
VI Leman Russ

Fenris a Tundra World of Ice and Snow a classified death world, which was once Federation Viking Theme Park now left abandoned, leaving the Staff and Tourist that unfortunately stranded there to die as the Warp Storm Erupted throughout the system cutting off the escape system that was meant to be a safety protocols... Monsters that was Kept under Docile state due to drugs, Broke out as the supply ran out to keep them docile they spread and Populated the lands, Giant Mastodon and Ice Trolls pervaded the planet even the oceans that Fenris was famous for, was swarmed with monsters that no fishermen would dare go away from the coastline as the deep ocean was protected by a Krakens and Sea Dragons, they were dangerous but edible for survival... The Tourists hunkered down in a Resort deep in the mountains away from the Blistering cold, For several Thousand years they mutated into beings that should be kept locked away... Their languages is nothing more of a unintelligible gaggle and Roars and they were kept forever guarded by the A.I that Roleplay as Odin...

The Staffs that stayed on the Surface Formed Families and Had Children forming into the Fenrisian of today... Facing the Harshness of the weather and Monsters alike, they were a Hardened warriors of the Frost...

A Vat Containing the Primarch crashed into the Place where no Human Settlements would Dare Ventured as it was The Territory of the Fenrisian Wolves that often raided their settlements for food when times were hard for them... Saved but one Person...

"Cut it Out Freya, I will have Dinner ready soon" a Man was Fishing in the coastal region of the said Territory and Beside him was a Fenrisian Thunder Wolf whose Fur was White as the snow of Fenris... The Wolf nudge and Looked towards the Man With its Jade Eyes...

The man arrived at the time unknown to him but he waken up and found that he was Surrounded by Wolves the Size of Single Story buildings, he was sure that he was doomed until he met a Thunder Wolf who was a Matriarch...

She Sense something in him that she wanted to protect... And he was Taken in as a Family Member... For Several years he spent time with the wolves, And He was known by the Fenrisian as the Wolf Sage as he travelled from the Fenrisian Tribes to trade with Freya that followed him and he held no ill will towards the people living there...

"Alright, I got a Bite! Looks like Meat on the Menu Boys! Get Ready!" The Man yelled as his Pack of Wolves Ears perked up on the words of the man...

They fought most of the Territory around them, but they were interested of the monsters in the oceans of Fenris...

As a Several Headed Hydra Burst out of the the Ice field, pissed off that one of its head was stuck on a Fishing line...met with a Horde of Wolves and a Man with a Sword charging towards it...

Moments later....

All the Heads were Severed and the Wolves have a Decent meal...and a Decent combat Experience...

"How long will I wait for him..." The Man Muttered as he Chewed off a Roasted Piece of the Hydra...

A Comet Streaked across the Skies lighting up across the snowy skies....

"Freya, We Better head Back Home...You can continue with the feast" The Man Rode on top of the Thunder Wolf and They Streaked Across the Mountainous pass... And arrived at the Crash site... A baby was staring at the two of them...

"My Brother...Welcome home..." The man smiled as he held the child and Covered it with Cloak woven with mastodons and Giant Elk..

He was Fed with the Mother milk of the Thunder Wolves... The Wolves later on considered him one of their own...

Later A Blond Youth Dashing on the Snow on Fenris with his Brothers Freki and Geri...as they Hunted a Mastodon... he raised his Spear and Managed to Get a Hit in the eyes of the beast as it fell, Freki and Geri ate what they couldn't bring while Leman skinned what is necessary for new clothes... And Dragged the Carcass Back to his Cave where his brothers and Sisters was Waiting...

"Another Successful hunt Leman?" A man was by the entrance of the cave waiting for him...

"Yes brother... Another Successful hunt"

"I am Proud that you managed to hunt your Very first Mastodon...a Hunter indeed. Your Sisters that unable to join the hunt will be happy, because they are pregnant I am Unable to assist you at this time... making them have a Safe Delivery is a tiring job...Your mother would loved of your contribution..."

A Snow white Fur Coat Lain by The man side...

Freya taught him Savegery of the beast while Alexander taught him about morality of a Human being and Taught him how to use tools... In a Hunt They were attacked by a Strange being, leaving The man Wounded as one of his eyes was lost, and Freya Slained... Forcing him to take up the role of the Tribe leader...

"However, There is not enough to feed all of them... I'm planning to head down to the human Lands to Buy supplies so that we Survive another winter...better join me brother..." The man wore a Cloak and Escorted by the Leman Russ and Wolves...

The Kingdom below the mountains where Leman was Born was in a Uproar as they saw hundreds of Fenrisian Wolves rushing down on the mountains as they always known either it was the Feral Wolves that ventured down to wreck the farmlands for food or The Wolf Sage that ventured down to buy supplies... King Thengir Russ was in a Headache...

The Shops owners warily opened their windows as they saw a Giant man and a Hooded figure sitting on one of the wolves... Strolling down till they met a Unlucky shop owner...

The butcher was frighten as A Giant man arrived into the store...

"Hello sir, what can I do for you?" The butcher paled...

The Giant man Grinned showing his canine teeth...

"Pardon me... Sorry about my brother... He just seems to be happy with the meat selection..." The hooded man passed by the Giant man and handed out a Pouch of gold...

"What do you want?"

"All of the Meat that you have..."

The butcher hurriedly placed all the meat that he have and Place them towards the man...

