
Side Chapter: Federation Broadcast and Commercials PT.2

Some Random Clips and Notes during his time in the federation

[Federation Theme Song]

The Federation is At a Standstill with the Bugs, Despite how much Manpower M.A.Rs has Introduce to the Warfront the Bugs Grew more and more per day, Several Concessions was Made Between Mobile Infantry and M.A.Rs due to the achievements That Contributed in the War Front, M.A.Rs would be a Full time Standing Army, while the Mobile Infantry would be Delegated to Voluntary Military Service

And Several Incentives was Added to Ensured their Stay in the M.A.Rs Military, While Joining the Mobile infantry, People has the right to vote and get Franchise endorsed by the Federation when they done their service...

M.A.Rs became more of a Choice as they included...

. Unlimited Access to Medpods for the ill and Injured for Family Members of the Enrolled Soldiers...

The Medpods was a Controversial Subject as it could heal wounds, Cure Illnesses, recover Lost limbs, Mental illness, Even Cancer was no longer safe, It would have made the Medicine and Hospital Outdated except for obstetrics and Conjoined Twins Surgery, People that worked in the Medical Sector Began to Panic, As they Would Be Jobless in a High Paying Jobs and started to Protest and Demanded that the Medpods would not be implemented Federation wide...

Alexander Made Concessions to the Protests and He would only Implemented it to the Rich and Only those that that Enrolled in His organization and it envelope the Federation in a Systems wide as the Poor Began to Mass Flood the Doctors Hospitals And clinics that Protested the Implementation of the Medpods...

And it almost turned it into a Civil war, Until the Federation Council asked Alexander To rescind His Concession and Build it, And Stated only those that couldn't be cured by "normal" means would be directed to the Machine. and Hospitals Charge a Heavier Fees compared to normal Practice... While Alex Send to Red Cross for Relief aids during Natural Disasters...

. Tax Cut and Exemptions

Every Soldier or Officers that Join M.A.Rs would have their Taxes Exempted for at least 5-7 years and a Base line of mere 5% Tax no more, No less, Even if Alex has his Position changed...

. Getting Younger

As the War Progress, many of the Veterans of the Bug Wars grew older and unable to fight In the front, the company Wondertainment Introduce a Step to Immortality...

They Created a Machine that could turn back the Aging Process, Causing a Huge Uproar in Society as there was a way to look younger again... Many Politicians and Business Tycoons Sought to Ask Alex a Price to Pay for Eternal Youth Even Political Favors, Even Models Swarmed his Family House for a Chance to be Young again, While Religions that still remains, Questioned the Price of Immortality as it defiled the process of getting old...

Other Speculated that it was a Mere Joke, Until a Man in his 90's That Everyone knew, Stepped into the Machine that is covered in Glass Case to prevent any cheating and he when he went out, He turned Back to his Twenties... With his Lush Black Hair and Eyes cleared, He thank God for Letting him a Second life...

Alexander Stated:

"The Price of Eternal Youth and Immortality is Heavy, Only those that Join the Military and Contribute to Society would be Able to return to their youth, If Is so easily given, then we would take life less Valuable. I will not Force people to become Immortal, and they can Just Grow Old by their Decisions." It cause an Upsurge in the Military Recruiting even those that were retired age join the Mobile Infantry Enrollment Centers.... All were not turned away from, Even the Elderly as they Temporarily Returned to their Youths to Retrained...

While the Machine Could grant Almost Eternal Youth, there was also Machine that take away the youth...

Prisoner 371-Beta

Killed 23 people and Sexually Assaulted a woman Under Influence of Drugs was Sentence to this new kind of Execution... And His Excuse? "I am just a Young Kid."

As the Teenager was Strapped on the Machine, He Cursed the people and the Federation... and the machine came to life, He could feel that his Years was Sucking away, turning him to real age... his Face became Wrinkled and his eyes became Cloudy, arms became shrivelled and Clinged to his Bones.. and the organs shrivelled up... causing him to die a Slow Death, unlike the Mars Way of Execution... this prevented the Recipients of the Treatment to abuse it...

[Federation Theme Song]

Welcome citizens it has been 15 years since the Klendathu Disaster, We Have Unveil a Super Weapon, Made by the M.A.Rs, The "Atlas" Titan a Project that is grander, Bigger and More Powerful than the Current Titans we have in our Arsenal and Director Alex is here to gave it his blessings to it's finished construction...

"This Titan Shows the Symbol of our Might and Defiance Against the Bugs, They May think that they are the Masters of the Universe? They are dead Set Wrong!"


