
chapter 27

--MC POV--

"You have come finally, it took you more time than I thought it would" I said, looking at Scott in his werewolf form.

"Where is she" He asked first, looking at Allison's jacket that I had in my arms.

"At home, there is no need to thank me?"

"Stay away from her. I know what you are" It seems like Peter already told him about me.

"Really? enlighten me".

"You are a monster" I don't know what made him brave enough to insult me, he should know to have no chance against me, or maybe Peter didn't tell him about our difference in strength.

"Said by the werewolf who look at me with murderous eyes" it seems like I'll have to beat him up a little to get information about his alpha.

"You made me like this!" Wait what?

"You are the one who murdered that man in the woods". He added.

"Wait a moment, you think I'm the Alpha?" I asked, incredulous about how his mind got to this conclusion.

"What is an alpha" now I'm quite sure he never met Peter.

"The one who bit you, and I'm not him. In fact, I'm hunting him".

"Don't lie, you smell different from other humans and Lydia and Malia smell like that too" is he so desperate for a truth, that he is trying to push for any theories his mind comes up with.

The problem with werelions and their pride is that, while the mark can be used as an assurance for his pride safety, it also makes it impossible for us to hide our supernatural smell.

"You also smell different, but that doesn't make you the man I'm searching for" I'm not sure if this discussion will bring me to a conclusion, but before I could try to make him see reason, I heard some noises from behind me, and I could smell the man I met earlier, Allison's father.

"Run!" I said, but maybe for distrust, maybe for confusion he didn't move in time, and he ended stuck against a tree with an arrow in his arm.

If only he was one of Peter's henchmen, I could have left him to the hunters, but he isn't and he knows who I am, so it would be a problem if he revealed my identity to the hunters.

Looking around me, my gaze settles on a big rock, which I decide to throw near them as a distraction.

When the hunters saw a rock falling toward them, they went behind the tree to search for a cover, while I used this time to take of the arrow from Scott body.

"Now run" this time he immediately started running and we soon left behind those hunters.

"Who were they?" asked Scott.

"Hunters, they go around killing supernatural creatures like us".

"You are a supernatural creatures, I'm just a normal human, who wants to live a normal life, so turn me back"

"I can't and you are not a human, not anymore".

After saying this I started leaving

"Where are you going?"

"Home, you know nothing about the man I'm looking for, so for now speaking further will just be a loss of time".

--Jackson Whittemore POV--

Those bastards!

Everyone that pay attention to them, every girl who go out with them!

"It must be hard" when I heard these words I looked up and what I saw was man in a coat.

Great I left the party to stay a moment alone, but now some weirdos want to ruin this too, damned Beacon Hills! Why are they not in Eichen House?

"You have always been second, a boy who passed one whole year in the shadow of someone else, and now, a bench warmer passed ahead of you in one day and people pay more attention to him than to you" how does he know?

"But doesn't it sound strange to you? One good guy was one thing, but an asthmatic guy who turns into a star player in one day? That is bullshit right. What if I told you that I know how this was possible, mind hearing me out?" he said, and now I'm sure there really was something fishy behind it.

"How do I know that you are saying the truth"

"All I'm saying is the truth Jackson, but if you want a proof…"

The man threw away his coat and all that remained was his nude body, that for some reason attracted me quite a lot, but then the fair skin of the man started to grow fur and what was a few moments ago a man had now turned in to a monster.

"I can give you power Jackson" he growled.

"Then give it to me, I deserve it more than anyone".

--Peter Hale POV--

"Are you sure about him, I don't think he will listen to you?" spoke the always annoying and doubting nurse. What a woman of little trust.

"I'll make him listen one way or another. Just do your job and check if he survives."

I have bigger problems to take care of. How the hell did the guy I turned that night survives, but the guys I spoke to and reasoned with, died? Now I need to find a way to approach him and make him join my pride.

It will be difficult since those teenagers must have already realized what he is and that I was the one who turned him. They may even have spoken with him about me.

He is just a teenager. The best way to drag him to my side would be to make him similar to me, so that he will seek reassurance in me, no matter how much he despises me. I have to turn him into a murder.

--MC POV--

Morning came and I was in the school lockers, when a dispirited Scott came in, was he dumped by Allison? Hope so.

"Did she give you a second chance?" asked Stiles.

"Yes" really? Lydia was right, first we have to change her views on polygamy. Maybe it will help having a disastrous boyfriend like Scott, at least I would look better when compared.

"Yes, alright! It is all great then" exclaimed.


"No?" asked Stiles.

"Remember the hunters? Her dad is one of them, the one who shot me with the crossbow".

So it was that, but could they not speak about this is in the lockers… and now he is screaming. Maybe I should teach him something or he'll end up exposing who we are to the whole world.

This idea of mine only got strengthened later, when he lost control of himself and dislocated Jackson shoulder. It seems bothersome, maybe I should leave this job to Derek. He said that we could use the connection Scott has with the alpha to get to him, right?

(Next chapter will be R18)

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