
Jacob x Raphael

A memory that occurred long ago, a memory that brought feelings that rodric thought he had forgotten....

He would come back to reality and hear sindar say:

"Are you okay?"

Sindar and the others looked at rodric and he answered as he regained his composure:

"I am fine..."

"Hm, ok... Anyway, mister voss is innocent and I believe that."

Astrid was not convinced of that, but she knew that the king's word, was the final word.

"Sigh, okay... Let's not try to do anything against him, at least in this kingdom."

"Is that enough, jacob?"

Jacob was not satisfied, he wanted to get revenge for everything they did to him, but he knew that a wise man will always choose peace over war, at least until he becomes strong enough to fear nothing in this world:

"That's enough, For now..."

"Good, then since the heroes are in the Kingdom, I believe we should have a feast to celebrate this visit."

Sindar picked up a bell on the table and began to ring it. Just then the door opened and 5 maids entered and he said to them:

"Prepare a feast, Separate 24 rooms for each of our guests and separate luxurious clothes for them so that they can dress for the feast tonight."

"Yes sir."

The maids bowed and left the room to prepare the rooms and clothes for the guests.

After they left, lagertha said:

"How about the heroes introduce themselves? I am curious to know the names of the warriors of the goddess freya."

"Introduce yourselves." Said astrid to the heroes and the one sitting next to zed, stood up to introduce himself, but lagertha interrupted him and said:

"Not you, I want you to introduce yourself."

She pointed to raphael who was sitting next to Astrid, gesturing for him to introduce himself and with no options, raphael stood up and said:

"My name is Raphael."

After saying his name, he sat down again and lagertha asked unsatisfied by the lack of information:

"How old are you and especially, what is your rank?"

She gave a sharp look and not only she who was interested in raphael, but rodric and ysabel were interested as well, all because they were strong and knew how to recognize when they encountered someone strong. Just as a predator can recognize another predator.

But already imagining this question, raphael answered:

"I am eighteen and rank platinum."


Lagertha couldn't believe that, not even rodric and ysabel, because they were sure that he should be at the very least, a diamond rank.

Again not being satisfied, lagertha asked:

"What is your skill? I heard that you heroes were blessed with one."

"It's copying."


Magic and skills, what's the difference? It's something simple, magic can be learned by anyone and skills are only something given to a few people in the world, to people chosen by fate or the gods. Each of the heroes has been given a unique ability, something that will be part of their identity.

The only people in the whole world who possess an ability are the heroes, the demon king and some special people like varda and apostles of the gods.

"My ability makes it so that I can copy any magic or skill..."

After he spoke, everyone was shocked by that information except the heroes and one of them said while mocking:

"Haha, that skill can only copy magic and skill from silver rank users, pffff."

Then the heroes started laughing, except for Rose, Emma and the girl next to jacob.

Lagertha still thought there was something wrong with that boy and even with everyone debauching him, she knew he was someone strong and reflected:

'Is he trying to hide his power? Yes, that must be it... I am an elf and I can feel very well that he is the strongest of all the heroes and his ability should not have that limitation...'

Not only she who thought the same thing, but also sindar, rodric and ysabel.

While everyone was laughing and making jokes, jacob was looking cold and dead as he stared at the food on the table, until suddenly, the girl next to him whispered:

"My name is Grace and I'm 18 and I'm rank diamond.... My name is Grace and I'm 18 and I'm diamond rank..."

She kept repeating that sentence so she wouldn't stutter when she was going to introduce herself to the queen, but Jacob started to get irritated because of the repetitions and said in a loud tone while pointing to the girl next to him:

"This girl said she wants to perform."

All the heroes stopped laughing and looked at the girl with white hair and blue eyes, and one of the heroes who seemed to be the funny one in the class, said:

"That girl? Her name is Mary, wait...isn't that Olivia?" Another hero would get in on the joke and start saying:

"No, I'm pretty sure her name is Sophia!"

"Sophia? I would have sworn her name was Isabelle!"

The heroes laughed again and Jacob looked at the girl next to him only to find her head down with her bangs covering her face, seemingly angry and sad at the same time and reflected:

'I think she was offended...'