The Giant Grinned even wider and Grabbed the Pile of meat as he ventured out packing the meat on the wolve satchels and making them returned to the Cave... Giving the cloak man exasperated sigh as he paid the butcher for his troubles...

They were surrounded by guards... pointing their Spears at the wolves along with a Regal Man nervously waiting for them...

"King Thengir Russ would like to request the Audience of you...Wolf Sage and your kin..."

"Don't fret brother... We just have to go see what the king have to say..."

The People in the court of Thengir looked in wonder of What the Wolf Sage and the Giant man beside him...

King Thengir appraise the duo that is surrounded by wolves... He saw potential of Leman...

"Sage... I would like to Ask if you let me have your brother in my household? And be Raised by a True Fenrisian?" The wolves Growled in response of his request...

"Don't belittle the wolves around him... They were his brother and Sisters that was raised by the Thunder Wolf Freya which is his mother, King Thengir keep those words to your heart... Brother your decision?"

As He before he could answer he was objected by someone in the court...

"We would allow someone to be raised by the wolves much less the Wolf Sage! We would see to it that he is qualified to be one..." Which Made Leman Competitive Nature to come out...

There was a match between the champion of the king's guard and Leman Russ. And all was intrigued of the man raised by the wolves...

Leman Effortlessly Disarmed the man by technique and skill that the court was unable to refute his qualifications to join the king Household...

"Hmm...you make your decision brother...I will be heading back to the mountains...make me proud..." He Patted and Hug Leman...

"This is not truly good bye, brother we will meet again in the next Helwinter..."

Leman Joined the Thengir Household and he was named a Russ...

His fame rose and Myth was surrounded around him... Some claimed he alone crushed enemies of the king, wrestle Fenrisian Mammoths with his bare hands and roast one for his dinner, he Killed the Kraken the ruler of the Ocean of Fenris with his Spear making the oceans safe to fishermen, he was the brother of the Wolf Sage as he was seen heading towards Russ territory every Helwinter with dozen of wolves... King Thengir realized that he took a gamble and he won big time, He taught Leman Russ with what is needed to survive in the courts... As he passed away due to old age, Leman Russ took his mantle as a king and in time his leadership was heard from the fringes of this frigid world, all sought to benefit his wisdom and skill of arms...

Leman Russ Was approaching the Edges of his kingdom... He met his brother in a House that was made for the Wolves to stay if the Helwinter was harsher than normal... Still tending the pregnant wolves in their birth and teaching others to learn the trade...

Leman Russ managed to earn a Truce between man and wolf and it allowed Alexander to be just by Leman side... With the Help of the Wolf Sage... The people of Russ have nothing to fear of the Wolves as they were often seen in towns and villagers and some were given offerings of meat to them for good luck...

"Brother... It has been so long since we last met..."

"What do you mean long? It was last month?"

The Primarch laughed as he looked at his brother, now confused of his Brother answers...

"I would like you to join in my court..."

"I believe that it would make the wolves have a Voice in the court as they trust you..."

"Fine... Brother do you hav a drink?"

"Fine, My very first Fenrisian Ale just for you... Wait I haven't told you about this!" The Sage was shocked as Leman Grabbed the Wine Goblet put of his hands and Drink it in a single gulp..

"That hit tha spot! Got More?"

"*Sigh* my glutinous brother... There is always more..."

The Wolf Sage Join the court of Russ, which have made Leman Russ Fame grew even wider as the Hermit Wolf Sage that never bowed down before any kings, had joined the Wolf Lord willingly... And rumors about him being a Brother was spreading as they were always together in the Banquets of Russ prepared everyday...

Until... One day the Emperor heard about his fame and Reached towards Fenris...

He disguised himself as one of the people That seek the knowledge of Russ...

He stared hard at the wolf king at his feast...

He offer three Challenge of Russ Choosing that make Leman Interested... At the start Leman would refused his offer, but he noticed those in his court that is sharp eyed and the Fenrisian Wolves that was at the feast became wary of the Stranger... Even his own brother was wary as he touched his spear for protection... He is interested in the fellow before him...

If he wins, he should be the right hand of Russ, while Leman Told him that if he failed he would be under his service for a year, which blackened The Emperor face... A Father Serving the son?

On the First Challenge, He said to the Emperor that Those who finished the food the most should be the winner...

As a Pile of Food Was Placed upon the two contestants... They ate as fast as possible, as the Emperor ate halfway, he saw Leman already finished the Banquet on the table and Was cleaning his teeth with a Toothpick... And ordered his men to grabbed the food in the town nearby..

While the sage Groaned of the Expenses that these challenges would cost them...

Emperor Having lost that one, the Wolf Lord started another challenge... Those who drink the most will be the winner, which Leman Russ smiled while the Wolf sage Face Paled as a Sheet of Paper... as he knew the capacity of the alcohol that Leman Russ drank everyday...

Then was a Beer Mug handed towards the two, as both of them were fitted to Leman Russ Sized.... As the Emperor drank this Mead halfway almost intoxicated, he Took a look at Leman that is now Drinking Barrels of Mead and Ale and went out to drain every town and Village nearby of their alcoholic beverages, With the Wolf Sage, muttering...

"The bills... How do we pay for that?" Shuddering of the Invoices of the towns that might demand payment...

