
Constitution Ratified

Over the next few days, the summit continued without interruption. That wasn’t to say that nobody tried to sabotage or interrupt the proceedings, but they were easily fended off by the ARES troopers patrolling the city and the Aegis teams guarding the leaders. But while New York City was relatively peaceful, that wasn’t the case for the rest of the world, as protests sprang up with every article of the new world constitution that was ratified.


On December 30th, President Nazarbayev banged his gavel for the last time as he said, “With the ratification of the final Article of the Universal Constitution—”

Everyone in the room applauded for a long while, feeling the heavy burden lift from their shoulders. The applause lasted until President Nazarbayev tapped his microphone, causing the raucous applause to slowly die down until it was quiet enough for him to continue his speech.

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