
Oh-class strategic nuclear submarine

"Master, I was just so shocked!" Bawang exclaimed.

Liu Yong's interest was piqued. What could have scared Bawang so much? He wanted to know.

"Overlord, can you tell us what happened?" Liu Yong asked.

Overlord quickly recounted what had happened. Bawang had been out for a swim, and as he was traveling a few dozen sea miles away, he suddenly spotted a massive monster heading towards him. 

It was dark and menacing, and Bawang was so frightened that he quickly swam away.

Liu Yong thought for a moment and came up with a possible explanation. "It's possible that what you saw was a submarine," he said.

Overlord needed clarification. "What's a submarine?" Overlord asked curiously.

Liu Yong proceeded to explain what a submarine was, and Bawang soon realized that he had been frightened by one.

"I guess I was scared by a submarine," Bawang said.

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