On the Last Challenge Leman Russ requested a Duel bout, which the court took a step back as one... Leman Took his sword and Aimed his sword at the stranger... And the Emperor Smirked as he Release his disguise, revealing all his glory and he stood above any mortal men in the hall... As they clash, He overpowered Leman Russ and Clobbered him with his Power Glove, The Wolf Sage Brought in Smelling salts and Woke up the Primarch... He Woke up and Admitted Defeat with a Clobbered face and a Broken Fang... He knelt to Swore Loyalty to the Emperor... But the Empeor raised him up and said...

"No Child of mine should Kneel down to me... Rise my son...Join me in my dream of Uniting Humanity..." The Golden Emperor Uplift the man that soon become the Primarch of the Space Wolves...

As they left Fenris to the Wolf Sage Care... Leman Russ was taught by the Emperor in the ways of the Imperium and the Technology of his Imperium, it was matter of Weeks till He was ready to lead his legions...

After Assuring that the Fenrisians with sufficient technology that they will have a better life, not to starve or die to the cold, but not to the point of Entitlement, The Wolf Sage Join up with his brother beyond the stars...

He led Fenrisian Assault Regiment, A Force of Hardened Motorized regiment that is on Hoverbikes...

Together, they Travelled across the Galaxy... Sometimes Pursuing some Culinary delights of the planets they conquered... Leman War Howls across the Battlefield have brought assurance to their Allies and Dread among the enemies of man... And among the legions they were famed for the Endless feast and Drunken Brawls that they earn some form of Respect among the Primarchs such as Horus, Angron, Jaghatai, Angron and Magnus... Surprisingly that the Cyclops had good Relationship with the Wolf Lord as he was allowed into Fenris and observed the way of life of the Rune priest for his work... and in return he was allowed to travel to Prospero and was gifted with a Warp Telephone..

While He Welcomed Angron to his home and his Space Wolfs and World Eaters have Friendly competition in their duels everytime they meet and Feast of Friendship...

There was a time the Space Wolves managed to find a STC and they label it as Leman Russ... But it was Hilarious to the Primarch as he allowed it.. and in exchange for giving the Tank STC to Mars, they were the first to receive the First Batch and A Mars Forge world to be settled on Fenris Moon to supply their initiates with weapons and Armor... and a Orbital Defense Platform... Which the priest obligingly agreed...

However things became not what they seem...

Leman Russ received order to travelled to Gehenna... To ascertain that there was a Doppelganger Legion that threaten the Imperium Balance as Reports of the World Eaters were discovered there...

Leman Russ Took the task seriously as he was well aware that Angron at this given time was with the Emperor being healed from his Butcher Nails...

As they landed on the Planet they were assailed by what seems to be a Legion... But it was difficult to ascertain as they all seem to have the same Butcher nails installed into them... The Foe noticed the Primarch Landing and they charged towards the Wolf Lord... Ignoring the fact that he was friend with the Angron... He took charge and Began to slaughter them... Yes it was begining to be difficult as this version of World eaters are more harder to die and a lot more insane to question as well as all they were is screaming blood for some deviant god... Only Head Shots to the Skull was Enough to put them down... After severe casualties, Leman and the Space Wolfs managed to Destroyed the Last World eaters in the Battlefield... But the Angron that was leading them was no where to be found...

The Wolf Lord Compiled a Training Strategy that was to used against Astartes.. some of the Primarch took offense but they took a Copy just in case... However it was more on Drinks and food to feast in the first page till the third, until they reached the 4 that it was necessary information that is needed...

The Wolf sage observed the Slain Doppelgangers Insignia and Found out that it was Chaos Made... After Reports sent to the Emperor to ascertain where should the Space Wolfs should do next, they headed back to Fenris to Regroup and Recoup their losses...

Horus Heresy...

It was a Dark day of the Imperium...

After the Treaty of Nikea, Leman Russ was Guilty as he felt that he was too harsh on his brother... Some of his feast was a bit despondent... But he often pretended to be happy to not lose morale...

"Why don't you go visit your brother Magnus?"

"Brother... You know He might hate me for it...I crushed his dream..."

"But there is Time to heal, make amends with him..."

A Space wolf appeared in the Hallway and gave them a news that was unexpected...

"The Emperor have asked you to escort Magnus to Terra for the crimes of Breaking the Treaty of Nikea..." Such words stood silence among the duo...

Leman Russ went to the Warmaster for confirmation... And he returned with a Grim Look on his face...

"What's the matter brother?"

"You Stay here in Fenris..."

"I know that look on your face brother... You... planning to kill your brother?"

"I wished it hadn't come to this...Freki an Geri... Follow me..."

"There is still time for you to..." The Sage was blocked by some of the initiates... His calls to reconciliation with his brother went interrupted by the initiates swarmed to him as they were tasked by the Leman Russ to Protect Alexander...

As He was on the Journey to the Warp... he Talk to a Phone that was given by Magnus....

"Brother...please answer...we...no...I wouldn't want to Harm you...tell me brother... Why?" Leman Russ Pleaded with his brother to Tell him why he betrayed the Imperium... Why he broke Their father ban?

"Great Wolf, There are Warp storms ahead... The Navigator are having a Difficulty managing the Ship towards our destination..."

The Monsters in the warp now attracted to the stranded fleet as they had no way to enter real space without ripping themselves apart the gellar fields that protected the ships...

