
Retaking Kaurava System [1]

After dealing with the bishop that fanned the flames, Alex has a massive conundrum, the pious pilgrims and the Sister of Battle now stood still among the ruins of the city... He dealt a choice; all the Pilgrims were tasked to rebuild the City and the Sisters of battle were to join The Imperial Guards and the Space Marines to Take back the system...

He made a plan, The Monse Extermination force fresh from the conflict of the orks, will take over the Kaurava II moon, Nan Yanoi, which based T'au Headquarters and hopefully they could "Borrow" their Cannon for Imperial Use, Using what remains of the Kaurava System Defense Fleet that didn't destroyed under the pretext of "Heresy" and the Blood Ravens Chapter ships to make a Diversion to the T'au Orbital defenses, while a Small Ground Strike force will Infiltrate and Possibly Capture the Orbital Ar'ka Cannon, and to state his facts real, that there were increased activities on the moon, that were not of Imperial Activity and from the Letters and Vox Logs of the Deceased Governor prove otherwise, as the Governor was shown of the T'au base on the moon personally... it would seem that his death prove beneficial, as there were none of the sympathizers of the "Greater Good" Willing to join the T'au, since Alex made changes that made their lives better, they have aligned their loyalty to the Imperium once more...

The Govenor General Stubbs of the 252nd, 253nd Conservator Regiments and Mina 69th Dust Hounds, along with the Blood Ravens that will supply a Company Lead by Captain Boreale and some of the elites of the Sisters of Battle, will join the task of Reconnaissance of Kaurava IV to ascertain the situation over there, and to make a Stronghold to the gate as it was the only way to let ground forces safely and Logistics to bypass the danger of being struck down via orbital drop, the Adeptus Sororitas will be tasked to assist the Pdf garrisons of the gate of Kaurava I and II as a Sign of Penance with their very lives, to prevent and contain any Heresy, Xenos and Tainted from breaching their headquarters....

'Hopefully the Eldar Might Clean up the Necrons or Buy Time, or we will have a more problematic than a Tyrranid infestation, might as well check, after we done Taking the T'au Cannon' Alex worried about the implication. Since the it wasn't like the Game he used to play before...

Let's Take Back this System Back to the Imperium....

Nan Yanoi

Ever since the Warp Storm, the T'au raised their base in rapid fashion, much to envy to the imperium, their orbital defenses is almost complete, saved for a single gap in their defenses now being filled, the Ar'ka Cannon Now Completed, aimed at Monse for a Test shot, Alarms were heard in the base as orbital defenses came to life and aimed in the void as Imperium ships began to assault their base, under cover of the Skirmish, Valkyries and Drop Pods landed in the Outskirts of the base... all the Imperial Guards And Blood Ravens waited for the Signal, Before the descent, Alex gave a Sitrep, as he himself would go ahead to infiltrate and sabotage their defenses and their armoury...

He went ahead and Planted a Cloaking Shield on the Landing point to prevent any T'au Patrols to detect the Invasion force....

He headed to the base...

"++Pathfinders, do you find any trace of the imperial activity? ++"

"++No Commander, No Sign of Imperials at Sector 3-Red++"

"++No Sign of Imperials at Sector 4-Yellow++"

"++No Sign of Imperials at Sector 5-Blue++"

"++No Sign of Imperials at Sector 6-Pink++"

"++No Sign of Imperials at Sector 7-Green++" (A/N: Why do I Imagine Power Rangers?)

As the Pathfinders recommence their Sweep, Alex managed to snag one of them heading back, Snapping the Pathfinder neck as he tossed the body into storage...

"This Armor is not too shabby." as Alex Dorn the Pathfinder Helmet

<Translating T'au Language...Complete>

<Overriding Protocols and transfer ownership to host... complete>

"Hehehe" As Alex Picked up the Pulse Carbine and head to the T'au base, T'au security Drones Scanned him... Alex nervously waited until the drone gave a green light and he entered the base...

