
Need A Hero

"Without Rova, we can say goodbye to a big portion of our income and food! If this goes on, it is only a question of time until a famine strikes and the peasants revolt!" a thin and pale-looking man slammed his fist onto a large wooden table, doing so with surprising strength.

With veins bulging all over his forehead, he looked quite comical but seeing the meek man treasurer so enraged was making everyone feel like keeping quiet.

Except of course for another man, wearing his heavy armor and with only his helm taken off, resting on the table, he appeared as the antithesis of the treasurer, large and with tanned skin, he was or at least appeared much younger than the old knight that had recently perished alongside a new recruit in Rova.

Except that he spoke to agree with the feeble man, it wouldn't have surprised anyone had they thought about their respective positions on things but everyone was more used to their regular banter and was too concerned about the future to think too deeply about things immediately.

They were focused on what was to come.

"The little guy is right! We need to get Rova back immediately, for the reasons he said and also for revenge!" he exclaimed proudly, for a man supposed to be a master strategist, he was oddly hot-headed and driven by a lust for combat.

The rest of the people present, all of them part of the upper-echelon of Roderst and advisors of the king himself, turned toward their majesty, waiting for his silence to end and for him to speak his mind.

All in all, the room was split in two sides, those that believed getting Rova back was a life and death situation and the others who believed trying to do so would only dig a deeper grave for this kingdom.

Both sides were understandable, Rova was the agricultural headquarters of this country, it produced so much and so many different products that it could feed the kingdom and also afford to sell many crops to the neighboring countries.

This put them as a great ally to have, granting them the possibility to get favors from pretty much anyone and allowed them to remain perfectly neutral whenever skirmishes arose without any problems.

Thus, even their military didn't have much to do, they had avoided growing complacent by making their army akin to professional mercenaries, although they still didn't involved themselves in country versus country affairs, they were regularly called by smaller kingdoms and such that lacked the power to deal with certain things.

They were thus prosperous and should theorically be able to deal with this problem, calling for assistance from their allies shouldn't be difficult, they had stakes in this as well after all.

The king massaged his temples, this was a dire situation, but not something that should be this bad to manage however, somethings had happened, things only him and a few of his advisers were aware of for now.

His spies and diplomats had discovered something quite distressing recently, right as Rova had been being under assault.

Every single of the countries around seemed completely and utterly convinced that Roderst was under the menace of a deadly plague, seemingly believing that whatever was happening here was due to it, they appeared terrified of the plague spreading to them and had done their best to close their borders.

Roderst was completely isolated from the rest of the world right now, no one would accept any messengers or anything having to do with them, completely paranoid of this lie of a plague.

They would have to solve this by themselves and the utter lack of survivors from the city and also the fact to no one adventuring into the bizarre domain covering the city had come back at all, if they were going to do something about it, they would have to be serious right from the start.

The king was about to finally speak his mind, whatever he was going to say would happen, he had to chose his carefully, especially today, never during his rule had ever had to face such a perilous situation.

If he were to make a mistake, everyone would see that he wasn't competent enough to be ruler during a crisis.

However, someone that had been missing this whole time finally made their appearance, entering the room quietly, they were still immediately noticed due to the deathly silence permeatig the room.

Blouvier, the royal mage had not been there and that was commonly the case, usually skipping such meetings because they never spoke of anything that was of her expertise.

Still, she was carrying some sort of crystal ball and everyone there at least had an idea of what such things were used for.

"Your majesty? May I speak?" she asked with an utter lack of emotion, clearly not liking the attention suddenly being put on her.

"Go ahead" the king maintained his poker face, knowing that his royal mage had some affinity to revelations, he was expecting some great vision of the future or something of this sort and he was on point.

"Ahem, well... So basically, you can rest easy for now, kinda... If we try to get Rova back, it will only end in failure, we should focus on starting cultivations elsewhere, like we said we would for the last forty reigns or so..." everyone ignored the slight spike she sent their way and just focused on what she was going to say next.

"The things that took over the city won't act until at least five years, at least..." she repeated, yawning a bit as everyone waited for her to say something else.

"So? Is there something we can do?" one of the advisers asked, everyone wanted to know if she had seen a way to take back the city still.

"Ah yeah, it sounds like bullcrap but prophecy and shit... It said we should try to 'make' a 'hero'? Didn't precise the way... So work away guys! I am going on break" she announced before walking off with a slight stumble.

"Was she drunk?" one adviser wondered.

"She works better when she is, so I hope she has drank nothing but alcohol for the last month" another said as he brought his hands into a prayer.

"You all heard her, her visions have never failed before, so you all know your assignments! Dismissed!" spoke the king authoritatively, standing up from his seat and walking away, thinking about how much he should raise Blouvier for that incredible save.

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