"Half of our fleet is under attack! Voidsmen take to your stations and Repel the invaders!" The Fleet was alerted as Monsters in the warp now beginning to breach into the ship field... The Crew fought back as much as possible... And what seems to be forever... Now the Navigators managed to find that the Warp Storm suddenly calmed down and they breached into real space... They joined with the Horus Fleet and a League supply fleet was escorting them, replenishing their reserves... Before returning back to The League... Leman Russ saw the Fortifications on Prospero...

"Is that your choice brother?"

"Great Wolf, Most of the Heat signature in our Auspex Reading is that the population is heading towards Tizca! And they are disappearing rapidly"

"Have the Men Drop on the Outskirts of the City...At least I want to know why he betrayed the Imperium...and if they retaliate... You know what to do..."

The Forces Landed on the Outskirts readying a Makeshift Spaceport and The imperial forces flooded like ants to a Sweet treat... As They reached towards the Fortifications...

Sons of Horus Suddenly opened fire, forcing The Prosperanian to retaliate...

It was a Long Brutal war...

Leman Russ Battle Howl was not of fury... But with sadness like any other... He Killed one of his brothers in the Rangdan Crusade... now this?

The Imperial fought with uncertainty as most of the time the Prosperanian were more on Defensive side and making them as invaders...

They charged once more with the might of the Imperium with their backs...

Leman Russ sent out his champions to hunt down the commanders of the Thousand sons... Hoping Magnus would be reasonable...

At the Battle intensifies, one of the Champion a Rune Priest Othere Wyrdmake that was sent after Ahriman returned with a Pale Face... With warning that this was a Trap... But it was already too late as now Leman Russ Clashed with his Brother...

What came with sadness was with rage as both Smash their first towards their faces...

Magnus used his magic to power himself up... But Leman Russ didn't take offense to it... But he raised his strength to clobber Magnus... he Grabbed Magnus and Snapped his back...

His heart broke as he incapacitated Magnus... There was a Order from Horus...

"Kill him..." He took each step with a Heavy heart... As he About to swing his sword...

Magnus looked up to him with his eyes staring deep into his soul and said...

"You are a sword in the wrong hands, my brother. You have severed an innocent neck, and it will plague you forever." He activated a Ritual and Disappear from Prospero...

As Magnus Evacuated the world... Leman Russ took a brief silence on the planet he had destroyed...

Leman Russ was Frustrated... In his rage he smashed the already destroyed city... Building collapsing and Streets became ruined... For once... he wondered why...why did the Emperor Ordered this?

His Surviving Gene sons stood in silence... Knowing Something was wrong with their all father as he Howled among the ashes of Prospero...

Aboard his ship, the Medicae managed to Place Healing potions that regrew back his heart that was destroyed by Magnus but never the Mental wounds that was inflicted upon him...

Othere Wyrdmake gave his report of what had transpire in his clash with Ahriman...

Many surrounded him was shocked that the Warmaster changed the order of the Emperor...

There was some that was in denial, while others believe it was true as the Thousand Sons had no Reason to Lie in the face of death... They Lost so many of their brothers for a Trap... and the Warmaster was the Actual Traitors?

The Space wolves was culled to the point that Even if they joined the Call to Terra...

They are unable to do anything...

"We shall head to Alexxes Nebula... We shall use it to regroup and Repair any minor damage before we make a jump towards Fenris..." Leman Russ order his men...

As the Fenrisian Fleet headed towards their destination... An Alpha legion fleet was Stalking them...

As the Fleet began to make the final preparations towards Fenris, The Alpha Legion attacked them...

Sure there was some feud between them... But to this extent of killing them?

Leman Russ Sent out a Distress call... Jaghatai Khan appeared... He was glad to see his brother and hoped that his White Scars will assist his forces, he tried to explained the situation around him....

"Sorry...brother ..I do understand your situation, but I refuse to get involved until I able to sort out the situation at hand...until I find who is the actual traitors... I will not take a side in this conflict..." Jaghatai closed the call...

Leman Russ became despondent and holed up in his personal quarters... Forcing his First Captain Gunnar Gunnhilt to take command of the fleet until Leman come to his senses...

He Sat on a Chair of fur that he hunted over the years, he looked across towards a Statue of the Emperor... Looking stoic as if he had the answers needed in front of him..

"Tell me father...was I right to bear arms against My brother Magnus?" The Primarch spoke in whisper...

A Space wolf entered the quarters without fear...

Bjorn the One-handed, fresh from the fires of Prospero looked upon his Genefather in a Saddened state...

He had helped the Primarch come to terms with him as the Emperor Executioner....

"Allfather...you must know that we are under dire straits."

"What will the Wolf Sage do if you look like this?"

"I don't know Bjorn... honestly I do wish he was here to offer me advice...if only I had listen to him... Perhaps had I think properly when Father gave the orders instead of Horus rectifying it..."

"There are many reasons that we couldn't grasph in our hands... But I know that there are always chances to redeem oneself...we now know who the Enemies are... But we need you to lead us... To our Great hunt... The Great Wolf is needed once more..." Bjorn left the Primarch to ruminate his thoughts...

After a solar hour, Russ walked out with his Ferocity returning to him... Bringing morale to the men that the Allfather they knew is back...

Another Fleet have arrived towards the Fenrisian Fleet, bearing the Mark of the Wolves... The Sudden arrival of the fleet have confused the alpha legion of it's arrival and they were attacked on both sides....