Luckily for Alex, the Pathfinder suit hold the locations of T'au units on the field and the Map of the Facilities, and what interested him was the armory, the Vehicle bays and the Airports, and the Travel Beacons that allowed the T'au to voyage in a Warp storm, He relayed the Information to the Strike force to prevent heavy casualties upon the assault...

and that Gigantic looking Cannon waiting to be fired... Soon it will fall on the Imperium Hands

"Pathfinder Shas'Ui? Did you find the Imperial?" a voice spoke behind him breaking his thoughts, making him nervous that he is within deep within enemy lines... A T'au Holding a wrench approached him waiting for the answer...

"No, We didn't even found a single imperial... i will be heading out soon..." The Earth Caste nodded and left the premises.

"Well, I better need to hurry up..." as Alex Hiding himself in a Storage Room, activated a Cloaking Watch, covering his body and signal entirely...

"Time to see the Perk will work..."

Commander Shas'O Or'es'Ka Have a Headache

Countless reports now streaming in the command center...

"++Commander, The Vehicle bays are under attack!! All the Earth Caste is Knocked out in the facilities and the Battlesuits and Vehicles are Missing!!++"

"++Send the Remaining Forces to scour the base++"

"++Commander, the Power Supply of the orbital defenses are damaged! Requesting the Earth Caste to fix it++"

"++Get the Reserves to Handle the issue! ++"

"++Commander, the Aircraft are missing! ++"

"++How did that happen!?++"

"++The KV128 Stormsurge Ballistic Suit is Damaged! the weapons System is not Functioning! ++"

"++Commander! All the Weapons and Spare armor in the armory is missing! There is a message... a IOU letter? ++"

"++Commander, Someone Took the Morale Magazines! The Shadowsun Beach Issue! ++"

As Reports are growing more and more that Shas'O Or'es'Ka Almost shot the Communication in frustration...

The only weapons capable units that he had, is the ones that are out in the field and the Kroots...

He ordered the patrols to retreat and bolster the defenses

While he received the reports from the surviving Earth Caste that they manage to partially recover the defenses, the Imperium ships that survive the diversion, took advantage and commence a controlled bombardment destroying the Ground Turrets instead of the orbital defense, Shas'O Or'es'Ka Noticed it too little too late, as the Strike Force of Imperium charged from the sectors they deemed safe, killing all the pathfinders and kroots that were heading back... Valkyries and Drop pods now rained in the T'au Base, killing whoever raised a Pulse rifle and kept the Non-combatants in a Corner, with Heavy bolter, Lasguns and Stubbers at ready in case of them rebellion...

KV128 Stormsurge Ballistic Suit Managed to be repaired in time and began to fire back at the Invaders, only for the FreeBlade Teleported Behind it and Stabbed the Suit killing the Operator inside with the Vibrio Blade causing the T'au Titan to collapse.

Shas'O Or'es'Ka Tried to Called Reinforcements using the Beacons that allow their ship to travel in the Warp storm, only he received garbled transmissions...

The Ethereal approached the Frustrated commander with his Elite Fire warriors, Them Looking Dazed...

"Commander... Any problem?"

"No Great One, we are still able to handle this..." Shas'O Or'es'Ka lied... as what he sensed from the Ethereal no longer seems holy and what he saw was something that would be terrifying ending to him, if he just say the truth... the Ethereal was giving out of terrifying Aura, Instead of the Benevolence he witnessed a few days prior... his Stealth suit was the only thing that prevented the Ethereal From noticing the beads of sweat forming behind his back... along with the rest of the staff in the command center now feeling dread instead of joy upon gazing his presence...

"Good... I Will Return to the Unity Center and await the good news...Commander" the Ethereal Hummed and left, not noticing the constant rumblings in the base...

After he left, the commander was left with a choice... as he noticed in the video feeds that the Imperium would only Slaughter the Combatants and not the ones that defied them....

