
Chapter 10

While waiting for the bath to fill and the medicine Tsunade had given me to kick in, Sasuke caught me up on everything that happened after I passed out in the town hall. The Meishu went through Matsuri's memories and realized our intentions. He came downstairs and stopped the chaos throughout the building and surrounding streets so he could locate the samples. Once he verified their error, he issued an order to return to the water and spread the word to do so.

While that's fantastic news, the exact thing we needed to happen, he wasn't quick enough to prevent casualties. Kisame and Hidan were dead, not to mention hundreds of others outside the town hall building. That's not even counting the likely thousands or millions of others worldwide that perished.

Many were injured, as well. Obito lost one of his eyes, Hinata broke her arm, and Kiba and Kankuro both suffered broken ribs.

Luckily, Kankuro and Temari gave quick directions to this hospital that still had plumbing and electricity, not to mention medical supplies. Naruto and Matsuri were still unconscious, and everyone suspected I would be one of the last ones to awaken, minus maybe Matsuri. I was unbelievably shocked and relieved when I found out she was alive. Even further, I was floored by the news that Naruto had been shot point-blank in the chest and survived.

Just like Tsunade said, Hinata's group had come across the safehouse we'd been given the coordinates to while on their way here and managed to gain a large number of reinforcements. Among those were, of course, Dr. Tsunade, but also her husband Jiraiya, Shizune from the asylum, and Konohamaru's aunt and uncle.

Oh, poor Hinata…. I bet she's distraught right now since Naruto's unconscious. Sasuke said he wasn't sure how everything went down but saw Neji having to forcefully hold her still when he passed by while carrying me out of that awful building.

Thinking about it brought the image of Sasuke's grieving face to mind, the last glimpse I'd gotten of it before losing the ability to open my eyes, and my chest ached. Tears immediately flooding my cheeks again, I shakily grabbed onto the bedside table and stumbled to my feet, "B-Baby…."

He popped his head out of the bathroom before quickly coming up to hold my hands when close enough, "What the hell, Sakura? I told you to stay in bed."

I pressed my forehead to his chest and cried, pulling my hands from his to hug him close. The man seemed to hesitate but eventually ran a gentle hand over my hair, returning my embrace, "What's wrong? Let me see." His irritated tone was much softer.

"I'm just sorry, is all."

Slowly, Sasuke knelt so I could hug around his shoulders, resting my head there, as well, "Come on. Shut up about it already." That familiar tug had finally returned to his voice, the one he gets when things get emotional, and he's not as comfortable with talking.

My legs weakly gave out under me, and he reacted before my knees could hit the ground, swooping me up against him and rising to hold me bridal-style. Wordlessly, he carried me into the bathroom and sat me on the counter to pull the oversized shirt off over my head.

I stared at him with watery eyes, and he stared back. As upset as he is with me right now, and as I am with myself, all I can sense from the Uchiha man is adoration and relief. The narrowed eyes, furrowed brow, and frown can't mask it. All I could think about was how I could look into his beautiful eyes forever, and it'd never be long enough.

Sasuke's cheeks suddenly offered a soft pink color, the tension in his expression releasing into surprise. Baffled by his appearance change, I provided a surprised look myself, "What? Is there something on my face?"

I tried to turn to the mirror behind me, but he shook his head, a smirk tugging at his lips as he reached under my arms and around to unclasp my bra, "I think that medicine's starting to kick in."

With a frown, I allowed him to help me to my feet so he could remove my underwear. Seeing his long fingers around such a personal clothing item stirred something familiar because I remembered how those fingers had touched me so intimately in the past. Everything he does is so precise and perfect.

A short laugh left the man in question, and he stood again to lift a brow, "And you call me a pervert. Fucking hypocrite."

Confused and embarrassed, I murmured with a blush, "I-I don't know what you're talking about."

Sasuke shook his head, smirking as he guided me to the filled bathtub and helped me into it, but he said nothing else. I inwardly pouted when he knelt nearby and reached across to grab the shampoo bottle. It'd be nice if he'd join me like usual. Taking a bath alone no longer feels right, an odd concept.

"You just wanna see me naked, but fine. Since you're being so honest, I'll play along." The Uchiha man stood to tug his shirt off, hands dropping to unbuckle his belt next.

My furthered confusion at his words was interrupted by the glorious vision of his bare abdomen. Lord, please give me strength because this man is so fine.

Sasuke's head fell back as he laughed, sliding his jeans off, "Sakura, baby, you're saying everything out loud."

The blood drained from my face, making him laugh again as he finished undressing and joined me in the bath, sitting in front of me and maneuvering my legs up around his hips so he could keep an arm around my waist to ensure I didn't wobble or fall backward in my drugged state.

"Don't stop complimenting me now. It's so rare."

"That's only because you don't need me to tell you you're gorgeous. You already know it."

As if his saying it out loud made it so, the effects of the medication became more apparent. The pains about my body all but disappeared, and a light, fuzzy feeling was rising within my head and chest. I felt relaxed and giddy, similar to being tipsy, borderline drunk.

Those long fingers massaged soap into my hair, and I stared lovingly at his face, him barely holding back a grin. "I can touch you, right? Is that okay?" He nodded, losing the battle and smiling before dipping down to kiss me quickly. I accepted the affection happily, lifting my hands to run them slowly up his torso, chest, and over his shoulders, gaze following their path.

Feeling him beneath my fingertips brought a comfort I desperately needed after the ordeal we'd just gone through. I recognized that my voice was airier than usual, but I wasn't aware enough to change it to normal, "You're just so…beautiful. On the inside, too. I love you so so so much."