"Brother you have come here?"

"Yes, Leman you left me to baby sit the Initiates is bad enough and Now you Planning to off yourself? I better bring your sorry arse back to Fenris for acting like that!" The Wolf Sage laughing like there was no dire straits...

The Alpha Legion took a Gamble as they teleported Alpha Legion Terminators on Russ Flagship hoping to kill him... As one of them was Alpharius... They were repelled with ferocity and they left...

As the Space wolves almost won... They were attacked by another Alpharius Fleet... only this time they were covered with the symbols of chaos, More larger than the space wolves combined... It was truly in dire straits as Fenrisian ships were being killed off... Until a Certain help had arrive... A Large Dark Angels fleet led by a Ramillies starfort, name Chimaera heard the space wolves distress calls and Determined that the Space wolves were still loyal to the Emperor... They Assisted them and Drove the Alpha legion away...

Leman Russ and A Contingent of his Trusted warriors went to see the Dark Angel Commander Athalos under Luther who was leading the Fleet... While The Wolf Sage went to provide aid to Freki and Geri and the rest of the Fenrisian Wolves as they suffered severe injuries from the fight of Prospero...

After a Brief discussion of their loyalties lie and news about the outside world Athalos Gave Leman Russ Ressuply and Repairs of his fleet after they were done, the Dark Angel was to return to Caliban to see to it that there were any Loyalist remain on their Homeworld...

Leman Returned to his ship feeling relieved to see his brother now Bandaging Freki and Geri...

"What happen in Fenris?" Was all Leman Could Asked...

"While you were away... Horus Sent a Fleet towards Fenris... He Tried to Labeled us As Traitors to the Imperium as You Slaughter Prospero to the last and he will kill us all... I know you brother... You can't betray your father...Nor Harm any innocent...That is why I defended our home...along with some backup..."

"From the League?"

"No, Someone else... The League was unable to assist and their forces are stretched thin...So I called for someone else to assist us..."


The Wolf Sage Was Frustrated that he was unable to accompany his Brother on the Battlefield, But he knew that the Wind of Change is already coming towards Fenris...

And it was not of a Peaceful one...

He was alerted by the League scouting fleet last heard from a Sector away from Fenris that Horus fleet is coming to Fenris...

He was given by the Original a Communication device to a Certain Necron...

"Tell me... Wolf Sage... Why should I Agree to help you?"

"There is a shard of the C'tan called Nyadra'zatha in my home system located in Midgardia and Someone want to destroy it and All of us... Assisting me, I will assure that the people of Fenris will prevent the Tomb from being destabilizing... After all Alexander told me that you are a Historian... So you wouldn't want such history to be forgotten...do you?"

It took a Few moment of the Necron to scrutinize the Organic before him... However he was impressed that they knew what is hiding within the depths of the planet...and all the Wolf sage requested for is just his fleet to linger for a Mere 12 hours and the C'tan shard is his, without any backstabbing... Which is reasonable... As He realized that The people that lived in there doesn't want to have a Necron Fleet knocking at their door in such a Bad time...

Maybe He would Play hero... For fun..

Horus Representative fleet arrive with his order to destroy Fenris...

He knows about the Savegery of the Wolves, but he have a Task from the Warmaster...

As he was about to launch a orbital bombardment, Fenris Orbital defenses came to life and Attacked them...

"It's just a Orbital Defense Platform... We outnumber them." he Coldly ordered his men... As they managed to breached the Orbital Defenses... As soon as they attempted to land, The Fang and it's inhabitants Fought with such ferocity that Most of the Landing troops were either Mauled to death and their Skull were ripped out in anger...

A Green glowed in the distance... On their Subjugation Fleet Flanked by several Unknown ships appeared...

Trazyn Fleet have Arrive In Fenris System...

Horus Fleet was confused as they never seen any fleet existed in the Galaxy... Nevertheless it was a Enemy towards their objectives...

Necron Gauss Weaponry, Lightning Arcs and Particle Whips have Decimated the Vanguard and Scarred The Luna Class that serves as a Flagship...

"We are being Boarded!"

"What are those things!"

"Help! Any...*Bzzzt*"

Necron Warriors Managed to Phase Teleport into the ships and Slaughtered everyone...

As the 12 hour war ended most of the Subjugation Fleet went silent... Trazyn Landed on Fenris and met the Wolf Sage Face to Face... The people in Fenris thought of them as the Men of Iron and In Exchange, A Statue of Trazyn was Carved with The Bones of The Strongest Beast and Handed to him... Which Trazyn was flattered... But he come for the C'tan shard...

On the Journey to Midgardia... As Promised The Wolf Sage Led Trazyn to the Stasis Chamber below the depth of Midgardia where the Shard was located...

And Trazyn Tossed a Special Noctis Labyrinth made for such Godly being...

And He Left with some Interesting artifacts such as a Feral Fenrisian Wolves, some Animals in the Fridgid Planet more than he Bargained for... Though he wanted to placed the Wolf Sage as part of his collection, the Sage simple replied... "I still have things to do... And A brother to save...I am not part of history that have been finished..."

After a League Reinforcements arrived and Protected the Fenris until the end of the Horus Rebellion...

*Flashback end*

Leman Russ was flabbergasted that His brother managed to Dragged a Xeno to defend Fenris, no less to do the dirty work for him... With minimal casualties...