Even he knew that they would slaughter them all in given time...

and the vehicles and the spare armor is missing? Even he has doubts of fighting back against the Imperium... and the Ships in the orbit? with the Orbital defense now offline... Orbital bombardment is now a viable option for the Imperium, but he noticed they were ensuring that most of the structures remained intact.

He Decided to... Meet with the Imperials... as there was something wrong with their leader... and hopefully these imperials are more... amicable than what he has heard...

"Colonel, The Supply depot has been captured, any resistance that were put down as asked?"

"Good... Captain, how are the non-combatants?"

"Docile as ever sir, especially with the Bolter at their skulls, no doubt, they would not dare to try anything funny..."

"Good...Any Injuries? Among our men?"

"One cracked his rib from a T'au Rifle... so far minor casualties, thanks to the information that you have given to us in real time, we manage to avoid most of the ambushes...another successful campaign sir... and an almost Intact Xeno base sir, Ultima Segmentum would be happy with your success... "

"Captain... rather than relish the reward... we must obtain this cannon, alert the techpriests in Monse to observe and control this cannon, if possible have these "Earth Caste" to spit it out... "

As Alex and his captain conversing about what to do with this base, a guardsmen rushed in breaking off their conversation...

"Sir... The Xeno Commander wishes to meet you..." as the Guardsmen ran out of breath when reaching to Alex...

"Belay that order of having the Earth Caste to spit it out...if we are lucky, we might have inner workings to how this Xeno Cannon works..."

In the Middle Grounds of Imperium and T'au controlled Base a delegation had been formed... Blood Ravens were at the vicinity to prevent any kind of treachery of whatever concoction the Xenos made...

Out of the T'au side came Commander Shas'O Or'es'Ka leader of what is left of the armed forces of the T'au, In his Stealth suit accompany with Vespid Stingwings, looking his surroundings for any opportunity turn it in his Favour.

While on the Imperial, Alex Strode forth with Imperial guard and a Blood Raven, Unconcerned with the Formalities, and He is now Clad in Officer Uniform, covered with a Carapace armor, with a Rosarius attached to his waist and a Plasma Gun Constantly vibrating due to him overloading it, ready to blast the T'au Commander if the favor are not in the imperium side...

"It would seem that we lost..."

"Really? that all you have to say? especially you tried to aimed your Ar'ka Cannon at monse?"

"How did you..."

"We have the Video logs... seem like you were slow to purge it from the system...So why do you wish to meet me?" Alex eye glowed... to ascertain the xeno speech...

"It would seem like the Great one... is Getting more erratic as of late, even before you invade here... he ordered the target to be Monse, just moments ago...he is not the Embodiment of the Greater good... Malice... Hatred... that is what filled him now..."

"So what does that make you think the Imperium is the same?"

"I noticed you are not attacking the civillians..."

"So? I came here for that one thing... Your Cannon"

"Unacceptable... that weapon..."

"That weapon is the key figure to save all of us... even if we didn't come here, others would come here...we are all stuck in this cage commander, the dark eldar, Tyrannids..."

Upon the word Tyrannids, Shas'O Or'es'Ka shuddered... remembering the attack by them...

"They are here? How?" Not knowing how dire the implication, sure he could fight against the tyrannid... but without weapons and now his forces is now limited...

"How about this... Xeno... you help us learn to control this cannon without of sabotaging it to shoot down the Tyrannid fleet, and we will let you... go off scot free and forget that you tried to covert this imperium system and tried to kill a city..."

While the two parties were discussing their parts of the T'au surrender

A loud roar was heard in the T'au controlled area... Dozens of Pulse rifle sounding off, causing the delegations to be wary...

A Torso of a Fire warrior was dropped in front of the two parties, Still alive, Shas'O Or'es'Ka Rushed towards the dying corpse.

"Shir'Shi!! What Happen?!" as the Tau Commander held the dying Fire warrior in his arms...

"The Ethereal something...is wrong with him...." as the Fire warrior went limply...

The Loud tremble went louder and approaching the delegation... and what is shown is horrifying.

