
Ch. 4 Part 1

The scenery which was met with Xiao Ling when they got to where YanZhi took him was breath taking.... there was a waterfall and the surrounding was mesmerizing. The flowers, the plants, the trees and some animals jumping around.... the place felt out of the ordinary and it didn't look like it was a place you'd see on Earth.... YanZhi caught Xiao Ling stealing a glance at him which made him smiled

" this place is filled with my qi, that's why everything is different here. Everything here is under my protection and the living things here survive and grow by channelling my qi lingering here "

YanZhi answered Xiao Ling's curiosity before he ( XL) could even ask, which made Xiao Ling blushed embarrassedly.

" come and sit with me " YanZhi smiled and said as he lead Xiao Ling to a made stone bed with a stone table on it and two pillow seats. YanZhi took his seat and Xiao Ling sat across him.... Yue came with tea sets and some dimsums which where neatly served on a plate and she neatly placed them on the stone table before she excused herself. YanZhi served tea to Xiao Ling and served himself as Xiao Ling looked at him silently not knowing what to make of everything he's witnessing. Xiao Ling was startled when some snakes crawled unto the stone bed to YanZhi's side....

" Don't worry about them... they're all under my protection and my outer disciples, they won't harm you.... every snake in this world won't harm you as long as I deem it so "

YanZhi assured Xiao Ling when he notice him on guard and his anxiousness..... the snakes started to hiss to YanZhi one after the other as they enjoyed their tea.

" He's your master's wife... so you take care of him from now on "

YanZhi said to the snakes making them turn to look at Xiao Ling as if they understood what YanZhi said making Xiao Ling stunned and blushed...

" Hehe... yes, I agree with you he's quite young and special... "

YanZhi laughed and said as a snake hissed at him making Xiao Ling glared strangely at him...

" do you understand what they are hissing about? How do you know the meaning of what they're hissing mean? " Xiao Ling asked YanZhi curiously

" that is my tongue, of course I have to understand. Being in the body of a mortal doesn't make me a mortal and with the help of my qi we can understand each other " Xiao Ling answered him leisurely

" You've been talking about "qi" for a while now....are you a cultivator? do you have internal strength? And what do you mean by mortal.... do you mean you're not a mortal... as in not human? " Xiao Ling place down his tea cup and straightened up himself asking YanZhi in a serious tone

" hmmm... cultivator? not quite right, but something like that since I do cultivate and that's what I teach my disciples... and yes, I do have internal strength.... I'm not a mortal or human, however you put it. I am of the same species as them, but not exactly like them " YanZhi replied blankly not minding the look which Xiao Ling was giving him

" You're a snake?..... no way, but your parents....? and ... they're human! " Xiao Ling was confused and speechless as he found it very hard to construct a sentence...he didn't know what to make out of what YanZhi said and he didn't quite understand what YanZhi meant since his parents are normal people and he couldn't be mistaken about that

" Hehe...relax little wife, yes the body was that of the human YanZhi but the soul is mine... I took over this body when it is was still very young, at the age of three.... but the soul is of that of decades and thousands of years snake beast from a different realm, but since I've been nurturing this body for years from it's young age it has completely emerged with my soul and became mine and no longer a human body..... Just like you now, different soul occupying Xiao Ling's body "

Xiao Ling stood up and took a fighting stance as YanZhi said the last part in a tone which Xiao Ling didn't find pleasant, YanZhi started to laugh hard seeing Xiao Ling's being cautious of him

" Take it easy little wife, if I wanted to bring harm to you I'd.... do it that night you took over the body " Sweat beads formed on Xiao Ling's forehead and his knees gave out as he fell on his knees terrified as YanZhi released a tiny bit of his qi, YanZhi quickly concealed his qi when Xiao Ling started having a hard time breathing

" Forgive me little wife, I didn't mean to scare you....I thought you could handle that amount of my qi, I guess you're not as strong as I thought " YanZhi said in a soothing tone

