
Chapter - 23

As Freya deftly stitched up yet another injured guard, she leaned back and took a moment to survey the remaining patients waiting in line. The clinic had cleared out significantly since she had started, but the sight of those still waiting reminded her of the seemingly endless task ahead. Even though the line was shorter than usual, thanks to El's absence and the prejudices of some of the southerners, who refused to be treated by a smallfolk woman like herself, she paid it no mind. She was busy enough dealing with the patients in front of her.

Despite her weariness, she worked tirelessly to attend to each patient, calling upon the knowledge and techniques that El had imparted upon her. She had not realized how different it would be to treat patients without the surety that El was always there to fix any mistakes. She found it difficult to diagnose patients at times, constantly challenged by the various diseases and ailments that presented themselves. She wished that El were there beside her, his presence a calming influence in the midst of the chaos.

The clinic was bustling with activity, patients shuffling in and out, the air thick with the scent of herbs and the sound of moans and groans. She moved from one patient to the next, her hands moving with practiced ease as she attended to their needs, cleaning and patching up wounds, and ensuring that broken bones were set correctly. Her primary concern was the wounded guards, as there had been some kind of altercation with the wildlings.

As she worked, her thoughts often drifted to El. He had been gone for far longer than usual, and she found herself missing him more with each passing day. Though he often disappeared for brief periods, this was the first time he had been absent for so long. Her concern for him grew with each passing moment, but Lord Stark had reassured her that El had completed his work in the capital and was on his way back. It was only a matter of time before he returned to her side, and she couldn't wait for that moment to arrive.


As the day went on, my concern grew when none of my birds returned. It had only been three days since I had made the hasty decision to set out to sea, and I knew I had made a mistake. I had been so focused on my experiments that I neglected to consider that ships don't remain stationary in one location.

My worries were quelled as my birds finally returned, and I got a direction to go in. We finally set sail, but based on my calculations, at the speed at which we were going, it would take us a week to get back to shore, and I wasn't even sure which shore it was.

I was honestly getting tired of this ship. If I was capable of getting seasick, I would have been puking my organs out by now.

Although I could theoretically grow wings and fly back to land, I hadn't tested how long I could sustain flight. Doing so in the middle of the sea seemed unwise, so I considered other solutions.

In the end, I opted for the simplest one. I made some adjustments to my body, giving myself gills, and then leaped into the sea to search for what I needed.

As I dove deeper into the ocean, the scenery around me began to morph into a breathtaking realm of vibrant colors and teeming life. Swarms of iridescent fish flitted and twirled, dancing around me in a mesmerizing display.

I had set out in search of something substantial, perhaps a sizable fish or even a whale if such creatures existed in these waters. After swimming for a couple of hours, what I stumbled upon was beyond anything I could have ever imagined.

As I gazed upon the colossal creature before me, my heart pounding in my chest, I was struck by its sheer enormity. Its tentacles, each as thick as a tree trunk, writhed and coiled in the water like living serpents, their suction cups glistening menacingly in the dim light.

It was Kraken. Its body was a mass of rippling muscles, its skin slick and iridescent in the murky depths.

As I swam closer, its massive eye fixed on me with an unnerving intensity. In an instant, its tentacles shot out, reaching for me with lightning speed. I could feel their incredible strength as they latched onto me, threatening to crush me in their grip.

Despite the overwhelming power of the kraken, I remained calm and focused, knowing that I didn't really need to overpower it anyway.

I use my powers on the kraken's body and analyze it to see what I have to work with.

It was mostly as I had expected, but what really surprised me was the fact that this particular kraken was 300 years old and could live for a few more centuries due to its incredible cell regeneration. I was going to have to incorporate that into my own body later .

As the kraken firmly held me in its grasp, I wasted no time in taking control of its massive body. Its strength was incredible, and I could feel the power coursing through its limbs as it propelled us both upwards towards the surface.

As we emerged from the depths, the ship came into view, its tall mast making it easier to spot. The kraken followed my commands, and it swam towards the ship with purposeful intent.

As we approached the ship, the ironborn crew looked on in amazement, their faces twisted with fear and awe. They muttered something about their drowned god, but I paid them no mind, my focus entirely on the task at hand.