"I love you, too. Lean back and rinse." Strong hands held my waist as he pulled my lower body closer to him, where I could feel a specific body part between us, and I eased into the water to reach up and begin running my fingers through my sudsy hair. His legs were bent on either side of me.

Even in my drugged state, I couldn't ignore his wandering gaze and blushed, "Are you checking me out?"

That confident smirk reappeared, "You're naked between my legs, idiot. Of course, I'm gonna appreciate the view."

Sasuke lifted me upright again, pushing my wet hair out of my face before reaching for the soap. I finally gave in to the high and fell against him, loosely wrapping my arms around his middle and resting my cheek against his chest with a grin.

"I like it when you look at me. You don't look at anyone else like you used to, right?" Usually, I'd be too shy to ask such an insecure question.

"Those other bitches don't stand a chance. I only have eyes for you, Sakura," The Uchiha man's voice was playful as he casually washed my back.

Once the bath ended, Sasuke helped me into a thin white robe and guided me back into bed. I planned to sleep because I was warm, clean, and surrounded by comfort, but that was ruined by a confident blonde woman and her boyfriend barging into the room. By the time I managed to sit up, Ino's arms were around me, and she sobbed in a heartbreaking voice, "Saku, I was so worried!"

Sasuke grumbled, "She's still recovering-" "Fuck off, Uchiha! I'm not hurting her!"

I giggled, unable to contain my glee at seeing my best friend alive and well, when the last time I saw her, she'd just been shot in the chest and unconscious, "Ino…. I love you, my sister…."

'Tears ran down my cheeks, and she pulled back to look at me with wide eyes before kissing my forehead and hugging me more firmly to her chest, "Sister…. I love you, too!"

Once our tearful reunion simmered down, Sai briefly left and returned with a tray containing bowls of soup so we could all eat. "What's your favorite soup?" Ino absently asked her boyfriend. She'd kicked Sasuke off the bed so she could sit beside me, so the Uchiha twins were sitting on the sofa nearby.

"Tofu and vegetable."

I scrunched my nose in disgust, sipping the hot broth of the basic noodle soup I was given. Ino noticed, snickering, "Us Suna women prefer a little meat in our meals, right Saku?"

I nodded, frowning at the bowl in my hands, "I want a steak real bad right now."

She shook her head with a knowing smile, "That'd tear your stomach up, babe. When you're all healed, I'll take you out for a steak dinner as thanks for saving my life. Sound good?"

"Yes, please!"

"We'll join you. Right, Sasuke?" We both turned to see Sai smiling contently. His brother nodded with his resting face back in its place.

Soon, I became too exhausted to hold my half-full bowl and set it aside to rest my head in Ino's lap while she and the Uchiha brothers softly conversed. She absently brushed my hair from my face, glancing down when a lull arrived between the others. Her voice was soft in a way I hadn't heard in a long time, "We're both leaving home, huh? It's kinda scary."

I nodded weakly, too tired to open my eyes, "At least we'll be together."

This was the first time she was making it known that she, too, was moving to the Uchiha complex in Konoha. I wasn't having any doubts about my decision to join Sasuke, but the fact that Ino would also be there soothed some of my nervousness about the topic.


Over the next week, I rested in a drug-induced lull as my body internally repaired itself. All my friends from The Program visited except Matsuri, who still hadn't woken, and Gaara, who refused to leave her side. The memory of his distraught expression in that office at the town hall was enough to prevent any offense from the redhead's absence. The only person he's ever connected with might not live. If I were in his shoes, I'd plant roots at her bedside and refuse to be moved, too.

Shizune came by and apologized in tears for her part in what happened at the asylum. When I first heard her name back then, I'd thought I'd heard it somewhere, and I'd been correct. She's Tsunade's apprentice. I'd never met her before then, but I'd heard her name in conversation during my therapy sessions with her mentor.

Things very quickly began returning to normal, surprising us all. Inhabited humans showed up at the hospital in droves, offering themselves to be removed from their hosts as The Meishu demanded. The power grid and plumbing were repaired, and the public united to rebuild and rescue.

My faith in humanity has always been a little jaded due to the traumatic experience I had in that alleyway so many years ago, so the majority of the population displaying overwhelmingly selfless acts of service for any and all who needed it took me entirely by surprise. It also gave me hope that the future will be bright, mine and everyone else's.

The unexpected continued to happen when Sai and Sasuke announced to our friend group that the doors to their family's compound were open, should anyone want or need a place to go. Both men were so closed off to everyone at the beginning of The Program, but things have changed. Everyone's gotten closer. We're like a big, dysfunctional family of misfits now.

First, Neji and Tenten left with those from the Haven in Konoha. Then, Kankuro and Temari left to pack their, Gaara's, and Matsuri's belongings and haul them to the compound. Finally, Hinata, Naruto, and Kiba left, while Gaara was flown with Matsuri to the hospital in Konoha so she could be near everyone if and when she awoke.

That left The Uchiha brothers, Ino, and me.

I snuggled closer to Sasuke, eyes creeping open as I awoke in the middle of the night. His arms were around my middle, face buried in my chest, and legs tangled with mine. A smile tugged at my lips. He's so rugged and manly but such a baby simultaneously. The more vulnerable he allows himself to be with me, the more I realize he likes things like this, being doted on physically and verbally.

The Uchiha man was so much bigger than me, but I still hugged him gently with an aura of protectiveness rising within my chest. He doesn't need me to fight for him anymore physically, that part of our lives is over, maybe for good, but that doesn't matter.

"Baby…." I mumbled warmly into his soft hair, despite knowing he was asleep and wouldn't hear it.

Happiness warmed my limbs more than his body heat or blanket strewn messily over us. I closed my eyes and basked in the calm aura, allowing sleep to take over once more.

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