
Dragon Emperor versus rose

While I was kissing Rose and Sandra I feel someone walk through the door I look behind cashe is looking at us with a surprised gaze.

She saw I was being pushed down on the floor by two beautiful ladies. Rose and Sandra look toward cashe with enraged frustration. Cashe feels the frightening and eerie feeling from the women above me. " mas-..." she wanted to say something but stop in mid. Rose woke up and instantly appear fore of rose.

I try to wake up but Sandra stops me. " my xzson please let us instruct her what a maid suppose to do" She licks my neck with a horny look. I looked at the rose she is gazing at the cash with killing intent. Rose unleashes her massive aura around the cashe She lost control over her body and falls on her butt and tear appear in her eyes she vomits soon after she wet. " if you ever dare to touch my dear I wear I will rip you in pieces" rose to grab cashe hair rise her head she was bursting into tears.

" It's enough Rose you've gone too far" I shouted to Rose but suddenly I felt something frightening power coming from outside Rose and Sandra also felt that power both looked at me. I head toward cashe her mind is the break I instantly healed her and lay her on the near couch I quickly go outside they follow me I saw a figure flying in the sky unleashing its massive aura she is nonther than the Dragon Empress. She looked at us with the Vigilante.

" HOW ARE YOU?! WHAT ARE DOING IN MY HOME" the Dragon empress roars at us I can feel her frightening power unleashing in the air. But her eyes suddenly fall on Rose who is looking at her with incredulity and disbelief. Sandra looks at her with confusion "There are two Dragon Empress?" Sandra is thinking about what is going on after seeing another rose.

" Who are you explain yourself why are you taking my looks," she said to Rose. " I suppose to say that I'm the dragon empress of the dragon kingdom rose nili, you dare to give me the command I swear I will kill you I will melt you!" Rose shouted at the dragon empress.

this doesn't seem good the Dragon Empress met her clone both are ready to fight at any second if they fight one of them surely die. things are gone out of my hands here I much kill the Dragon empress here but what if she dies the dragon kingdom will look for her killer. I can't think of an instant solution here there much be way to avoid this fight?

" You!...you dare to disrespect me, you fake mortal! " The dragon empress formed the black-red sword in her hand unleashing her Dragon power.

Rose wave me a hand telling me to stay behind "Dear don't come I will erase this woman " Sandra held my shoulders pulling me behind" xzson, please don't go between them their power is the same" Sendra looked at the two figures on the horizon who are ready to fight. Rose formed her black-red sword in her hand and unleashed her power.

The dragon empress widens her eyes with shock "Wait... That's impossible there can't be another Dragon kings sword! " the dragon empress unacceptably looks at Rose.

" I know that is impossible the dragon king's folkar the first dragon king who challenge the Gods and defeated them the folker sword is extraordinary, far-fetched, flawless, made with a material which does not belong to this world only a dragon with Royal blood can handle that power. The dragon king's sword is thousands of years old and only one exists in a world which means your one lives fake," Roas explain about the dragon king's sword.

The dragon empress gazed at Rose with narrow Eyes looking at her " you fake one really impressed me that you know so much about that sword but my one is real the dragon king's sword I will kill you and bring your head to show everyone the consequences taking my looks" the Dragon embrace fly toward rose and slash her neck but instantly rose block her attack. those two started fighting with each other while Sandra and I were watching this whole thing from the sky

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