'I foresee... Victory!' gloated the wretch as he closed in on the decorated knight, deeming that enough spawners had been placed around for now.

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