The kraken held me in its grasp as it breached the surface, its tentacle breaking through the waves like a mighty sword. It set me down gently on the deck of the ship, and it retreated back into the water.

The crew of the ship looked at me with a mixture of disbelief and fear.

With a determined stride, I made my way to the front of the ship and dropped the anchor with a resounding thud. The kraken responded promptly, its massive tentacles snaking around the anchor as it began to pull the ship in the direction I had instructed it to swim.

At first, there was a collective gasp from the crew as we were suddenly jerked back by the sudden momentum gained by the ship. For a moment, I was unsure whether the ship could withstand the strain, but it held its own. I grudgingly acknowledged that while the Ironborn may be scum, they certainly knew how to build a ship.

As the ship picked up speed, the rudders began to creak and splinter at the massive force that was pulling us against the flow of the wind. I could feel the kraken's immense strength as it propelled us forward, cutting through the waves with ease. With this speed, we were likely to reach the shore in half the time it would have taken us otherwise.

I commanded the crew to furl the sails, as at this point they were more of a hindrance than a help. This finally snapped them out of their stupor, and they got to work immediately.

From being lost at sea to riding on the back of a kraken on a pirate ship, all I needed now was a hat and a compass that didn't point north, and I could rename myself Captain Jack Sparrow.


It took three days for the ship to finally spot land, and it was the moment of truth to see where I had ended up. Based on how cold it was, I had at least drifted in the right direction. However, there was no nearby port, but I was growing increasingly sick of being on the ship. So, I took a small boat with Fenrir and rowed towards the land.

As I got out of the small boat, my feet sinking into the solid ground, I felt a wave of relief wash over me. After days spent on a ship, the sensation of standing on solid land was almost overwhelming.

I laid down on the beach and watched as the ship slowly sailed away. Although I had told the Ironborn that I was going to the beach to figure out our location, I knew they would leave as soon as Fenrir and I were off the ship.

I might have felt a little remorseful for them if they had followed my instructions, but now I don't feel any guilt anymore. Besides, I never forgot the fact that they were nothing but reaving scum.

That's why I wasn't surprised when two massive tentacles emerged from the sea and wrapped themselves around the ship. The Iornborn on board could do nothing but stare in horror as the kraken pulled the vessel under the waves.

The sound of splintering wood filled the air as the ship groaned and creaked, dragged into the dark depths below. The sailors' screams echoed across the water, but they were soon silenced as the ship disappeared beneath the waves.

The kraken vanished back into the depths, leaving only the wreckage of the ship floating in the water.

I had no intention of letting the Ironborn live, even though I no longer needed to hide my powers. I was not willing to take any chances, particularly if they were Ironborn.

I waved goodbye at the kraken, even though I knew it couldn't understand me. It was probably diving back into the deep ocean after completing my final order. 'I hope I'll meet the big guy again someday,' I thought to myself before moving on.

Determined to find a proper place to rest before the sun set, I summoned a flock of crows to scout the surrounding area and locate the nearest town. As they flew off, I mounted Fenrir and set off in pursuit.

As we rode, I could feel the wind whipping through my hair, and I couldn't help but smile. Fenrir seemed just as eager as I was to not be cooped up on a ship, and he was running faster than I had ever seen him run before.

Before long, Fenrir and I arrived at a town, and I immediately struck up a conversation with some friendly locals. They were more than happy to chat with me, and I soon discovered that I had landed in the Stony Shore. This was excellent news, as it meant that I was only two days' ride away from Winterfell.

As I continued to chat with the townspeople, I suddenly noticed a familiar look in one person's eye. It was recognition. They had recognized me as the white mage who had healed him in the past.

Word of my arrival seemed to have spread quickly, and a small crowd had gathered around me, eager to see if I could heal them as well.

For several hours, I made my way through the crowd, tending to the sick and injured. Some individuals only requested a blessing, and while it seemed strange to me, I played along. I closed my eyes and concentrated, performing a thorough body scan on each person. I fixed any issues that might cause problems in the future, using my powers to ensure that each person left feeling better than they had when they arrived.

As I continued my work, I saw the last person I expected to encounter in the North. A dwarf with blonde hair and mismatched eyes stood among a group of soldiers dressed in red and gold.

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