The Ethereal now a Hulking flesh of meat made from the Flesh of those he ate, bigger than a Knightblade with scorches of plasma filled the entire body as Writhing Arms poked out of the Body, flailing madly... he was munching a Corpse a fire warrior bodyguard still clinging his plasma rifle....

"Did your Ethereal went on a binge eating? Cuz where is the Glamour of the Greater good? All i see is a pile of Lard." Joked Alex as they watched the Ethereal... now looked at them...

"FOOOD!!" as the Ethereal now rushed that is beyond the realm of mass, now wanting to grab what he sees is food...

Imperium Side Opened Fire... Since this event was an abnormality....

Blood Ravens Used Bolter and Heavy Bolters on one side to fight against the Blob of Mass of Fat and meat, as the shells entered the mouthing flesh and exploded as fat and meat flew out....

Imperial Guards began to use heavier weaponry, Lascannons, Autoguns and Krak Missiles on other side.... no artillery was allowed as the delegations is within artillery range....

In the middle of it all Shas'O Or'es'Ka was struggling with his choices... he should prevent the Imperials from killing the Ethereal... but the Fire Warrior corpse he was holding...

A Loud Noise was heard and the Freeblade that was in standby, rushed forwards, Guns blazing and fought the Ethereal... Several shots Landed in the Ribs and Vibrio Blades began to chop the Limbs, meat and bone scattered the ground... but the beast kept regenerating like crazy and grew more arms... sensing it would grew further, Alex did an insane thing, He requested satchels filled melta Bombs and Promethium Grenades, and he was to enter the Monster mouth and blew it from within...

Many Would think of him as crazy... but the monster kept getting bigger and bigger, they had no choice, a Guardsman rush back to retrieve his needed Object, Upon returning, Alex Grabbed all he could and Rushed towards the Giant... he avoided the Clash of the Freeblades assault... and stepped on the Arms poking out of the monster and Climbed up into the Mouth... and Jump in.... the Imperials stood Silently momentarily and Continue to fire... Praying softly that their hero is not killed....

Alex Tumbled through the Mouth of the beast many of the Hands tried to grabbed him but failed as he Release Flames that covered his Body, Scorching the Arms....what it looks like forever.... he landed on a Fleshly like Floor, and a Ethereal Stood Infront of him... watching a screen that is happening from outside...

"You know Gue? I never wanted this.. I wanted to become a God... much more grander than Aun'va, Seem like I paid the price for my greed..." The Ethereal spoke while his back is facing alex

"You should have quit while you where ahead..." Alex began To Prime the Grenades...

"Perhaps...But We have got you where we wanted..." the Ethereal Turned around and Spooked Alex

His Blue face was filled with Countless Eyes now Looked at him, what Left of the original feature of the Ethereal was nowhere to be found... The only way the being spoke was through the Y-Shaped Hole now being Covered In Sharp teeth and A Lizard like tongue slithered from the gape of the hole...

[<We have Found you>] cried a Disembodied Voice from the Ethereal Vessel... as a Shockwave Emanated from the Ethereal making Alex losing his Satchels and it exploded away from his intended target, making him unconscious in the process...

Tendrils of Void tried to Coiled around Alex still frozen from the blast, they were Deterred by the Golden Flames Alex emitted....

[<Seem Like the Emperor Cared for you, to the point he gave a Portion of his powers to aid you? interesting.... let's see the limits of his Kindness shall we?>] Chuckle the Ethereal as his Neck and Limbs kept snapping and Twirling like a Carousel almost as if he had no Spine, as if to mock Alex...

The Tendrils grew in number threatening to swallow Alex whole, almost to the point the Flames could not bear the Masses of Tendrils...

Alex Began to Glowed Gold.... and slowly stood up....

[<This Can't be....You Dare!? Emperor!!!>] as the Possessed Ethereal Howled in Rage, Upset of not playing their toy, the Flames begin to Broaden swallowing the Tendrils in a rapid pace and a Image of the Emperor in his prime stood behind Alex, now almost Materialize into Reality...