While the heroes were laughing, Lagertha looked at the girl and noticed that those jokes made by the heroes were affecting her and said angrily:

"Stop mocking your companion!"

She released her aura and the table and floor around it began to crack and quickly the heroes became quiet and some of the weaker ones began to bleed from their noses.

Sindar just sighed as if he already knew this would happen, because he knew his wife and knew that Lagertha hated injustice, especially to women.

After seeing that everyone was silent, lagertha said to the girl in a sweet tone:

"What is your name?"

Full of insecurities and fears, the girl didn't answer, she wasn't wanting to be a part of that conversation anymore, all she wanted was to go back to her room and possibly cry all night. realizing she wasn't going to speak, jacob said wearily:

"Her name is Grace, she is eighteen years old and she is rank diamond."

Hearing jacob say everything she was repeating earlier, Grace's eyes widened and she looked at jacob in surprise.

"Grace? That's a beautiful name. If I'm not mistaken, your name means beauty and elegance. It indicates a person who wants to live in harmony with everyone."

Grace just nodded her head shyly and one of the heroes who was making a joke said:

"We already knew her name was Grace, we were just joking with her, because in our world she barely went to school and you understand, right?"

Grace clenched her fists and her hand began to bleed and she spoke mentally:

'My ability is to read thoughts, idiots...'

Grace, who is an albino, used to suffer a lot of bullying in her past life because of the color of her hair. The girls called her old, among other things, causing her to lose her self-esteem and to be anti-social and end up skipping school, so only a few know her name.

Lagertha looked at the hero who had said this and warned him:

"You should grow up and start becoming a man, jokes are only something made by children and court jesters, so I think you better start becoming a real man."

The hero was mostly offended after noticing that lagertha did not see him as a man and when his pride as a man, would overcome his rationality, Astrid sternly told him:

"Shut up and don't say anything!"

He became even more irritated, but he obeyed, until suddenly, Jacob said to him:

"Are you afraid of a woman? The great hero who is destined to face the demon king, is afraid of a woman?"

Jacob just wanted to see the circus on fire, and the proud hero replied:

"I am not afraid!"

"Aren't you afraid? Then say what you're thinking."

"Shut the fuck up! or I'll cut your tongue out!" Astrid said sternly to the hero and Jacob said while grinning like a demon:

"Say it."

Even with all of Astrid's threats, the proud hero said what he so desperately wanted:

"I can prove what a man I am in bed, if you want, you bit..."

Just as he was about to finish his sentence, sindar appeared behind him and placed her two hands gently on his neck and spoke coldly:

"Finish your sentence."

The hero who was living in luxury and lust, thought the world revolved around him, but reality came hard and he became paralyzed and began to break into a cold sweat and pee his pants, he felt like a rabbit in the wolf's mouth, ready to be devoured at any moment.

Astrid realizing that the Hero she was supposed to protect was going to die at any moment, tried to get up to stop it, but rodric said warning her:

"Do nothing, or you will join him."

Astrid stopped getting up and sat down again, she realized it was too late and mentally spoke:

'I failed...'

Sindar would bring her mouth closer to the hero's ear and whisper:

"Say it, or I will split your body in half."

Without releasing his aura, using only his killer instinct that he acquired after several wars, he made the hero piss himself in fear.

Jacob smiled slightly and stood up and walked towards the hero. Everyone looked shocked at him, because they knew that to approach Sindar at that moment would be fatal! But not caring about that, Jacob walked over to him with a smile on his face and sat down on the table next to the hero and said:

"Open your mouth."

The hero was beginning to shake, the scene for the other heroes who were not used to cruelty, was too much for them to handle.

Jacob looked at Sindar who released an overwhelming killer instinct and spoke calmly as if that pressure was nothing to him:

"Cut out his tongue."

"No, I want him to finish his sentence. I want to hear his last word perfectly."

Jacob stared with a calm expression and replied:

"Then you will kill him?"

"Kill him? No... I'm just going to rip his head off."