" my strength was decreased when I crossed over that's why, and even if my strength wasn't decreased I know for a fact that I still wouldn't be a match for you. You're not just a snake beast cultivator.... are you? " Xiao Ling said in a defeated tone

" well you're right, I'm just not just a snake beast. I'm more than that, but let's leave that for another time. You say your strength had been decreased? Then become my Dao companion and I'll make you stronger than you ever were, I'll cherish you and be with you for eternity on the path of cultivation alongside me " YanZhi said to Xiao Ling in a very serious tone earning a blank stare from Xiao Ling

"but why? are you asking the other Xiao Ling or the current Xiao Ling " Xiao Ling asked

" I'm asking the one I showed some of my secrets to, to be honest I don't trust people easily for some reasons which I can't say now... the thing is I stopped trusting people for a thousand years now, but when I pried into your soul I ... " Xiao Ling glared angrily at YanZhi when he mentioned of his soul been pried into

" Don't worry little wife, I didn't pry into whatever you don't want to say... I just looked into your soul when you took over Xiao Ling's body that's how I knew that you're not him, his soul wasn't strong and it was timid but yours was different. That was one of the reasons I didn't really get close to him and why I didn't show him all this and the real me, but you're different and I want you with me " YanZhi quickly defended himself

" Think about it little wife, you're alone here with no one to turn to and we're married... I'll shield you and protect you in this world where you have no family, I'll teach you the path of cultivation. You have nothing to loose, and all I ask for is your complete loyalty to me as my Dao companion, your complete trust... and one day your love "

Xiao Ling blushed when he heard the last part which made YanZhi smiled, Xiao Ling thought hard about what YanZhi offered him which was a very good deal to him. As for loving YanZhi..... he found it not hard to do since YanZhi wasn't such a bad person so he knew he could learn to love him, Xiao Ling wasn't scared of being betrayed by YanZhi since the other laid down his secrets but hasn't asked him ( XL) his secrets.

" Okay, I'll stay with you. By the way, what should I call you since you're not YanZhi " Xiao Ling asked

" Just call me what you usually call me, but I'll be happy if you call me Xiong Gong " YanZhi smirked which made Xiao Ling's ears turned red earning him (YZ) a fierce glare.

" Brother Yan! " Xiao Ling called

" You can call me Xiao Ling since that's also my name and our appearance is the same,just the psychics is slightly different " Xiao Ling said

"no! I prefer calling you little wife so get used to it! " YanZhi plainly refute

" Yes, he's staying with us from now on " YanZhi said as a snake hissed at him, Xiao Ling stared at him with his face showing his curiosity

" do you want to hear them? " YanZhi asked him, Xiao Ling nodded hard looking like a chick pecking grains which made YanZhi smiled

" lean to me " YanZhi ordered him and he did, YanZhi pressed his forehead against Xiao Ling's which startled Xiao Ling. Xiao Ling tried to break out of YanZhi's grip but couldn't as YanZhi held him in place

" Relax little wife and stay calm... we're already husband and wife there's no need to feel embarrassed over a little closeness " YanZhi teased him making Xiao Ling stayed still. In a moment Xiao Ling felt as if something was pouring into his head from YanZhi, it felt like air flowing from his head to every inch in his body passing through every vein and circulating. After the circulation settle in the middle part of his body making him breath hard and out of breath

" Take slow deep breaths and release, calm your breath down. I'm forming your sea of consciousness and opening your dantian " YanZhi advised

Xiao Ling felt his stomach churn as he felt something swirling within him, they stayed in that position for about half an hour before YanZhi broke free leaving sweating Xiao Ling feeling a bit tipsy

" I formed your sea of consciousness using my qi and opened your dantian, we'll start your true path of cultivation in the night but now you can hear them using the qi I left within you. Relax and listen "

YanZhi smiled and started to guide him, Xiao Ling did as he was told and listened to the hissing of the snakes surrounding them

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