"You wanted to see me?" Smirked Alex as he Grabbed his FaithBlazer from Storage and The Emperor and Him began to Merged, searing the Flesh around him burning in pain and Agony as Smells of Burnt Meat Began to fill the place up...

"Now... Let's see how tough you are, when I have my Sword Pierced through you"

Alex Began to Charge at the Monster ahead...

From the outside

Constant Groaning erupted From the Beast... as The Creature was envelope in golden Flames, it tried desperately to regenerate it's body.... it swaggered around, flailing as it tried to stop itself from burning alive... only moments later it fell down and Breath its last breath...

In the Inside, the Ethereal lay on the Burnt Flesh floor... Body been Chopped up whose Limbs were seared, Arms and Legs have been Scattered all about the place... Heaving his last breath.... Alex Stared at the Monster.... with his Sword still burning....

[<Tell me... Emperor...Do you Still think you can Defeat us?>] as the Ethereal Breath heavily as a Rib pierced his Lungs... Wheezing about his Misfortune...

"You are not worthy to hear my answer" as The Emperor Possessed Alex Told the Being...

[<Typical Emperor, Arrogant as ever... we will come to your galaxy soon... and then..My Brethren will see you fall, Along with your rotten empire...Hahaha>] as the Ethereal Drew his last breath, he turned to dust....

Alex was alone in the Room... what was in his thoughts, only the Emperor knows....

When Alex Returned to his Consciousness, The Guardsmen Revere around him as he took down the Beast and Intact...

Later The T'au Begrudgingly Agree to Aid the Imperium as Earth Caste Taught the Techpriest to Handle the Machinery, to much of the Earth Caste Baffled by the Techpriest as they brought Candles, Incense and Began Chanting to the Machine Spirit in the Cannon, much of the A.I confusion of their new Masters...

Shas'O Or'es'Ka stood on a Rampart as he watch Countless Guardsmen flooded the premises and a Burning of the Massive Ethereal... He sigh as this system was to conquered for the T'au Empire, was to be the Highlight of his career... now a Dead Ethereal was on his hands... and also a massive defeat... he knew when he go back... he would be executed for his Incompetence....

"Tell me? what seem to be the problem?" Alex approach the T'au Commander

"Seems like my glory has ended...Colonel Hyde..."

"There is another Path of glory Xenos... You Could Join Commander Farsight, he is always welcome the T'au? the moment you return to the T'au Empire, you will definitely get executed, not only for having a Ethereal Blood on your hands, but assisting the Imperium? The Ethereal Caste will Hate you for being a Stain to their record... Regardless of the dire situation we have now..."

"Tell me... then... when my Ethereal Turn onto this Monstrosity...was I right to not stop you?"

"I can't tell... but it's the Choice that you have made... You have time to think, until this System is cleared, your Forces will be detained and be taken care off, and be Release to your Forces outside the Storm... whatever you choose later is your own free will, Head Back to T'au Empire, Face your sentence and be executed, or Join Commander Farsight and start a new lease of life and protect your race from the shadows... you are a warrior, you get to choose which life you lead.... not the Ethereal Caste that dictate your life... who knows that the Ethereals are infected like this... thing" Alex Pointed out the Flaming pile of Meat and Bones, the Kroot wanted to devour it... but were prevented...

Alex left Shas'O Or'es'Ka in silence.... Giving the Choice of the T'au Commander to be free...


A/n: Another Xeno bite the dust.....

While I Get a Urge to Commit Xenocide

I remember Commissar Cain Teachings

So Pretty much Some Outsiders are now interfering the Great Game... I don't know how much they done to infect...

Let me See the Faction to count


T'au (Lost)


Dark Eldar

Orkz (Defeated?)

Imperial Guard (Ally)

Blood Raven (Ally)

Adeptus Sororitas (Ally)


Chaos Undivided

Probably 4 Xenos and Heretics to crush... but Fifth if the Eldars are pricks...

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