Satisfied with that, Jacob looked at the hero who looked like a traumatized rabbit and spoke while smiling:

"See the bread knife on the table? Take it and cut out your tongue. Do that and you won't have to finish your sentence."

A flashback happened and an experiment was shown in which scientists put a super-strong glue on the floor and then put the rats there. After a few minutes, they noticed that the rats that had stuck all four legs on the ground ended up dying from lack of food and fatigue, but the rats that stuck only one leg did something surreal to save themselves, they cut off the leg that was stuck there and escaped from the trap. With this in mind, scientists have realized that when a rodent is in a critical situation and to escape from that situation the key is to remove a limb that does not affect its biological functions, they do it without hesitation, as if it were a survival instinct.

Like a mouse caught in a glue and the salvation was to remove the tongue, without any hesitation, the hero would take the knife and open his mouth and calmly pull out his tongue and start cutting it with the knife while screaming in pain.

Blood would start to spurt out and Jacob would speak:

"Put your head down, or you will choke on your own blood and die."

The hero would obey and put his head down and cut his tongue again as he screamed in pain, all so he could live.

The sound of his screams, echoed throughout the room and the rest of the heroes, were shocked and terrified by that scene. After a few moments, he finally managed to cut off his entire tongue and spit it out on the table as living proof.

Jacob smiled as he saw that the hero had accomplished what few would have the courage and said proudly:

"You did well, know that you have my respect."

The hero was beginning to cry with happiness when a feeling of hope filled his heart, but as the world was cruel, sindar was not satisfied with that and said:

"What have you done! How will you finish the sentence you were going to say to my wife?"

He squeezed the hero's neck and just as he was about to pull up to rip the hero's head off, Jacob put his hand on Sindar's wrist and spoke:

"That's enough, he can keep his head."

"Don't interfere! This is a personal matter."

Sindar was beginning to release his aura to get Jacob to back off, but his aura didn't make Jacob flinch or lose his posture for any moment and he said as he looked calmly at the hero:

"He may even deserve death, but not by your hands."

Suddenly, Sindar let go of him and widened his shocked eyes as he remembered that they were only young and felt extreme guilt for having lost his composure as a king.

Seeing that sindar had come back to reality, Jacob smiled and said as he patted the hero on the back:

"Congratulations, you survived! Now someone heal this boy."

Quickly a girl stood up and walked over to the hero and began to heal him, apparently she had learned the healing magic in the shrine...

Lagertha smiled with pride to see that her husband had forgotten all his responsibilities as king, just to defend her and said to Sindar:

"You will get a gift tonight, for being a knight and defending my honor..."

Sindar coughed in shame and returned to his seat and said:

"Let's see... We were talking about the introductions, right?"

The heroes with the exception of Raphael, were in shock and afraid of what he might do, but mostly they were surprised at how brave Jacob was to directly intervene and prevent his colleague's death.

Rose, their teacher, looked in shock at her student who had almost died, but she knew that she had neither the right nor the power to stop them, because she was no longer their teacher and even if she was, she had failed because she had gotten involved with Raphael in a forbidden relationship.

Suddenly Jacob stood up and started walking towards the door and everyone looked at him in surprise:

"Are you going already?"

Rodric asked curiously and Jacob replied:

"Yes, and before you ask, I am going to attend the banquet that will be held today."

"I wouldn't ask that!"

"Uhum, I'll pretend to believe it."

"But before you leave...is this boy the one you said would be my disciple?"

Jacob realized that Rodric had already noticed Raphael, but he kept walking and answered:

"I don't know. I have no idea."

Jacob walked out of the room and zed looked interested as to who he was, but not only was he interested in Jacob, but so was Raphael, he who hadn't stopped staring at him since the moment he walked in, decided that he would satiate all his doubts at the banquet tonight...


Author's note:

The interests of zed and raphael are just curiosities about jacob's history, information and power.

Grace's ability allows her to read the thoughts of any being that has less mana than her, and the higher your rank, the more mana you will have.

Raphael's copy ability, has no restrictions, so he can copy any ability and especially the magic of anyone he has seen.

Thanks for Reading (:

Fabio_Henrique_5198creators' thoughts
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