"Aye, Don't do that again..."

"Alright, Anyway What do we do now? Should we aid Terra?"

"Yes... I Think we should..."

Leman Russ Now Bolstered by the Initiates that survive the fires of Fenris Travelled to Terra...

Macaldor Greeted him and Requested that he helps in his Plan to send the Knights-errants to Assassinate Horus... To the Wolf Lord, it was a Difficult decision, He thought of it as He sent someone to destroy his home... which he agreed...

He was gifted with a Spear from the Emperor before he left Terra... Gungnir which his father named bore a heavy burden to Leman Soul..

Towards Fenris he landed on a planet that was undergoing reconstruction and rebuilding...

Searching for answers... Using the Rune Priest conducted a Ritual to travel to the Underverse that is a Fenrisian version of the warp to find a Weakness in Horus... As Kva, Bjorn, Othere Wyrdmake and six other Rune Priests conducted a ritual infront of the only active volcanic cavern known as Syrtyr door, lastly Wolf Sage Gave him a Gift... 

"Brother... It has been a Long Time since we are together... Here is a gift..." The Sage came with a Box made of Ivory and scents of Spices was adorn around it...

Leman Russ Opened it and Found a Bracelet... A simple Carving of a Wolf Made of a thunder wolf Teeth...

"It was Freya and My Gift to you... I never had the Time to give it to you... Never forget... no matter what you see in the warp... You are always my Brother...this Bracelet is our bonds that will last for the ages..."

As the Ritual was Completed, Leman Russ Ventured deep into the Caverns till the Lights of the Lava began to grow dimmer as each step he made... there he saw A Halls consisting of Wulfen feasting broiled Human Meat and a Deity of Fenrisian sat in the middle of it all... Erlking... The ruler of Death and Wight watching him...

The Wulfen noticed the intruder and Swarmed to Leman Russ Like a Unending Flood...

His Bracelet Glowed and a Manifestation of a Snow Thunder Wolf appeared By Leman Russ Side and attack the Wulfen... With each Swipe of her Claws hundreds was Frozen and Broken apart in moments...

"Freya...Brother... is that my gift?" He Smiled as He Fought alongside with the apparition...

"Enough..." Erlking Commanded the Wulfen to Retreat...

"Tell me Son of Ryss Why are you here?"

"I need to know the truth...how to defeat Horus..."

"That's so? Complete my Challenges then the Truth will be Revealed...Fail, your soul will be mine!"

A Bowl rose from the floor with it filled with the Dammed Souls...

"Here is Amorak Bowl and this is my first Challenge to you Son of Russ...Drink it clean..."

Leman Russ took no hesitancy as he attempted to drink, but much as he was a Drinker... The Liquid was Endless of his Stomach that couldn't bear... He Spat out as the liquid nearly drown him...

"Sigh... it's a Failure ... Son of Russ will you start with the Next Challenge... Wrestle this elderly to the Ground."

A Wrinkled woman appeared from the Guts and gore on the Floor and Stare at Leman Blankly...

Leman Russ Gave it his all and as he Wrestle but he realized that the Woman is still standing as if defiant to the Primarch Powers as if he was fighting beyond his comprehension... His Bracelet glowed and the woman was slowly being brought to bear and now she was on her knees...

"Interesting... Now here is my challenge... Move My Wolf From his sleeping spot..."

They were Teleported into a Cavern with a Giant Wolf that Eclipse all the wolves Leman had seen...

Leman tried to make it move... but with no avail... a glimmer of Light appeared... Erlking Wolf ears twitched and Looked at Leman with its Moon Sized Eyes and Proceeded to Bite him...with its Abyssal Mouth that is a never-ending Darkness... A Flaming Spear Appeared and Stabbed the Wolf in the nose...

"You dare to betray your challenge Erlking?"

"Wolf Sage... You have no right to be here!"

"Hahaha, I am Fenris and Fenris alone... I go whatever I damm Please, Old Coot!"

Leman Looked at His Brother now in Warp Form.... Burning with life in defiance to Erlking...

"Alright... Seeing that You Cheated the Two Challenges of your brother, Now I will let him a final challenge... if he fails, he belong to me!"

"The First Challenge Represent the Change of Season of Fenris, Untameable, Unrestricted...no Mortals could dictate the weather to their whims..."

"The Second Challenge the Crone was a representation of Age... No Mortal Being could defy it.... but those with help could lessen the burden of time..."

"The last is simple... You cannot Escape your Eternal Death... as Your Wolf represent the end of all time in the galaxy...but death can be averted as it doesn't exist if one was to be cautious..." 

The hall crumbled and the Erlking Smiled.

"You won..."

In place of The Warp Deity is a Version of Leman Russ that would have been had he raised in a more civilized place...

"I would have said that you would have come from a barbaric Place... But Seeing that there are two people that are important to you staying by your side... Make me assured of this version of Myself having wonderful friends...and a Brother...Now Let's Get to Business shall we?"

The Copy led them to a Garden that have been well maintained... As if it was a land of warmth and security..

"What is it do you want..."

"How to defeat Horus."

"Ah that is a Simple thing...to know how to defeat Horus...is to know yourself...That spear that your father gave you... is the key..."

"This thing?" Leman Held up his Gungnir, his Spear of Russ.... And Handed over to his Civilized copy...