As Alex Smashed a Champagne at the Legs of the Castigator Titan as it Came to life....

"I Live to Serve" Rumbled the Titan

Scientist and Scholars debated about the Use of the Titans...

(Paranoid): this new titans are getting more and More Bigger, Where did Alexander Solair Get the Materials from!?

(Aware): It Turns out He already got a Replicator, Resource trees and a construct known as a STC Making the Cost Negligent...

(Envious): This is Bullshite! they already stepped the Realm of the Gods? why don't he share it to the Rest of the Federation?

(Economist): More like He couldn't, The Cost to Make the Titans of that caliber is Astronomical in our Economy Spending, and for him make that titan in a year? hah, We will be Bankrupt in a Few Titans, even if we cut back military and government spending... and to Code that Titan Central Nervous Matrix? it would even take Decades, even Centuries and that is if we do not Fck it up... and the Resource trees? If he introduced it, Do you honestly want to go back to a time of Bartering? it will be a Economic Collapse as he implemented it to system the Farming, Mining and Industrial sectors will collapse due to the Massive Surplus of Materials Making Countless People out of work, Remember the Medpod Incident? It Would Wiped out 80% of the Medical Sector had he already implement it en masse... We should be thankful that it's only meant for "Military Use"


[Federation Theme Song]

Ever need a Beer?

Have no fear?

Beer Bush is here!

It Can be your Best friend in lonely nights

and it brings out your Green thumb

Come and Grab one today, to wipe your sorrows away!

*Mobile Infantry and M.A.Rs Are the only available suppliers, Drink with Responsibility*

[Federation Theme Song]

Ever want to be a Vegan?

But still hunger the Taste of Meat?

But Feel Guilty eating a living animals?

But Dislike Chemical Wastes products that is disgusting than Dog Food Disguise as Vegans?

Wondertainment has you covered!

Now With Advance in Science, we have made Trees that produces several types of Meat, Chicken, Beef, Fish and Lamb.. and even in Bacon varieties

Now Don't Be so Guilty eating Meat while staying Vegan

Cuz it just Feel so good...

You can Come today in the Wondertainment Factory for a Free tour, And Witness our Creations...

[Federation Theme Song]

You Feel the Need for Speed?

The Adrenaline Rush to your Head as you Fly with the wind?

Don't look further than Planet Speed, The only Place where you can Race to your heart Desires...

We Got

Speed Bikes




in all racing Tracks available

from the Hot dessert, to the Icy Tundras, to the mountain pass and Deep blue sea, Come now and enjoy the View in the Sunset of Planet Speed, or you have the Chance to see the Night Racing in the Cities as they go Drifting by you...

*We are not responsible for Suicide Crash and will revive your sorry ass to pay for the damages, or if you ran out of money? we will make you work.*

[Federation Theme Song]

(Man): Ever Want to Meet a Dinosaur Kid?

(Child): I sure Do Dad...

(Man): Well, Let's go to Jurassic Planet, We might see some of your favorite Dinosaurs

(Child): Really Dad, Let's go!

Jurassic Planet the place where you see the Beauty of the Dinosaurs of Ancient past now Roam the world, Where you meet Real T-Rex, Brontosaurus and Raptors roamed the land in a "Tank" Driven by professionals....

Go See the Pteranodon and Quetzalcoatlus flying in the sunset

We have a Resort for your excitement days and Security able to handle the Issues, See the Masters of the Old Oceans in their Glory in a Military grade Sub that is "Perfectly Safe"

And there is a Petting zoo for Kids that want to stay indoors to meet docile Creatures like the Baby Brontosaurus and Triceratops

Come now to explore the mysteries of our World....

*All of the Dinosaurs are Female Clones and not Splice with Frog Genes*

(I am not stupid to let a Jurassic park incident)

[Federation Theme Song]

Tired of Play Fantasy Tabletop Games? while your Imagination only takes you as far as you can see fit?

Come to System Fantasia!

Where Actual Magic and Fantasy awaits a hero like you, Craft your own destiny and you can roleplay be the Hero or a the Demon lord in a Castle.

You can Make Spells get Skills and Be the Hero that you want to be, You can Roleplay with your real friends as you travel on the mystical land of Fantasia

There are Elf's, Skeletal Pharaohs and Dwarfs, and You can Find slimes, Goblins, Dragons and so much more, Would you be a Hero? or just another villain? Come now and Explore!

Door of Fantasia is waiting for you!

*Skills and Magic would disappear the moment you left the System...*

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