"It held a portion of the Emperor's power and could illuminate the truth to those it pierced. Are you ready to know the truth?" the Copy asked.

"Whatever it means to end this madness." Leman Looked with Confidence in his eyes...

"Fair Point, That's what I like about you. Know this once you learn the truth, there will come a time that you will leave Fenris..." The False Russ Impaled Leman with the Gungir...

His Mind Flooded with information, some better or some worse, as he was found of his real Existence...

He found Himself on the Snowy land of Fenris, and Heard a Howl and looked toward the location where it sounded from... He Saw two figures that he knew the most...

"Freya... Brother..."

He saw the two Fighting against a being... A Aged Version of Himself...he was wearing a Chaos United Symbol.... as he raised his now Corrupted Frostblade against the Wolf Sage...

"Lead me To Leman and I will Make your Death Quick and Painless." the Figure Coldly spoke as he Attempted to Attack the duo...

"Frak you! You are not going to Corrupt My Brother! You failure!" The Sage Spat in rage as he tossed several Warp Ice Spears toward the Figure...

A Shockwave Emanated from The Corrupted Leman and Broke all the Icicles.. Freya Held on as her claws clutch to the ground against the force of intimidation of this Foe... The Sage Desperately Clung on to Freya Fur... Using his Powers he summoned Snow Golems and Spirit of Fenrisian wolfs and ordered them to attack the Invader...

In a Moment of chance, Chaos Russ dove his Sword straight to Freya Heart... Causing her to tossed the sage across the ground...

"Freya NO! YOu Piece of SHiTE! SHe is My Family!"

"Then you will Die just like her. But First thing first,..." He Stabbed one of the Sage Eye

"But I will not kill you properly... I going to Torture you as much as Possible...for you to defy me..."

As he about to carve the Sage Face, Freya In her last act of defiance, She bit Chaos Russ in the Neck and Tainted Blood Spewed over the snow... As the Traitor felt his Warp body disintegrating, How he howled in pain reeling back in pain, seeing a Moment, the Sage Grabbed his Spear and imbued it with Golden Flames stabbing into the Traitors Eye and Cooking the traitor Primarch from the Inside...

After Seeing The Doppelganger is now dead... He rushed towards Freya that is now laying on the ground having spent all her energy to give the Wolf Sage the time that is needed... He hugged the now dying Thunder Wolf head as he wept... Knowing that He was Left alone to lead the Pack and His brother...

Leman Russ was shocked of what truly transpired of what happened that day... his brother never mentioned anything... Much less spoke what happened to Freya...

He have been protecting Leman at such a young age...

As he woke up in the civilized Russ Garden, And Saw his version and the Wolf Sage Speaking in cordial terms...

"Welcome Back Brother... Did you got what you needed?"

"Yes I have... Let's Go..."

As they reach the boundaries of the Underverse... The wolf sage simply stood in the boundaries...

As Leman wanted to know why he stayed there, a Strong gust of force pushed him to the land of the living...

"I will come back to you brother...That I promise..."

Leman Saw a Thunder Wolf Appearing by the Wolf Sage Side, Howling, biding Leman Russ Goodbye...

He found himself in the Ritual Circle... and all the Rune priest was still barely alive... And a Empty Cloak Held in the center of the Ritual with the Wolf Bracelet that was given to Leman Russ before his descent...

"Tell me what happened to my brother?"

Bjorn weakly said...

"My Lord... he Sacrificed Himself..."

As he and the Rune Priest struggled to keep the tethers of Leman Soul from being swallowed by the monster in the warp, The Daemons attacked them in the Materium Realm hoping they will get a piece of the rune priest soul... Alexander alone defended them as the unending tide of malice and madness that swept upon them... He used his blood as a catalyst to keep them alive... Golden blood spilled over the ritual circle... Making the binds of Leman Soul Grew even stronger...

But a Cost of Improving the Ritual came with a Cost... which was his life... Moments before Leman managed to return from the Underverse, The Wolf sage body slowly turned into dust... Before disappearing, he gave his last orders...

"My Nieces... It will be a time that this mine of life will end...I will no longer join the Feast with my brother once more.... Never fear...I will return to Fenris In the Far Future, when our home is in dire once more, Tell my Brother... Me and Freya will always be by his side..."

Leman Russ must have realized that his brother blood must have mixed into him, making he saw what truly transpired in his youth...

But he had no time to Grieve... As he has a brother to hunt....

Using the Macladors Knight Errant runes that was placed in Horus Vengeful Spirit... The Space Wolfs tracked them down and fought with ferocity that even the powers of chaos that numbed them felt fear...

Leman Confronted his Brother and was Felt Disgusted of what his noble brother had become...

"Join me Brother, and we would tear down this sham of a Empire!" Horus Held out his hand making a offer.

"NO!" Leman Denied it as he Clashed with Horus...

AS they Clash, Horus was too intoxicated with his borrowed powers and he managed to stabbed Leman with his lightning claw... But Leman Russ took the Opportunity to Stab Horus with the Spear of Russ... It Cleansed Horus off the Corruption for a while.... But Leman Realized that he already embraced the Lies of the Demons that lingered in him...

They clash once more... Leman Managed to use a Healing potion given by the League... and he was partially recovered... but more than enough to Keep Horus in check..

But he was soon overpowered as the Chaos Energy that was banished for a short while, now flooding into Horus knocking Leman Out, As Horus about to give a Fatal blow toward Leman... He Felt Danger behind him... A Bloodlust like no other...

A Ghostly Appearance of a Man and Fenrisian Thunder Wolf Appeared Before Horus...

"Go..." He held his spear towards Horus, Fenrisan wolves began to Materialized and attack Horus...

Buying the Space Wolves enough time to Get their Genefather they retreated to their fleet...

"Bye brother..." The Ghostly duo joined the Wolves to buy Leman time to be far away from Horus...

Thankful that the Wolf Sage even in death he protected Leman till the end, the Space wolf vowed to escape as fast as possible...

The Fenrisian fleet retreated Yarant, Horus after deafeating the Ghostly duo... now chased after them... in rage. He tried to hunt down every fenrisian ship, one by one they held back the horde of traitors... As they reached to Yarant it was only a Handful of ship that was still able to fight back...

The Space wolves nearly accepted the end, the Raven lord manage to Aided them from the brink of extinction.

At this time Leman Russ was in in severe injuries despite the Elixer Potions that was given and his wounds fully healed, before he slowly losing his consciousness. He handed the Spear of Russ to Bjorn and Greeted Corax...before passing out...

Corax Sent them to Deliverance for Leman to Fully recuperate...

There he manage to give them the Completed Raptor Project...

Corax manage to fully perfect the Raptor Project... and he sent plans to his still loyalist brothers and to the Emperor...

Leman Travel in his depth of his mind and he found his brother and Freya Waiting for him in a Camp in Fenris...

"You definitely not dead yet brother? You really are the troublesome one..."

"Brother... I..."

"Its okay... There is still time to reflect... Corvus Saved your Legion and he is outfitting them with Raptor marines...Though I questioned their efficiency..."

"Back there... On Horus Ship..."

"Yeah, That is me...in a sense... couldn't let you be harm..."

Freya Howled to the Fenris Moon...

"Ah, it's almost time now... Back you go to the land of the living..."

"Brother, I am sorry..."

"For what?"

"For not listening to you..."

The Wolf sage smiled...

"Don't worry about it. Me and Freya will always look out for you..."

Leman Russ Woke up... With Bjorn Looking at him as he held the spear...

"Wolf Lord, are you alright?"

"I am Fine... Let's go..."

Leman Was Escorted to the Raven Guard Monastery where he was met by Lion El' Johnson... The Lion was furious as he question why did the Raven Guard was unable to defend the Imperium and didn't participated in the most important theater of war...

"Brother, My Legion is Crippled in Istvaan and I needed a Way to replenish my forces, I managed to get Leman Russ out of trouble...."

"Is it True Leman?"

"Aye, He save my sorry arse, And I am grateful for that..." Leman Vouched for him...

Lion looked closely at Leman and Went to the Holo table....

"At this moment we are unable to assist Terra Defenses but we can help in another way..."

"Right now the League is split into Two fronts, One part of it is defending Terra and Vital Warp Routes, while another is attacking the Supply lines of Horus Production..." Lion showed a Silver Aquila that is Split into several places...

"We should Commence Scorch earth to the Traitors mining colonies to deny any resources..." Leman Eyes widened by the sheer notion to destroy as much as possible...

"How bout we Raid Horus Supply ships while letting the League handle this?"

"No. It is our duty to carry out this mission..."

Leman Russ Grudgingly held up his sword as he Joined Lion in his Vengeance Crusade... Planet after planet was Exterminatus to deny Horus Supplies, and one of the Traitor Homeworld was destroyed such as Mortarion Barbarus and to Leman Relief was that the League was already Besieging Angron Homeworld and brought it to compliance.... As he have doubts he would razed another of his brother Homeworld... Corax thanks to the Raptor project, he was able to send half of his forces to aid In Lion crusade... Making plenty of the Planets originally slated for extinction to be under Imperium Compliance... And the rest was to sabotage Horus Supply lines forcing Horus to Hastily Charge towards Terra...

After Horus was Slain, Leman Return to Terra as he watched in Sadness The Emperor now in the Golden Throne...

Guilleman wanted to Spit up the Legions in fear of another betrayal, Rogal Dorn and Leman Russ Vehemently opposed it as their fighting styles were more cohesive in numbers compared to a Small packed independent legions.... Which Guilleman Took a Step back from implementing it... And Planned to wait for at least 3 solar decades till it's done...

But Leman Russ had a Idea of Creating the Sons of Russ, With the Raptor Technology Given By Corvus, He created the Second Founding of Space wolves named the Sons of Russ with success and they were tasked to observe the Eye of Terror in the event that the Traitors come back...

In a Feast day, Lemn Russ took most of his Experience Astartes along with him to the Maelstrom leaving behind Bjorn to tell the tale...

That he would come back at Wolftime... And hope he would find the Tree of life to cure the Emperor...


A/n: how many more wolfs should I say?

Wolf sage is Alexander shard...

It was hilarious for me to write this as Chaos aligned Leman Russ wanted to corrupt his younger self...

When I asked around in the Warhammer forums, they never mention the name of the Thunder Wolf that raised him as a baby... So Freya would be best suited for the wolf... As she is a Viking Goddess of love and War... Both Savegery and Maternal care of the Wolf that raised him...

One down how many more Loyalist remain?

- Corvus Corax

- Lion El' Johnson

- Vulkan

- Rouboute Guilleman.

Which should I tackle next?

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